Fantastic 4 cartoon News

ProjectX2 said:
Marvel Babies.

Marvel Babies we're always there for you... Marvel babies we'd do the same for you...

But anyways here's a peek, gives us for the new fantastic Four cartoon.

I just saw the commercial for this, it does look interesting.
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Dear god...I pray this is a joke.

I'm not sure what scares me more, the idea, or the portrayal of Wolverine, hulk, and Doc Ock as cute toddlers.

On topic, it premires tonight. (Where I live anyway.) I'm looking forward to it. There hasn't been anything worth watching on Saturday nights for a long time.
I'm hoping for a horrible accident at the end of this episode. The result of said accident........goat legs. :neutral:
Grocer Man said:
I'm not sure what scares me more, the idea, or the portrayal of Wolverine, hulk, and Doc Ock as cute toddlers.

I am trying so very very hard not to quote Ultimate Hulk here....

and Wolverbaby is just disturbing.... imagine what it would be like playing with the other marvel babies and having those claws pop.....But then again, a small toddler having 4 metal tentacles fused to his spine is bad as well...

Just need Carnage-baby now who's a biter, Doombaby who takes over the sandbox, and Galactusbaby.... who eats everyones cookies...
It's not even 5 minutes into the show and I already hate it. We'll see how the rest of it goes......but it don't look good.
Really, really flashy. Not much substance. Don't like it that much.

Still, I promised myself I'd wait until I saw the show's version of Doom to finalize my opinion. And I'll stick to it.
Well I actually thought it was quite good. The beginning sucked but the rest of it was much better. Here is a little summary:

Ok it starts off with Johnny in a sports car tracking down a Kree sentry robot. Johnny defeats it but it teleports him to a big courtroom with none other than RONAN!!!!!!!!!! Ronan is the Judge (Supreme Accuser) and he states that Johnny will be paid for his crimes. Johnny, on the other hand, has no idea what his crimes are. Ronan says pick his representative and Johnny immediately chooses Reed. Reed starts talking about the architecture and how cool it is while Sue is attacking the courtroom on the outside (the courtroom has a large energy shield around it.) Ronan says that Reed needs to choose 2 witnesses for Johnny and Reed of course picks Sue and Ben. The trial gets going and Johnny is decided to be disposed of by these mehanical lion things. Ben, Sue, and Reed gets the lions away from Johnny put Ronan immediately steps in. Ronan (who is capable of killing Thing easily,but doesn't) starts fighting them.
Ben throws a lion thing at him which ends of going into the audience. A Kree child is in danger and Johnny protects the child from the lion-bot and the Kree people stick up for Johnny. Ronan still wants to defeat them but a Kree elder appears and tells Ronan that they are not enemies and might be a good alliance against the Skrulls (oh yeah). Ronan, about to hit them with his awesome Universal Weapon is teleported away. The trial ends and the F4 is let go. At the end of the episode, Johnny apologizes to Ben for always teasing him and such.
I did like the "Kree using FF as weapons against Skrulls" idea. Just not sure I like the show itself.
This show blows donkey ****. Seriously.

I swear.....Marvel will put their name on anything to make a buck. The anime look didn't help at all. I mean the animation was smooth.....but it still lacked that special x factor.

There is no way anyone over the age of 10 and IQ over 7 could enjoy this. I'd rather just watch the old F4 cartoon.

Or better yet---I'd rather go watch anything by Bruce Timm which is a million times better than anything Marvel will ever put out.
I agree...this show is nothing compared to anything made by Bruce Timm.

(Why'd they cancel JLU?!!!):cry:

Still, I promised myself I'd wait till I saw the show's version of Dr. Doom...and I stand by it.
Grocer Man said:
I agree...this show is nothing compared to anything made by Bruce Timm.

(Why'd they cancel JLU?!!!):cry:

Still, I promised myself I'd wait till I saw the show's version of Dr. Doom...and I stand by it.
God dang I didn't know JLU was cancelled. I still liked this show though and I don't see anything wrong with using 27 minutes of my life to watch it.

Don't listen to VVD kids!
I've said it before, and I'll say it now; the only way Marvel are going to get fresh, original cartoons, is if they hire Bruce Timm to do it for them.
ProjectX2 said:
I've said it before, and I'll say it now; the only way Marvel are going to get fresh, original cartoons, is if they hire Bruce Timm to do it for them.
Or me, I bet if I was given control I would make a Marvel Animated Unverse that would rival the Timmsverse, though not beat.
ProjectX2 said:
I've said it before, and I'll say it now; the only way Marvel are going to get fresh, original cartoons, is if they hire Bruce Timm to do it for them.


This is just another example that Marvel doesn't know how to produce any "quality" outside of their comics line.
:sick: Watched about 10 minutes and turned it off. And I'm pretty charitable. First of all, no origin show? Second, WAAAAY too anime-feeling. It feels like the FF characters were just plugged into generic japanese cartoon #563. Dialogue is far too silly; too much "attitude". You can be goofy while remaining intelligent. This ain't it. Johnny sounded like one of the ninja turtles.

I agree that i'd love to see what Timm and co. would do with any of the Marvel characters. Someone, somewhere, make that happen!!!
Thor said:
Well I actually thought it was quite good. The beginning sucked but the rest of it was much better. Here is a little summary:

Ok it starts off with Johnny in a sports car tracking down a Kree sentry robot. Johnny defeats it but it teleports him to a big courtroom with none other than RONAN!!!!!!!!!! Ronan is the Judge (Supreme Accuser) and he states that Johnny will be paid for his crimes. Johnny, on the other hand, has no idea what his crimes are. Ronan says pick his representative and Johnny immediately chooses Reed. Reed starts talking about the architecture and how cool it is while Sue is attacking the courtroom on the outside (the courtroom has a large energy shield around it.) Ronan says that Reed needs to choose 2 witnesses for Johnny and Reed of course picks Sue and Ben. The trial gets going and Johnny is decided to be disposed of by these mehanical lion things. Ben, Sue, and Reed gets the lions away from Johnny put Ronan immediately steps in. Ronan (who is capable of killing Thing easily,but doesn't) starts fighting them.
Ben throws a lion thing at him which ends of going into the audience. A Kree child is in danger and Johnny protects the child from the lion-bot and the Kree people stick up for Johnny. Ronan still wants to defeat them but a Kree elder appears and tells Ronan that they are not enemies and might be a good alliance against the Skrulls (oh yeah). Ronan, about to hit them with his awesome Universal Weapon is teleported away. The trial ends and the F4 is let go. At the end of the episode, Johnny apologizes to Ben for always teasing him and such.
Wow thats a horrible first episode plot, what was he accused of?
Dancanread said:
:sick: Watched about 10 minutes and turned it off.

I knew this show was gonna be bollocks when withing the first 8 minutes they had 2 commercial breaks!

What the hell was that about?

Fortunately for me, I still had a good Naruto episode to save the evening from another craptastic animation block.
Victor Von Doom said:
I knew this show was gonna be bollocks when withing the first 8 minutes they had 2 commercial breaks!

What the hell was that about?

Fortunately for me, I still had a good Naruto episode to save the evening from another craptastic animation block.
I cant picture you watching Naruto.

Also I think they ****ed up, the episode that was aired (I think I didnt see it) was episode 2 "Trail by Fire" When they were suppose to show episode 1 "Doomsday"

As you see by this post I made a while back
Random said:
The cartoon is premeiring on Sept 2nd on Cartoon network

And here are the episode synopsis

Episode #1: Doomsday
Original Airdate: September 2nd, 2006

When Reed is accused of having purposefully exposed Susan, Johnny and Ben to the cosmic rays that transformed them into the Fantastic Four, the team is torn apart. But as Susan, Johnny and Ben individually wonder if Reed is capable of such a betrayal, they're attacked by the mastermind behind the plot against Reed – Doctor Doom. Now the team has to escape Doom's prisons in order to save Reed and prevent Doom from plunging the city into the Negative Zone.


Episode #2: Trial By Fire
Original Airdate: September 9th, 2006

Johnny is put on trial for crimes against the Kree Empire by Ronan the Accuser after destroying the latest in a line of Kree Sentries, alien robots that have been observing the Fantastic Four. When Johnny chooses Reed as his lawyer, Ben and Susan take the stand in Johnny's defense. But defending Johnny's reckless behavior is tougher than they thought, especially when the accused is presumed guilty before the trial even starts.


Episode #3: Zoned Out
Original Airdate: September 16th, 2006

When Johnny gives an unauthorized tour of Reed's lab to his friend Frankie, things go bad. Frankie is sucked into another dimension, and Johnny goes after her to try and keep anyone from finding out. But what he didn't realize is that something came out of the dimensional portal as he went in - a harmless little bug. Now Johnny and Frankie are trapped and on the run while Reed, Ben and Susan are left to deal with that little bug.


Episode #4: Doomed
Original Airdate: September 23rd, 2006

Doctor Doom hacks into Reed's consciousness, transferring his mind into Reed's body. Now trapped inside Doom's body, Reed must fight his way back to his family and friends before Doom transforms the Baxter Building into a weapon that could wipe out the Fantastic Four and half of the city.

Sounds very mundane
And I just realized that question I asked was stupid.
Random said:
I cant picture you watching Naruto.

I don't actually. I have a co-worker who is into manga and I was trying to convince him of the awesomeness that is Bruce Timm. He was telling me about Naruto and mentioned that I should check it out.

I knew the premise....but still was bored with the show. At least it was more entertaining than the F4 show.