Ultimate Iron-Man #5 Discussion (Spoilers)

How would you rate The Ultimate Iron Man Mini?

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#1 reason not to join UC
Nov 30, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
I don't get it. If Tony didn't say "I heal faster" reminding us of the horrid mess that was Tony Stark's little birth defect, I'd actually say this was a good issue.

Jim Rhodes is working on the War Machine. I didn't see a suit, all I saw was a ship or something, I dunno. I guess War Machine isn't just a purple looking Iron Man suit. Obediah comes in and obnoxiously bothers Jim and Niferia(?) Nothing came out of this scene

Tony's a teenager and working on his Iron Man suit which is pretty much complete. He talks about sharing his idea with Rhodes as they have a partnership and agreement dealing with money and technologies. Howard Stark warns his son to trust no one. The Iron-Man prototype is a giant Iron-Man suit that needs a few modifications. However Tony tells his dad he has the real suit ready too. They show him testing it out by hitting him with all sorts of cannonfire. (This is where Tony volunteers as the test subject because "he heals faster") So yeah, nearly perfect Iron-Man suits are almost ready.

Zebediah Stane is abducted from prison and murdered... brutally. OSC is a sick sick man... But it's set up to look like Howard did it.

Howard brings Tony to some political charity ball, where Tony is introduced to Alcohol. It's quite lame and Tony immediately becomes dependent on it. His father warns him to stay away from it because Alcohol kills brain cells and Tony is a... GIANT BRAIN!! :roll:

Howard gets pulled out the ball because he hears Zebediah is dead. He tells the officers exactly how it was done by figuring out what the mechanism would be like that killed him the way it did. They say, "Too bad you know that" and arrest him.

Tony is in charge of Stark Enterprise and he drinks so more. Terrorists threaten to blow up a dock somewhere and Tony throws himself into the Prototype saving the day but is knocked out by the explosion.


A few little annoyances but the overall issue was probably as good as issue 1... remember before we found out what was happening. The mini still sucked though and Card ruined the character.

Anyone else think Alcohol somehow removes Tony's excess brain tissue? Turning him into the likeable Tony Stark.

I was a bit confused on if they're trying to make Howard Stark a bad guy or what. Obediah shows up once in the beginning and never again.

I was bothered with the sudden end and no real closure. I think it's stupid they're having two minis.

Card is a GENIUS!!!!!!

Yeah...I never could type that with a straight face.

Seriously though---if this were a mini based on a new character being introduced into the Marvel Universe...it might've worked. But since this is based on Iron Man......it's bogged down by years of continuity that the mini author chose to ignore, thus making it suck.

I'll buy the TPB......but it'll just collect dust.......after I've read it for the upteenth time..........that month. :roll:
If he did it out pon continuety I bet it would work. One of the Main points of the ultimate universe it the realistic veiw on classic characters. This mini does not fit in with anything from the UU, The should of had as OSC'S Iron Man, and people wouldn't have thought it sucked and have found it interesting
I didn't think this was an awful issue...that's about all I can say.

I liked the bigger Iron Man suit, and almost wish that's how he'd been introduced in the Ultimates. The big suit just seemed more feasible and imposing, but maybe thats just me. And that was about it.

The scene and explanation of Tony being introduced to the drinky-drinky was unneeded. Just more of Card explaining that which shouldn't or doesn't need to be explained. Now he's chalking up Tony's alcoholism to the constant pain he feels due to the brain tissue all over his body, robbing him of another human aspect of just plain old being weak in that sense and developing an addiction. Its almost like Card is trying to justify Tony's drinking, which really shouldn't have been done nor was needed (much like Tony's insane intelligence...because of all the extra brain). And while most alcoholics drink excessively to dull some type of pain, its usually the emotional or mental type, not physical. Christ, he should have just made Tony a heroin addict, would've been more believable. Complete with morphine drip installed in the Iron Man suit. Anyway, it just ruined the character that much more in my opinion.

Also interesting to see Mark Bagley helped on the pencils.

This issue?

DIrishB said:
I didn't think this was an awful issue...that's about all I can say.

This issue?

I love how you say you didn't think it was that awful but gave it a lower rating. :D
ourchair said:
I love how you say you didn't think it was that awful but gave it a lower rating. :D

Awful is a 1...this was slightly better than awful. Did I at all give the impression I liked it beyond the bigger Iron Man suit? And the reasoning behind that is I'm from Texas, bigger is better and all that, you know?
The good: it's over.

The bad: its only halfway over.

The worse: Everything about the series.

Where to start....I'm reading this and I had the same reaction that MwoF and Irish seem to have had - this issue actually wasn't that bad compared to the previous 3. A lot of the completely retarded "science" was gone and it was pretty focused on plot advancement and character interaction. In other words, no monkeys.

The introduction of alcohol - retarded. Just another one of those things that Card included to tie it in to a character that it otherwise wouldn't even resemble. What was the point? To show he was crazy enough to fly into the terrorist situation? I'm confused.

And why was there even terrorists in the first place? Who were they terrorizing? What was the purpose?

My first thought when Dad started giving the alcohol speech was that Card was going to use the alcohol to kill off the super brain. Which would be stupid and pointless, just like most of this series.

Jim Rhodes - more pointlessness. I just. Don't. See. The point. Why was he introduced? I understand the character and what he was doing, but why Rhodes? It was another example of adding something just to make the brain baby more like Tony Stark. Idiotic.

I also liked how young pre-pubescent Tony can climb right into this Iron Man and just do whatever, when it is bigger and heavier than the currect version - which requires a hundred-man team to get off the ground. :roll:

The ending was one of the worst endings for a series I've ever seen. WHY IS THE SERIES ENDING HERE? What was the story that was finished that requires it to be continued in another new series? What was accomplished? We are left with a half dozen uninteresting dangling plot threads with nothing that leads into a new series.

I hate this book. I want them to cancel the second part and pretend they never planned on it. I will even play along.

I am not voting in the poll because neither this issue nor the series as a whole is worthy of one star.
I find Tony taking off or wearing his armor by himself the biggest problem. If it was radically more primitive then his current Iron Man armor I'd buy it, but we've already seen that it takes a crew for Tony to be fully equipped. Although Millar doesn't mention it too much, we've seen Ellis mention it several times, and you never see Tony removing anything more than his helmet and a portion of his arm armor by himself.
UltimateE said:
The good: it's over.

The bad: its only halfway over.

The worse: Everything about the series.

Where to start....I'm reading this and I had the same reaction that MwoF and Irish seem to have had - this issue actually wasn't that bad compared to the previous 3. A lot of the completely retarded "science" was gone and it was pretty focused on plot advancement and character interaction. In other words, no monkeys.

The introduction of alcohol - retarded. Just another one of those things that Card included to tie it in to a character that it otherwise wouldn't even resemble. What was the point? To show he was crazy enough to fly into the terrorist situation? I'm confused.

And why was there even terrorists in the first place? Who were they terrorizing? What was the purpose?

My first thought when Dad started giving the alcohol speech was that Card was going to use the alcohol to kill off the super brain. Which would be stupid and pointless, just like most of this series.

Jim Rhodes - more pointlessness. I just. Don't. See. The point. Why was he introduced? I understand the character and what he was doing, but why Rhodes? It was another example of adding something just to make the brain baby more like Tony Stark. Idiotic.

I also liked how young pre-pubescent Tony can climb right into this Iron Man and just do whatever, when it is bigger and heavier than the currect version - which requires a hundred-man team to get off the ground. :roll:

To play Devil's Advocate here for a moment, as I mentioned in the timeline thread I think Tony's beyond the pre-pubescent stage. He was 14 in the last issue, and by the time this one opens I think at least a few years have passed. In other words, I think he's at least 16, most likely 17 (we know for sure he isn't 18 since its mentioned he's not "legal"). I'm pretty sure the second mini will use the same format of spanning a large portion of time over the issues, and focus on Tony's early adulthood, probably ending with him in his late 20's or early 30's. Just saying.

The ending was one of the worst endings for a series I've ever seen. WHY IS THE SERIES ENDING HERE? What was the story that was finished that requires it to be continued in another new series? What was accomplished? We are left with a half dozen uninteresting dangling plot threads with nothing that leads into a new series.

Completely without purpose, wasn't it? Tony takes out some terrorists on a boat, and a bomb goes off, which knocks him out. How much more anti-climactic can it get?

I hate this book. I want them to cancel the second part and pretend they never planned on it. I will even play along.

I am not voting in the poll because neither this issue nor the series as a whole is worthy of one star.

I can't really talk, I gave it a 2/5, but as I said, was in a generous mood. And I did like the giant Iron Man armor idea quite a bit, but thats it.
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