X-Men: The Animated Series coming to DVD in April!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Kelowna, B.C, Canada
Found this, tis great news

Disney is finally getting around to releasing X-Men: The Animated Series on DVD


They will come in two disc sets, 6-7 episode's on a disc, selling for 23.99 USD, coming April 28th 2009

No word if it'll be entire seasons, or "best of" stuff

If it's entire seasons I'm already sold, I loved this series as a kid.

hopefully Disney will get around to releasing Spider-Man: The Animated Series aswell
i'll believe it when i see it. they've released DVDs with a key episodes to promote their movies before.

but here's hoping!
wow, it's actually true!
vol 1
vol 2

the product descriptions say that each volume contains 16 episodes, but vol 2 actually has 17 (at least i think it does, in order to fit in the conclusion tothe Pheonix saga; wikipedia lists vol 2 as having 17 episodes)

also, here's hoping the put the episode from season five "No Mutant is an Island" in the right place this time (just before the dark phoenix saga in season 3) as it has to do with Scott leaving the X-Men just after Jean's death and ends with the X-Men discovering she is alive.
Isn't this the show they did a comic based around? I think it was called X-Men Adventures and I remember having a few issues but I don't think I ever watched the show.

I would probably still get this though.
Isn't this the show they did a comic based around? I think it was called X-Men Adventures and I remember having a few issues but I don't think I ever watched the show.

I would probably still get this though.

you never watched the 90s X-Men cartoon?

and yeah, X-Men Adventures followed the cartoons almost verbatim
Isn't this the show they did a comic based around? I think it was called X-Men Adventures and I remember having a few issues but I don't think I ever watched the show.

I would probably still get this though.

The animation was pretty bad though and it has the same kinda story telling as the comics, though toned a bit for the kids clearly. However there is one scene where Magneto is bleeding from his wounds and there is some other stuff you didn't see in a Sat morning cartoon normally.

It has its moments though, Apocalypse is more far menacing, dangerous and competent in this cartoon then he ever was in the comics.
I can barely stand the X-Men. They embody everything that's wrong with comics.

That said, my 6-year old son will enjoy this.

You didn't even like it as a kid? I think that series debuted in 1992.
The X-Men don't embody anything wrong with comics

Jeph Loeb does.

X-Men Adventures came out way after the fact E, the cartoon was actually really great, though it is rather dated now. The complication of X-history doesn't really effect it, because it's creating it's own history and walking the viewer through it step-by-step. Plus for the most part it's 90's X-garbage free, it's all 60's, 70's and 80's stuff except maybe Cable & Apocalypse near the end of the series. Plus really this one of three places that have ever gotten Apocalypse right (The others being X-Men: Evolution, and X-Men Legends 2)
I grew up with it and it holds a special place in my heart. It started when I was around 10, and I remember I watched the first few seasons.

Same here but unfortunately this DVD came too late for my interest. It's funny a few years ago I would be drooling for this, but now I'm just indifferent. I sure hope this isn't a sign of maturity.
It has its moments though, Apocalypse is more far menacing, dangerous and competent in this cartoon then he ever was in the comics.

Plus really this one of three places that have ever gotten Apocalypse right (The others being X-Men: Evolution, and X-Men Legends 2)

Definitely. I watched the X-Men cartoons before I even read comics and through that Apocalypse became one of my favourite villains. He had some truly awesome quotes as well, such as my favourite...

"I am the rocks of the eternal shore: Crash against me and be broken!"
Definitely. I watched the X-Men cartoons before I even read comics and through that Apocalypse became one of my favourite villains. He had some truly awesome quotes as well, such as my favourite...

"I am the rocks of the eternal shore: Crash against me and be broken!"

that is a great quote!

so did anyone pick these up? Are there any cool extras?