Here's some of mine
- Power rangers
- Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
- SpoongeBob
- Sheep dog and wolf on Psone
- Spider-man Unlimited
- Sky High
- Mutant X
- captain pugwash (though that is just for the names e.g "Master bates" :lol: )
I don't think SpongeBob counts,
everyone watches that.
Here's me:
Knight Rider
I flat out, love this show. Nobody can understand why. It's just 100% Hoff, concentrated, pure, unstoppable. The way he moves, walks and talks, is just pure Hofftacular. The whole feel of the show is ultimate eighties (they pretty much play every single song from the Vice City soundtrack at different times). And. It's. Got. A. Talking. Car. 'Nuff said.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I love the old movies. I love the new one. I love the old cartoon. I love the new one. The whole concept is just so ridiculously appealing. Anthropomorphic turtle-ninja superheroes. How can you not
love that? I don't really go for the comics, much, though, because in the comics, the Turtles are just ruthless vigilantes, and all of the pizza and skateboards and cries of "awesome" and "excellent" are conspicuously absent in favour of blood and violence. COWABUNGA!
This one doesn't really apply anymore, but a few years ago, I grew to like Scooby-Doo in the same way that I like Batman and Superman and all of the superhero greats. Why? I'm not so sure. I just sort of loved the idea of a bunch of teenagers going out to fight ghosts, that more often than not, were fakes (but the odd time when they were real, it
Beverly Hills 90210
This is definitely the biggest one, because I friggin' love this show. I watch a lot of teen dramas, but this is undoubtedly the best. It doesn't go for the super, gritty realism the way most of them do. It just is what it is: a glossy, soapy, melodramatic, sometimes ridiculous view of how the other half life. But in its own strange way, it ends up being more realistic and the characters end up being more relatable than its contemporary counterparts. Plus, the theme tune is gold. Solid, friggin'