Hitch on Ultimates 12 and 13

Victor Von Doom said:
#12. Late September isn't even in #13's vocabulary.

Ok, just checking.

Hibiki said:
Here's a prediction. Millar will probably die before the year is out due to all the stress going on. I actually don't mind the wait. It sucks yes, but the guy is sick. Would you go to work if you were constantly sick? No, but he does just to please the moronically, insensitive jerks that rant and complain about all the pushbacks. If delays help to make him get better so that he can keep making great comics in the future, I'm all for it.

Thats fine, but think about the situation again. Where is all this stress coming from? His work, right? And where is all that work coming from? He signed up for it. I mean he's not being forced to write these stories. It seems to me Millar is selling himself out too much for his own good health. That sounds like no one's fault but his own.

It isn't about being insensitive, its about being pissed off because a comic we all love is constantly and excessively delayed because Millar and Hitch just can't seem to plan their work schedules accordingly. I understand stuff happens, etc, but in their case its pretty much to the point where we don't need excuses, we just need to accept anything by Millar and Hitch will be late. My prediction on the new "1985" series they have coming out is that it won't ship until 2085.

And honestly, this title started almost two years ago now. Do you really think he is so unsure about his writing he needs to constantly go back and change things, thereby leading Hitch to also change the art? I think this might happen occasionally, but we've been getting excuses for every issue since #4 (if I remember correctly).

The fanboys are pissed because they went through this with the first volume, and were promised it wouldn't happen with the second volume. Turns out the same thing did happen with the second volume. In my opinion if we're a little ticked off about it, then rightly so. We do spend our money on the title, so we should also be able to critique it in any way we want. Complaining about the excessive delays hardly seems out of line for that.

So can we stop with the thinly veiled rails and attacks against those who don't like the delays? It isn't as if we're out of line.
Amen, brother DIB.

My complaint was necesarrily about the illness delays, but delays due to the fact that he is busy with Civil War. His first priority should be Ultimates because he started it first, and Ultimates fans have been ****ing patient enough. Great comic though.

Its just offensive to an Ultimates fan who has been waiting as long as we have that Millar doesn't care about finishing the title in a speedy fashion, he'd rather start a new 616 project.

By the way, what is his illness? I have never gotten the rundown on that. Could someone PM me some info or a link?
DIrishB said:
So can we stop with the thinly veiled rails and attacks against those who don't like the delays? It isn't as if we're out of line.

I think it's still late because we haven't been out of line. I think our new strategy to be totally belligerent, kill Millar's dog, put up a flaming letter "t" on his lawn (it stands for "TIME to get finished with Ultimates"), and write him nasty, drunken letters.

And if that doesn't work... HOMICIDE CRABS!
Ultimate MJ said:
By the way, what is his illness? I have never gotten the rundown on that. Could someone PM me some info or a link?

Crohn's Disease. And his notorious alcohol intake has been pretty dramatically cut back.
So if he claims the issue is being inked and colored as we speak, then what's with all the late September predictions? How could inking coloring and lettering take 2 and a half months? I say August seems more reasonable.

And his priority is Civil War?! WHAT THE ****!? Why is he wasting his time on that **** when he's got tons of fans waiting on a masterpeice in the making? It's insane, I tellsya!
olavthehairy said:
also, if anyone is interested, Millar is being interviewed on the Richard & Judy show in the UK today - Channel 4 at 5pm (in relation to Superman, I understand). I will be recording it for distribution to anyone who may want it.
Thanks. That'll be sweet.
Millar's flight was delayed so he got drunk at Glasgow airport, then arrived at the studio with minutes to spare, then got lumbered with Paul Gambicini and a pasty faced conspiracy bint but managed to say that all Goths like Batman and that $150 bought a lot of beer in 1938 :D

will get the footage together tonight and post link.
DIrishB said:
Really? I didn't know it was Crohn's (or is it Krohn's?). Thats pretty serious, isn't it? Damn...now I do feel kind of bad.
Chron's with the 'c'. And yeah, it's bad. He had posted that he had to go to the ER for a few days in a row. This disease is why he had to take 6 months off with no writing.
DIrishB said:
I feel like a total *** now for ripping about delays...

As far as I know, Hitch had enough to work with while Millar was off. I don't know that any of the blame really lies with Millar.
E said:
As far as I know, Hitch had enough to work with while Millar was off. I don't know that any of the blame really lies with Millar.

Well, except for the recent delay of Millar changing some dialogue, which in turn caused Hitch to have to alter some panels...but other than that, yeah, I'm pretty sure its all Hitch.
DIrishB said:
Well, except for the recent delay of Millar changing some dialogue

Yep. That's normal though and as far as I know ever writer/artist team does that. Or most, anyway.

But regardless, if Hitch had finished his part sooner then Millar would have had the dialogue tweaks sooner.
DIrishB said:
Well, except for the recent delay of Millar changing some dialogue, which in turn caused Hitch to have to alter some panels...but other than that, yeah, I'm pretty sure its all Hitch.
No, actually it was said that Millar changed the dialogue AFTER Hitch drew the panels so the words can match or something like that. I could be wrong, but I remember reading it like this.
Ice said:
No, actually it was said that Millar changed the dialogue AFTER Hitch drew the panels so the words can match or something like that. I could be wrong, but I remember reading it like this.

Oh...but again, in terms of delays, how long can it take merely to change some dialogue? This leads right back to the delays really lying on Hitch's shoulders.
DIrishB said:
Oh...but again, in terms of delays, how long can it take merely to change some dialogue? This leads right back to the delays really lying on Hitch's shoulders.
Well, I was just saying about what got tweaked and when, not who's fault it was for the delay. :)
Hitch on Ult 12 and 13 from Millar's site, 10.51am this morning.

People can stop blaming me before they start on this one. I haven't got the script yet. If Ultimates 12 had been the last as planned we would have been done last week. That issue's now 38 pages and 13 will be whatever the **** it turns out to be. I'm working on some other stuff until Mark, now recovered, get's his MCW stuff caught up and then does Ults 13 next month.

It's all worked out well anyway. The delay Mark's been forced into means he and I put off our MASSIVE SUPER HOT FOLLOW UP until next year but left me with just enough time to squeeze in an unplanned for gig that nobody's gonna see coming. JoeyQ might let something slip at Chicago as there should be some nice pictures to go along with it then...

All of this means there should be some very exciting announcements between August and Christmas about the next two years stuff; I'm certainly very excited and an excited Hitchy is a productive Hitchy. Let speculation begin...
OK, I'm officially withdrawing my October prediction for #13. I'm saying December now.

And I feel bad that Hitch is getting crap for this, when it's clearly not his fault. But at the same time if he or Millar or JQ or Marvel would tell people what is going on then they wouldn't have to worry about who to blame.
Greetings everyone, my first post here.

When I went to pick up Ultimates 2 #11 (which was sadly put off yet another two weeks), the manager of the comic book store told me that Hitch has some kind of disability that he's been dealing with his whole life and it's just now (as in over the last year) becoming too much of a problem. I have not heard or seen anything else to confirm it though.

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