Your Favorite Things Right Now


Movie : I'd like to start by objecting to this entire survey. It is based on transitory, arbitrary preferences determined at the time of answering of the survey, as opposed to reflecting a true insight into the nature of the participants.

Music : Music is a fad.

TV Show : Is this just a cheap man's version of TIVO?

Book : All I can think of is when Ben Affleck said he thought the best sequel ever written was the New Testament. Pretentious prick.

Comic : Since my opiniofact on this site is so important to the mental well-being of much of its visitors, it would be a terrible misuse of my influence to name favourites, as it would crush the spiritual retreats of any who would read it.

Game : I treat life as a game. A game which I never play because I suck at it.

Drink : Water. Without it, I'd die. So, it's not really my favourite, I begrudge my handicap, my dependency on such a product, but reality is a harsh mistress, and I know no other kind.

Cereal : Pasta.

Candy : Food or person?

Sex Symbol : Beggars can't be choosers.

Word : Sadly, I have no emotional attachment to any particular word. That said, "palindrome" pisses me off. It's not actually a palindrome.

Website : I'd hate to say, as everything I love shuns me.

Peeve (pet or otherwise) : This question makes no sense. You're asking me for my favourite pet (or otherwise) peeve. The purpose of such a peeve is that you don't like it. But to be your favourite, you must enjoy it feeling it, otherwise it is merely a preferable lesser of two evils, not your favourite anything thus no longer qualifying as a 'peeve' as required by this particular field in the survey. There is no way to answer it, and this question would kill robots.

Hobby : This space left intentionally blank.

Thing You'd Like to See Driving : This isn't a 'most favourite' question. In order for me to answer it, I'd have to imagine many things I'd like driving and then pick my favourite. Such a decision-making process would be flawed however since the possible options for my favourite are down to my own creating, and thus, I shall not create all possibilities of things driving things equally, my imagined possibilities will be weighted. However, I have no desire to see anything in particular driving so it is moot. I suppose though, my favourite thing to see driving would be video footage played by the police officer interrogating me for reckless driving, depicting me driving with myself and oh, let's say, Famke Janssen, involved in flagrante delicto.
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Movie : I'd like to start by objecting to this entire survey. It is based on transitory, arbitrary preferences determined at the time of answering of the survey, as opposed to reflecting a true insight into the nature of the participants.

Music : Music is a fad.

TV Show : Is this just a cheap man's version of TIVO?

Book : All I can think of is when Ben Affleck said he thought the best sequel ever written was the New Testament. Pretentious prick.

Comic : Since my opiniofact on this site is so important to the mental well-being of much of its visitors, it would be a terrible misuse of my influence to name favourites, as it would crush the spiritual retreats of any who would read it.

Game : I treat life as a game. A game which I never play because I suck at it.

Drink : Water. Without it, I'd die. So, it's not really my favourite, I begrudge my handicap, my dependency on such a product, but reality is a harsh mistress, and I know no other kind.

Cereal : Pasta.

Candy : Food or person?

Sex Symbol : Beggars can't be choosers.

Word : Sadly, I have no emotional attachment to any particular word. That said, "palindrome" pisses me off. It's not actually a palindrome.

Website : I'd hate to say, as everything I love shuns me.

Peeve (pet or otherwise) : This question makes no sense. You're asking me for my favourite pet (or otherwise) peeve. The purpose of such a peeve is that you don't like it. But to be your favourite, you must enjoy it feeling it, otherwise it is merely a preferable lesser of two evils, not your favourite anything thus no longer qualifying as a 'peeve' as required by this particular field in the survey. There is no way to answer it, and this question would kill robots.

Hobby : This space left intentionally blank.

Thing You'd Like to See Driving : This isn't a 'most favourite' question. In order for me to answer it, I'd have to imagine many things I'd like driving and then pick my favourite. Such a decision-making process would be flawed however since the possible options for my favourite are down to my own creating, and thus, I shall not create all possibilities of things driving things equally, my imagined possibilities will be weighted. However, I have no desire to see anything in particular driving so it is moot. I suppose though, my favourite thing to see driving would be video footage played by the police officer interrogating me for reckless driving, depicting me driving with myself and oh, let's say, Famke Janssen, involved in flagrante delicto.

argh!!!!!!!! I can't take it. These non-answers dilute my mind into something unexplainably painful.

lol, I laugh at the New Testament mention.
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Movie :The Boondock Saints

Music : AC/DC

TV Show : My Name Is Earl

Book : I don't read novels, that aren't required for school

Comic : The Immortal Iron Fist

Game : Need For Speed Carbon

Drink : Pepsi Slurpee

Cereal : Life

Candy : Oh Henry!

Sex Symbol : Betty Boop

Word : Beeeeeeendis!

Website :

Peeve (pet or otherwise) : Stepping in water in your socks

Hobby : probably collecting Comic Books

Thing You'd Like to See Driving : a 1969 Mercury Cougar Eliminator Convertible Boss 429 (only two ever made)

Movie : I'd like to start by objecting to this entire survey. It is based on transitory, arbitrary preferences determined at the time of answering of the survey, as opposed to reflecting a true insight into the nature of the participants.

Music : Music is a fad.

TV Show : Is this just a cheap man's version of TIVO?

Book : All I can think of is when Ben Affleck said he thought the best sequel ever written was the New Testament. Pretentious prick.

Comic : Since my opiniofact on this site is so important to the mental well-being of much of its visitors, it would be a terrible misuse of my influence to name favourites, as it would crush the spiritual retreats of any who would read it.

Game : I treat life as a game. A game which I never play because I suck at it.

Drink : Water. Without it, I'd die. So, it's not really my favourite, I begrudge my handicap, my dependency on such a product, but reality is a harsh mistress, and I know no other kind.

Cereal : Pasta.

Candy : Food or person?

Sex Symbol : Beggars can't be choosers.

Word : Sadly, I have no emotional attachment to any particular word. That said, "palindrome" pisses me off. It's not actually a palindrome.

Website : I'd hate to say, as everything I love shuns me.

Peeve (pet or otherwise) : This question makes no sense. You're asking me for my favourite pet (or otherwise) peeve. The purpose of such a peeve is that you don't like it. But to be your favourite, you must enjoy it feeling it, otherwise it is merely a preferable lesser of two evils, not your favourite anything thus no longer qualifying as a 'peeve' as required by this particular field in the survey. There is no way to answer it, and this question would kill robots.

Hobby : This space left intentionally blank.

Thing You'd Like to See Driving : This isn't a 'most favourite' question. In order for me to answer it, I'd have to imagine many things I'd like driving and then pick my favourite. Such a decision-making process would be flawed however since the possible options for my favourite are down to my own creating, and thus, I shall not create all possibilities of things driving things equally, my imagined possibilities will be weighted. However, I have no desire to see anything in particular driving so it is moot. I suppose though, my favourite thing to see driving would be video footage played by the police officer interrogating me for reckless driving, depicting me driving with myself and oh, let's say, Famke Janssen, involved in flagrante delicto.
Your answers are arrogant and unsatisfactory and they make me very, very angry.


*hands Bass a bowl of ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate sauce on top*
Comic : Since my opiniofact on this site is so important to the mental well-being of much of its visitors, it would be a terrible misuse of my influence to name favourites, as it would crush the spiritual retreats of any who would read it.

...Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane?

Bass said:
Sex Symbol : Beggars can't be choosers.

Well not with that attitude.
Movie : Don't really have a favorite, I'm a big movie buff.

Music : again don't have a favorite, I listen to what I'm in the mood for. I most buy soundtracks cause you usually get a variety of types of music.

TV Show : Smallville/24/House/Prison Break/Heroes/Arrested Development/Law and Order/Law and Order SVU/Law and Order criminal Intent.

Book : Lord Of Rings triogy

Comic : anything Spidey/anything Ultimate.

Game : Spider-Man 2/Ultimate Spider-Man/The Punisher/Simpsons Hit and Run.

Drink : Coke or Pepsi

Food : Portillo's Big Beef with Hot Peppers and Fries.

Cereal : haven't ate cereal since high school. But If I had to Pick...Captain Peanut Butter Crunch.

Candy : Take Five/Reese's Peanut butter cups

Sex Symbols : Sarah Carter/Mandy Lynn.



Word : Oy/kiss my grits

Pet Peeve : People that think they can say or do what ever they what, just because they have money, power, or popularity.

Hobby : Bowling

Thing(s) You'd Like to See while Driving : Sexy ladies

Things friends think are weird : Eating salted Peanuts with shells still attached.
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Movie :
Children of Men

Music : Same as always...

TV Show : Heroes, Lost, Battlestar Galactica

Book : Dune

Comic : Y - The Last Man / Wasteland

Game : Resident Evil 4

Drink : The blood of my enemies...

Cereal : Cocoa Puffs

Candy : Sour Patch Kids (those things are ****ing awesome...I can almost taste the animal bones!)

Sex Symbol : This girl who works at the mall...

Word : Rusty cheese.

Website :, of course! :D

Peeve (pet or otherwise) : Snowbirds. The old people from New York, Michigan, and Canada that vacation in Florida, who shouldn't be on the roads at all, yet always are. And always in the left hand lane, doing 25mph in a 45mph zone.

Hobby : Comics; Heroclix; limited TV; unlicensed, illegal medical procedures (from Botox to Penis Pumps!)

Thing You'd Like to See Driving : The backs of my eyelids.
Book : All I can think of is when Ben Affleck said he thought the best sequel ever written was the New Testament. Pretentious prick.
I remember that.

I totally disagree with Mr. Affleck. The New Testament sucked because they ended it with a set-up for a sequel that they never followed up on, because The New Testament totally bombed.

To be fair, I blame a poor distribution scheme. It wasn't until the invention of the printing press that people read it through pirated copies.

In any case, where's The Second Coming? Where's the final installment to this trilogy?

God claims, "I planned everything from the beginning." Pffft. That's what George Lucas said.
Oh, and you totally know that when Jesus comes back, he's bringing som eo fthat Old Testement to the New new Testement.

I bet that Abraham was really Jesus' father. It's something that God would do, a fast ball out of left field kind of way