Ultimate Fantastic Four #11 (Spoilers)


The Timeline Guy
May 27, 2004
You are all just obstacles on my path to Nirvana.
Well, #11 was a pretty entertaining issue, and got me freaking geared up for #12, the conclusion to the Doom arc.

This issue starts with Doom analyzing video sent back to him from his robot insects during their attack on the Baxter Building. He sees Ben, Johnny, and Sue all in their new suped-up forms, and realizes that like himself the teleportation accident changed them. However, he doesn't see Reed using his powers so thinks that he may have escaped the accident unscathed.

We then see Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny in the Fantasticar on their way to Copenhagen for their meeting with Doom. We get a little comic relief from Ben and Johnny as they comment on Reed and Sue's lack of shame, then quickly cut back to Doom. He is basically gathering his army as he tells all the squatters who live in his shanty town that the Americans are coming for him, leading the townsfolk to chant "We won't let them take you!" (Apparently Doom is really convincing.)

Back in the F-car, the Four pinpoint Doom and start to come in for a landing, when Doom launches a rocket at them and blows the F-car out of the sky. The Four survive the crash ok thanks to Reed's overuse of airbags. They then each launch an individual attack on Doom, but each is in vain: Johnny is taken out quickly when Doom forms some metal pin projectiles out of his arm and throws them at him. Ben gets a rocket to the chest, and Sue gets poisoned by Doom's apparent ability to convert his inner organs to deadly poison. But just as we think she's done for as Doom moves in for the killing blow, we get to the last page (and coincidentally the best page of the issue IMO), featuring Reed stepping in to save the day with the line: "You get the hell away from my girlfriend."

I give the issue a 7 out of 10, but kudos to it cuz it got me really excited for #12. Check it out!!
DAMN IT! I havent picked up yet. But Im sure it's good. I wish I was back home!!
If I could afford to get Ult FF I would. Sounds good. Have to wait for my libarary to get the trade.
The issue was good. I really liked the part when Doom hasd his "fans" cheering that chant. I dont know why, but I just liked that part.
This is the best Ultimate title right now. I wish Ellis was staying on longer.

I love the dynamic between Reed and Sue. The nerd getting the girl (she's written like a nympho - and it works) and being to afraid to realize it, and she being just so impressed by everything he does. Awesome.

Doom - I think he is probably the best Ultimate villian yet. Inner organs to poison gas? F'n cool. He's Green Goblin-crazy and angry enough to do something even more dangerous.

I didn't think it could have gotten much better than #10, but this was. 9/10. :D
UltimateE wrote: ** The nerd getting the girl (she's written like a nympho - and it works) and being to afraid to realize it, and she being just so impressed by everything he does. Awesome. **

Well dude, have you ever dated a "smart" chick? They're ALL nymphos man. Makes me wish my girlfriends IQ was just a bit higher (she's really smart as is, just wish she ws smarter, if you know what I'm saying).

HEHE, anyway, UFF #12 I'm sure will conclude this awesome arc, can't wait to see it.
This arc has been one of the best Ultimate Arcs ever. Topping the first arc easy
Doom - I think he is probably the best Ultimate villian yet. Inner organs to poison gas? F'n cool. He's Green Goblin-crazy and angry enough to do something even more dangerous.

I didn't think it could have gotten much better than #10, but this was. 9/10.

I couldnt have said it any better man!
DIrishB said:
UltimateE wrote: ** The nerd getting the girl (she's written like a nympho - and it works) and being to afraid to realize it, and she being just so impressed by everything he does. Awesome. **

Well dude, have you ever dated a "smart" chick? They're ALL nymphos man. Makes me wish my girlfriends IQ was just a bit higher (she's really smart as is, just wish she ws smarter, if you know what I'm saying).

HEHE, anyway, UFF #12 I'm sure will conclude this awesome arc, can't wait to see it.

UltimateE said:
This is the best Ultimate title right now. I wish Ellis was staying on longer.

I love the dynamic between Reed and Sue. The nerd getting the girl (she's written like a nympho - and it works) and being to afraid to realize it, and she being just so impressed by everything he does. Awesome.

Doom - I think he is probably the best Ultimate villian yet. Inner organs to poison gas? F'n cool. He's Green Goblin-crazy and angry enough to do something even more dangerous.

I didn't think it could have gotten much better than #10, but this was. 9/10. :D

I would have to agree. Although, I haven't read this issue, there is a refreshing energy about this book and it's something that I haven't seen before in a comic book. Yes, I've only been reading comic books for about four years now as opposed to people who have been there since the beginning, but there is all of these things that add up that is just so, for lack of better words, magical. The science, the humor, the tightly knit family, the vibrant characters, the token villains, Ellis has made a very strong title that I only hope continues after he leaves.
Im annoyed because this issue is LATE for my subscription!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In any case, I thought the ending scene could have been different. Don't get me wrong now, I liked the ending and all, but I think it should have been more than just Reed standing there.

They could have had him stretch out in some pose or something that would have looked cool, and at the same time show Doom what Reed can do, since Doom thought that nothing may have happened to Reed.
but I think it should have been more than just Reed standing there.

Buth with Reed vs. Victor, it comes full circle. It's like Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker - this is the only way it could end.

They could have had him stretch out in some pose or something that would have looked cool

Don't worry, I think ol' Vic is in for a surprise next ish. ;)
Well, I was thinking about this... The poison won't hurt Reed due to the fact that he has no lungs and the spikes will simply bounce off or something. I don't think there is much Doom can do with Reed.
Well, I was thinking about this... The poison won't hurt Reed due to the fact that he has no lungs and the spikes will simply bounce off or something. I don't think there is much Doom can do with Reed.

Yeah, you're right. But I'm getting a feeling that Doom is gonna have a trick or two up his sleeve. I mean, when doesn't he?
Another good point... I'm thinking that the hordes of people will be used effectively against Reed. After all of my ideas play into the fight, Doom will allow his minions to tackle Reed, rendering him useless... Then the army comes in and helps out and Reed goes after Doom, gets the numbers and it's set for the next arc.
Yeah, I know. ;) It just seems like they were brought there for nothing so far... I'd like to see them be there with more of a purpose besides the fact that Doom gave them freedoms that America didn't.