Ultimate returns


Active Member
Oct 4, 2005
The Ultimate universe has been much more open to "killing" characters than the MU. So, my question is, Who do you think will die, who do you think will come back, and who do you think will never be heard from again?

To start us off...

Green Goblin
Beast - If he comes back I drop the Ultimate Line. That simple. His death what I concider the point that the Ultimate Universe became its own being, instead of an updated 616. To undo it would be a travesty.

Carnage - Well, since Carnage was grown in a lab Mister Reily making more wouldn't be a problem. Plus we only had Pete's accounting of its death, not the actual events. Of course there would have to be a need for another carnage story, wich I don't really see.

Venom - Having not played the Ultimate Spider-Man game I'll not comment here.

Green Goblin - He'll be back. And it won't suck, because Green Goblin stories are the best Ultiamte Spider-Man ones so far.
Baxter said:
Beast - If he comes back I drop the Ultimate Line. That simple. His death what I concider the point that the Ultimate Universe became its own being, instead of an updated 616. To undo it would be a travesty.

Actually, there is one scenario where I wouldn't mind Beast comming back. That's if he came back as Dark Beast with help from Mr. Sinister or Apocalypse. Any other way, I agree with you, Baxter.

Carnage - He's had his return already, with a different spin. I honestly don't like Ultimate Carnage (Carnage II was a better incarnation than the first, but still), and I hope we don't see him again for a long while (If at all).

Venom - Venom's story was wrapped up nicely in the USM game. I could maybe see him returning later on down the line, but I want it to be awhile. I've had my fill of Ultimate Venom for the time being. I could see him in a milestone issue, like 150 or 200.

Green Goblin -I'd love for GG to return for a Double Goblin arc. Have both him and Hobgoblin break out to cause some havoc. I'd love to see Peter try to take on Father and Son at once. It'd be great. Maybe have Harry turn on Norman, for a Goblin vs Goblin throwdown at the end. I definetly think we'll see more of GG. Maybe not too soon, but definetly before Venom or Carnage.
Beast -I'm passed the wishful thinking but I think if Apocolypse had Dark Beast resurrected and he was gone when Apoc was defeated that wouldn't be foul at all. Bring back a Dark Beast for cameos sake if not I agree with Baxter. Leave him dead.

Carnage-I already started a thread and went through how I think Carnage's actual fate went down. If Carnage became more human Peter very well could've let him go.

Venom- Isn't dead?

Green Goblin- Isn't dead?

Gwen Stacey-Please, please no....

Sabertooth-I hope he comes back and I hope he has a really badass scar across his neck.

Mutant Massacre kids-I hope those aren't our beloved characters and they're ultimized later.

Anyone I miss?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sabertooth-I hope he comes back and I hope he has a really badass scar across his neck.
I still say you can make an argument that there was enough of the art off panel for it to be ambiguous. :D
Beast- I wouldnt mind becuase I really think they killed him off too early, but I still think UU should be realistic, so im torn

Carnage- Yes because he was done horrible in the comics, I really want to see cletus Kassidy, just because a pychotic serial killer with powers is something they should have. Maybe some could use the formula or what ever to try and make an army.

Goblin- Yes because it will rock, Ultimate Osborn is so much more menacing

Venom- yes adventually

Gwen Stacy- Never

Sabbertooth- Hell yeah

Hawkeye- Of course
TheManWithoutFear said:
Beast -I'm passed the wishful thinking but I think if Apocolypse had Dark Beast resurrected and he was gone when Apoc was defeated that wouldn't be foul at all. Bring back a Dark Beast for cameos sake if not I agree with Baxter. Leave him dead.

Carnage-I already started a thread and went through how I think Carnage's actual fate went down. If Carnage became more human Peter very well could've let him go.

Venom- Isn't dead?

Green Goblin- Isn't dead?

Gwen Stacey-Please, please no....

Sabertooth-I hope he comes back and I hope he has a really badass scar across his neck.

Mutant Massacre kids-I hope those aren't our beloved characters and they're ultimized later.

Anyone I miss?
Ah yes...

Gambit- I think Rogue's going to revive him sooner or later.
Gambit- How could he NOT?

Sabertooth-Didn't he die when Astroid M blew up? And if so, I don't think he'll be back for a while.

Hawkeye/Beast- I could see these two coming back as a part of a uber secret SHIELD originization. One that goes against the SHEILD mandate all together. Therefore, its members would "have" to be dead.
Akilies said:
Gambit- How could he NOT?
He could just be dead and Rogue could've permanently absorbed his powers.

Akilies said:
Sabertooth-Didn't he die when Astroid M blew up? And if so, I don't think he'll be back for a while.
No, Wolverine cut his head off.

Akilies said:
Hawkeye/Beast- I could see these two coming back as a part of a uber secret SHIELD originization. One that goes against the SHEILD mandate all together. Therefore, its members would "have" to be dead.
I don't think they're connected.
Akilies said:
Sabertooth-Didn't he die when Astroid M blew up? And if so, I don't think he'll be back for a while.
Wolverine sliced his head off. "Try growing this back."

Akilies said:
Hawkeye/Beast- I could see these two coming back as a part of a uber secret SHIELD originization. One that goes against the SHEILD mandate all together. Therefore, its members would "have" to be dead.
You also act as if Hawkeye is dead. We have not seen his bodie, nor seen ANY type of confirmation that he's dead FOR SURE.


icemastertron said:
"If there's no body, the guy's alive." :wink:
Sabertooth having his head sliced off and being blown up... his healing factor will be working overtime.
Lynx said:
Actually, there is one scenario where I wouldn't mind Beast comming back. That's if he came back as Dark Beast with help from Mr. Sinister or Apocalypse. Any other way, I agree with you, Baxter.

Carnage - He's had his return already, with a different spin. I honestly don't like Ultimate Carnage (Carnage II was a better incarnation than the first, but still), and I hope we don't see him again for a long while (If at all).

Venom - Venom's story was wrapped up nicely in the USM game. I could maybe see him returning later on down the line, but I want it to be awhile. I've had my fill of Ultimate Venom for the time being. I could see him in a milestone issue, like 150 or 200.

Green Goblin -I'd love for GG to return for a Double Goblin arc. Have both him and Hobgoblin break out to cause some havoc. I'd love to see Peter try to take on Father and Son at once. It'd be great. Maybe have Harry turn on Norman, for a Goblin vs Goblin throwdown at the end. I definetly think we'll see more of GG. Maybe not too soon, but definetly before Venom or Carnage.

BEAST- I could see Apocalypse rasing all the dead mutants that Mr. Sinister Killed for his army, and Beast being back would really shake up Storm. I can see Storm try to talk some sense into him as he's attacking her. As some sort of dark mindless slave.

CARNAGE- I agree with Random. Don't bring back carnage unless they some how bring in kassidy.

VENOM- Not till later. We need a rest for awhile. Now that Eddie has control, he needs time to work things out.

GREEN GOBLIN- There always time for Osborn to rear his ugle head, and cause havoc in peter's life.

GWEN STACEY- Only in flash back of stuff we did, or did not see.

GELDOFF- They really need to open up more on this guy. He could be a real threat, if given a chance.

SANDMAN- We haven't seen much of this guy for awhile.

KRAVEN- He never really had a chance to git his revenge for getting his show cancelled, and if not it's a good way to introduce Calypso. As some sort of obsessed fan, or his wife.

SABERTOOTH- Ya, we need him back.
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I don't want Beast and Gwen Stacy to return because it would lessen the impact of their deaths. I want UU to be the first "super-hero" universe to really use the "dead is dead" as a rule.

Venom is obviously not dead, and so was Green Goblin. I wonder were you got the idea that GG died? Carnage is barely a living creature, just some mindless animal and is merely a clone. We already saw a second version of him in USM's video game, and they can easily make more Carnages in the future.

Gambit? I felt like he should have joined up with the X-Men at least for a while, so I was disappointed that they killed him off in the annual. His death felt really forced for me. I wouldn't want him back now, but I want some semblance of his presence within Rogue to come up.

Sabretooth's death was done off-panel and looked a little vague. It's possible they could bring him back, ala General Ross or Hammerhead.

Looks like everybody forgot Annihilus. He looked pretty dead when he blew his own head off with his death ray, but with him being "apparently killed" and the open-ended answer of whether he will return or not in a UFF letters page, odds are he will return. The perfect excuse? His anatomy is different from ours.
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icemastertron said:
You also act as if Hawkeye is dead. We have not seen his bodie, nor seen ANY type of confirmation that he's dead FOR SURE.

That's kind of my point. The characters would be thought dead to the general public, but they would really be part of some bigger/deadlier plan. This way if they were ver caught by an opposing force the government could say that they are dead, and plead ignorance.

Also, It could be possible for the dead mutants to return as the horsemen
cmdrjanjalani said:
Venom is obviously not dead, and so was Green Goblin. I wonder were you got the idea that GG died? Carnage is barely a living creature, just some mindless animal and is merely a clone. We already saw a second version of him in USM's video game, and they can easily make more Carnages in the future.
I think he was wondering if they would come back into the title, they haven't been in USM for awhile, even though they are still alive.
Keep Gambit dead, I say -- there's no story to be written about the Ultimate version that can't be done with 616 counterpart.

He can always show up in flashbacks, anyway -- I assume Rogue effectively absorbed all his memories, so all the loose ends from his past (including the Callisto tease from "Cry Wolf") could still be effectively pursued.

Personally, I'm a lot more curious about Syndicate's inevitable return!

Also, does anyone think we'll see Yuri/Deathstrike again?
cmdrjanjalani said:
Looks like everybody forgot Annihilus. He looked pretty dead when he blew his own head off with his death ray, but with him being "apparently killed" and the open-ended answer of whether he will return or not in a UFF letters page, odds are he will return. The perfect excuse? His anatomy is different from ours.
Did Nihil ever say he was the only one left of his species?

Well, anyway even if he did, there's still a chance that another member of his species could crawl out of the N-Zone and do another power-tripping mad-on simply because being a member of the Nihil caste defines the aliens as such.

So in my opinion, A Nihil can come back but not THE Nihil.