
  1. Grocer Man

    Gotham High

    (I really have no idea where to put this.) So a scrapped idea for a Batman cartoon just got released onto the internet. Called Gotham High, it would show a teenage Bruce Wayne going to high school with his future rogues gallery. Here's a link...
  2. Zombipanda

    Batman, Inc. (spoilers)

    Batman travels around the world training international heroes to become franchise Batmen. Awesome, right? Interview here.
  3. Bass

    Daredevil vs. Batman with a side of gibberish to go. Hold the mayo.

    In all seriousness, I've not tried Hercules/Amadeus Cho and I've only heard good things. As for Wolverine: Weapon X and Secret Avengers, I haven't heard about it, but I don't care really. I tried Thunderbolts and it has never been good. Atlas, I dunno. Spider-Man is very hit and miss. Daredevil...
  4. Grocer Man

    The Joker Blogs This is a really cool fan webseries, based on the Christopher Nolan Batman films. The series takes place after the Dark Knight. The Joker is locked in Arkham Asylum, and is undergoing therapy at the hands of Dr. Harleen Quinzel. This being the...
  5. Zombipanda

    Dream Editor Round One: BAT FAMILY!

    Okay. So there's this comic book company, and they're looking for a dramatic new overhaul of one of their existing lines. It's floundering, see, and they're looking for a Bold! New! Direction! In other words, they're looking to replace the editor of the line with someone who isn't a hack. So...
  6. ProjectX2

    The Return of Bruce Wayne discussion (Spoilers!)

    This probably deserves its own thread. Interview with Grant Morrison here. I'm excited. Morrison writes a fantastic Batman. And Chris Sprouse and a bunch of top artists are drawing the mini? Even better. Apparently Frazer Irving is doing the second one (which makes sense considering he did...
  7. ProjectX2

    Earth One

    Welcome to Earth One. I'm really excited for these. JMS and Shane Davis on Superman... and Geoff Johns and Gary Frank on Batman? Awesome!
  8. ProjectX2

    Favourite Bat Family Incarnations?

    I thought this would be a neat poll. Basically, it's three polls in one. Vote for your favourite Batman, your favourite Robin and your favourite Batgirl. Bruce Wayne - Batman Jean-Paul Valley - former Azrael turned psychotic Batman Dick Grayson - former Robin then Nightwing and now Batman Dick...
  9. bluebeast

    Dreamteaming Round 14: For the Demon's Head

    Okay, you're an assistant editor at the comic book publisher of your choice. You're boss comes in and tells you to drum up some roster ideas for a team-book they'd like to set-up for a future creative team to write. He asks for a proposal including: The roster of the team, The driving idea...
  10. G

    Dreamcasting 2009 Round 9: "Crime is Doomed..."

    "Face it, Batman's never comin' back. Hadda happen eventually." "Pyg is here to make everything perfect." "If you're not up to it, stand aside, Dick Grayson." "Everyone's a critic..." Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin Might seem an odd choice, especially given that there's only been...
  11. ProjectX2

    Batman and Robin (Morrison/various) discussion

    Batman and Robin #1 - hell yes. Great start. I especially loved the sound effects and the trailer at the end. Hopefully all the Batman books will be off to a good start.
  12. ProjectX2

    Wednesday Comics

    I talked about this in the DC Nation thread but I think this could be a big thing so I'm going to make a thread for it. DC’s Dan Didio announced the next weekly comic-book from DC at the ComicsPRO Annual Meeting. Called “Wednesday Comics,” this 12-week series will resemble an oversized comics...
  13. G

    Superman/Batman: Public Enemies DTV Looking forward to this. It was a nice little story arc, if lacking in a bit of substance. Can't really see how they could mess this up. Although, I would prefer if they didn't incorporate the Ed McGuinness designs. Superman...
  14. Zombipanda

    Batman Titles (2009)

    I figured it would be fitting to start a new thread, considering all the Bat-books are getting a relaunch. It seems the new titles are going to be co-mingling pretty extensively, so I figured an umbrella thread would be useful. Anyway. It's official. Morrison and Quitely are writing Batman and...
  15. E

    Neil Gaiman to design a demise for Batman

    No one mentioned this article in USA Today earlier this week? Neil Gaiman to design a demise for Batman Will success kill Batman? Just as The Dark Knight closes in on $1 billion worldwide gross, DC Comics is ready to have Bruce Wayne "die" — or at least give up the cape — in his monthly...
  16. DIrishB

    Batman - The Dark Knight Universe (Earth-31, Frank Miller's TDK)

    This thread is for a general discussion of all stories pertaining to DC's Earth-31, otherwise known as Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight" Universe. Stories which make up this universe include: Batman - Year One All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder, Volume 1 Batman - The Dark Knight...
  17. thee great one

    Joker (Azzarello/Bermejo) *Spoilers*

    Anyone else read the new Original Graphic Novel by Brian Azzarello? It basically follows the Joker after he is freed from Arkham, they never go into detail as to why. This Joker is pretty much inspired by The Dark Knight Joker, appearance and all. I must say I liked it pretty good. I liked...
  18. Grocer Man

    Stoned Superman. Chibi Batman. Yes.
  19. Void.M

    Batman: Arkham Asylum Looks cool. I wonder how they'll do playing in Arkham during the whole game.
  20. Dr.Strangefate

    Why Batman Should Be Killed/Retired in Batman R.I.P.

    I've been thinking about this a lot in the last couple of months, because of Grant Morrison's current run on Batman, which does in fact seem to be leading to a new Batman in the central D.C. Universe... And after a while I think it hit me that these stories are stagnating in the current universe...