What Is "Being Bass"?

What is "being Bass"?

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Nexus of the World
Feb 22, 2005
Folkestone, UK
Just last night I had an e-mail conversation with Adam Hughes that involved STAR TREK, and the following occurred.

Adam said:
The third season of TOS..... new producer, new writers. Not always great ideas. Shatner was going through a pretty grisly divorce, which explains why Kirk is a bit strident and joyless in season three than the others.

Bass said:
I honestly did not know any of this. I never noticed he was a bit joyless or that his walk changed.

Adam said:
Are you being Bass, or do you NOT know what 'strident' means?

Bass said:


At what point did 'being Bass' be a negative thing? And what the hell does that mean? Just what is 'being Bass' synonymous with? Unless it's 'mega-excellent' you're wrong to the number of 10 to the power of **** YOU.

Adam said:
That, right there. THAT is what the hell 'being Bass' means, implies and is all about.

Naturally, I am somewhat confused as to the specifics of what "being Bass" is "all about". I would merely shrug this off if it was the first time, but I recall this phrase being said multiple times to me by multiple people. I have compiled a list of what I think it might be and encourage you to vote. For example, is this very poll, "being Bass"?

Not only that, but I want to know just what "being Bass" means to all of you. Do you have times when you're "being Bass"? What do you do in those times?
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Some of my friends have taken to using your Mii that you sent, and name it the typical black friend of the group. I tell them your a camel jockey, but they think your Jamaican (You have a high rating in bowling).

So that's about it, I'll go check the black rating then.
Whoah. I think there are more choices than there are members who typically vote on the polls. THAT'S SO BASS.
The poll is multiple choice.

Also, I should have a high rating in bowling, and boxing your cracka ears, mon.
I actually tried to take this poll seriously, but almost none of the options are what I want to say.

And no, nothing insulting.

I guess in that sense, this poll FAILS.
Definitely Egocentric and Long-Winded, but I'll also give you Strident because that word makes me smile and Resplendent because you misspelled it.
OMG!!! HOw metAAA! You're SO P0-MO!

I do not know what P0-MO is. My webzspeek is fail.

I think Long-Winded was the best fit.

**** YOU. How's that for long-winded?

Definitely Egocentric and Long-Winded, but I'll also give you Strident because that word makes me smile and Resplendent because you misspelled it.

****. I did. I even went to dictionary.com for the specific definitions and I still misspelled it.
I voted Awesome and Egocentric. But when you are that Awesome it's not really been Egocentric it's just been truthful :lol: