What do you want to see happen with Ultimate Phoenix?

C'mon... Millar was bored, that's why he was vague for both Phoenix and Thor. I'm sure he's bored with Thor, too, which was why he put him away. I'd be bored, too, if you milked how powerful he was throughout the first volume. Goodness, you'd think he was a Norse God or something.
Guijllons said:
Well I don't think Thor is nuts and I do think Jean should be. Well, Thor may be a little bit nuts.

Can't have two mad people turning out to be possessed/the product of deities in the UU. I think it was a poor show by Millar to use the same trick twice in the first place.

I think he's actually Thor. You gotta believe man, you just gotta believe.

For Phoenix, no Shiar. Just no aliens in general.
Maybe Phoenix can overthrow the country/world, and try and make things better like she was trying to do at the end of H&B. But that would be too much like Jasmine in Angel.

I think it'd be cool if she went crazy and used her powers to fling the X-Men into different times/dimensions. Watching Wolverine fight a caveman would be awesome.
Goodwill said:
C'mon... Millar was bored, that's why he was vague for both Phoenix and Thor. I'm sure he's bored with Thor, too, which was why he put him away. I'd be bored, too, if you milked how powerful he was throughout the first volume. Goodness, you'd think he was a Norse God or something.

For a comic creator to be bored after writing only 8 issues of a storyline is ridiculous. If Millar wanted to run with it he would've.

As for Phoenix. It's definitely not just Jean otherwise we wouldn't have had Hellfire & Brimstone. I think she should just be some ancient entitey that needs a host body (Jean). I think Phoenix's mission should be to try and wipe out humanity so that it could rebuild itself. That should the mentality it should have.
TheManWithoutFear said:
As for Phoenix. It's definitely not just Jean otherwise we wouldn't have had Hellfire & Brimstone. I think she should just be some ancient entitey that needs a host body (Jean). I think Phoenix's mission should be to try and wipe out humanity so that it could rebuild itself. That should the mentality it should have.
It'd be great if Kirkman did that. But alas, it may just be wishful thoughts... :(
E.Vi.L. said:
I'd prefer to wait for the final verdict concerning Thor before resolving the Phoenix.

Is or isn't Thor the god of Thunder? Because if he ain't, I don't see why Jean gets to be possessed by a goddess of some sort. If Thor's nuts, then so should be Jean.

Not so. I think it would be better if there were certain differences. It's not Jean that's a nut anyway, it's the Phoenix Force. You can't change that. Thor is nuts and Jean isn't.
No spoilers. Not even hints. Posts removed.
How about the phoenix saga being something about some kind of virus like a pandemic and Jean is the vector and she becomes .... That's all i could think of. I don't really care though as long as it doesn't suck I'll be on board.

I just thought of this but the Phoenix story could have nothing to do with the x-men at all. if the shi ar come in it could be something that happened to them (Shi'ar) or it could be one of their epic or fables or legends or religion.
I had a really crazy idea. What if the Pheonix was tied into Apocalypse? Like instead of Apoc being this super-mutant hell bent on survival of the fittest, make him the opposite of the Pheonix force. Pheonix: Entity of Creation, Apocalypse: Entity of Annhilation.........
It's going to be Illyria from Angel all over again but that's what I think might happen
Hellsbuttmonkey said:
I had a really crazy idea. What if the Pheonix was tied into Apocalypse? Like instead of Apoc being this super-mutant hell bent on survival of the fittest, make him the opposite of the Pheonix force. Pheonix: Entity of Creation, Apocalypse: Entity of Annhilation.........

I really like that idea. Although, I hope that doesn't mean the X-Men can't get in between the two of them. Like, it shouldn't just be a battle between Apocalypse and the Phoenix... Do you see what I mean?
Hellsbuttmonkey said:
What if the Pheonix was tied into Apocalypse?

But...Apocalypse only exists in Sinister's imagination...
I would like to see her be the one who goes nuts just before galactus attacks and takes out galactus. Then in a rage goes into space to try to find his source and see if there are any more of them out there.
Jean Grey going all nuts and ****ing up the entire world/universe?

Now... why does this sound so familiar...

House of G[rey], anyone? :roll:
I think if they do Mystical force, Dr. Strange should be involved somehow even if it is indirectly. And no aliens the are too many aliens in the UU already. And I don't want her traveling in space (except for Gah Lak Tus) and destroying solar systems. Have her destroy a town, the government would act as the Shiar. I really loved that Dark Pheonix story, how an authority is hunting down a loved one for something she didn't mean to do. Finding no possible answer, the only being to kill her. Lots of drama which I would like.
I kind like the idea of Pheonix and Apocalpse being yin and yang, it fits their names a bit better. Pheonix being about rebirth, and Apocalpse being about the end. That doesn't nessecarily means that they would be the only ones fighting, but inorder to defeat poccy for good you have to kill the Pheonix.
The whole Phoenix thing may be too over the top for the Ultimate universe. That is all I shall say,cuz I don't want to offend anybody.
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What do I want to see in Ultimate Phoenix?

I want to see the Shi'Ar rip Jean apart, limb from limb, and then watch Wolverine and Cyclops go on a mass-murdering spree to avenge her death. Her ULTIMATE DEATH, a demise people don't come back from (at least no one so far). In epilogue, I'd also like to see Cyclops leave the team and not make another appearance for a long, long time.

The tension between Wolverine/Cyclops over Jean has been overplayed by Marvel too much over the years in 616, I'd like to see a little closure and "moving on" happen with the storyline in the Ultimate books.

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