Cup of Joe: The Discussion thread.

Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

It's up and I found this

RQ: Rhyo - Joe Casey is rumored to have another Marvel project coming after Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes mini (first issue scheduled 11/08 on a biweekly schedule - there's your free plug, Joe). Any hints on what that new project might be? Existing title? New title?

JQ: Ryho, Joe is working on a new project but it's a little early to announce it just yet. Stay tuned.

Is this our Rhyo?
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

While our Friday technical issues complicated publication of New Joe Fridays this week [blame us, not Joe], strictly speaking we did make it on Friday. Better late than never some say. We cover various topics with Joe this week, and we may have set a new record for preview art…
See. :D

It's up and I found this

RQ: Rhyo - Joe Casey is rumored to have another Marvel project coming after Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes mini (first issue scheduled 11/08 on a biweekly schedule - there's your free plug, Joe). Any hints on what that new project might be? Existing title? New title?

JQ: Ryho, Joe is working on a new project but it's a little early to announce it just yet. Stay tuned.

Is this our Rhyo?
I'd say yes. Only person ever I know who uses that name.
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.


Why is Grifter in the Marvel universe wearing Red, White and Blue?
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

What is that from, DSF?

EDIT: Just realised this is Joe Fridays. I really need to look at the thread title.
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Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

JoeQ said:
Q: What are your three favorite Marvel characters?

JQ: Daredevil, Iron Man, with Captain America and Black Panther tied for third.
This probably makes MWOF happy.
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

He -DID- draw Daredevil for a while, and more than once.

Q: Without naming names, what's the worst incident you've ever seen a creator involved in?

JQ: The comic industry is littered with stories, some horrible, some involving lawsuits, some even the law and years of jail time but I don't think those are worth discussing as they're sad more than anything else.

I think on a global sense, and without naming names, are the crimes that creators have perpetrate upon other creators. Even during the whole creator's rights, self-publishing creator owned movement, I was floored by some of the stuff that creators, creator's studios or companies owned by creators were pulling on the creative community working for them. The idea was that, as a community, we were supposed to be breaking free from the "big bad corporations." The corporations who had done us wrong only to find in many cases that when push came to shove, some creators were just as bad, if not even worse than the big companies. Whether it be money, credit, or even the rights to characters, it all was a very big eye-opening experience for me in the world of comics. While it didn't happen across the board and there were some who treated their fellow creator as they would want to be treated, I was surprised at how that was not always the norm.

*cough*McFarlane and the rights to Miracleman*cough*
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Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

Reader Question from NJF said:
RQ: Sharcque - Huge Rob Liefeld fan here! I would love to see the Extreme Universe more regularly. Have you guys ever thought of striking a deal with Rob, a la the DC-Wildstorm deal?

And along those same lines, since you have all 3 creators now (Joe Mad, Ramos & JSC), have you guys had any thought of re-opening Cliffhanger Studios?

The 90s is big again!!!!
Ok, so who wants to find this kid and "teach him a lesson"? :lol:
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Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

Ok, so who wants to find this kid and "teach him a lesson"? :lol:

Actually I enjoyed some of the Cliffhanger stuff but "huge Rob Leifield fan" may have given me numerous blood clots. Probably not good.
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

I never read any of the Cliffhanger stuff, but if you want to bring back Alan Moore's Supreme, Youngblood and Glory that's okay by me.
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Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

Further on the Cap. talk:

NRAMA: First of all, no Cap? How come? Where is he?

JQ: All will be revealed soon enough. To reveal that would unfortunately reveal our plans for a new book or two…

NRAMA: And on that note, popular theory hold Steve Rogers will be under the new Ronin suit. What are your thoughts on that theory?

JQ: You know what they say, clothes make the man, or woman, right? Ultimately I think all these theories are really sound and way off base, all simultaneously [laughs], but you know that I would never confirm one way or another what it is that we're doing with our characters and storylines at the end of Civil War. People are going to speculate no matter what and that's what makes it all fun and cool in the end.

NRAMA: Well then, you may need to address this for us. Over at Amazon, there's a listing for Iron Man: Steve Rogers>o?, a new collection of Iron Man coming in June. For spoiler's sake, we won't go into too much detail about the contents, but it appears that Tony Stark will be taking a role with S.H.I.E.L.D. ... first off - many people are suggesting this is misdirection or a teaser it real? Anything you can say about the description?

JQ: Sorry, Matt, I went to the link and there's nothing there. Can't help you with this one.

NRAMA: Okay, there was a listing – and it's been seen all around, with a figure in a red, white and blue "Iron Man" suit. Publishing strategy-wise, how do things like this get out so early?

JQ: In all seriousness, this is the constant battle that we have to fight between promoting our books and keeping storylines as secretive as possible. Also, with so many different and growing avenues by which to solicit our product mistakes are bound to occur, especially as all these different avenues have different solicitation cycles.

It doesn't make me happy, but it's the cost of doing business on a larger scale.
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

Thus making it obvious that this was a mistake and not a false lead.

Please be a What If. :(
Re: New Joe Fridays: The Discussion thread.

Week 32

And speaking about the Mytho titles...

Q: Any future Mythos titles?

JQ: Yes, there's a Spider-Man story scheduled for June to hopefully be followed by FF and then Iron Man.

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