The Future of Star Trek

The Overlord

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
Since we have a "Future of Star Wars" thread, what about a "Future of Star Trek" thread as well? Do you think they make another Star Trek TV series?
I wish JJ Abrams would produce a Star Trek TV show set in the new rebooted universe, but following the adventures of some other crew. Then they can make the movies about the Enterprise crew.
I remember there was talk of an animated series, set another century in the future. It was a fascinating concept, warp travel was hindered by Romulan attacks, tech was broken down. Seemed neat, but it got canned.
Blerg. I'm hoping STAR TREK 2 is amazing, then I can relax and enjoy the franchise once again. But until then I still feel like there's no STAR TREK anymore and there hasn't been for 15 years. The Abrams film was okay, but the script is dire and not very Trek. If ST2 sucks, I tell you the first film will lose a lot of its appeal as much of its appeal is based on the anticipation of an awesome new Trek-franchise starring Pine and Quinto with awesome special effects. And I don't think that anticipation is unjustified: I'd love to see it too. And I hope we do.

But until they land ST2, I'm just too trepedatious to give myself over to it yet, sad to say.
Blerg. I'm hoping STAR TREK 2 is amazing, then I can relax and enjoy the franchise once again. But until then I still feel like there's no STAR TREK anymore and there hasn't been for 15 years. The Abrams film was okay, but the script is dire and not very Trek. If ST2 sucks, I tell you the first film will lose a lot of its appeal as much of its appeal is based on the anticipation of an awesome new Trek-franchise starring Pine and Quinto with awesome special effects. And I don't think that anticipation is unjustified: I'd love to see it too. And I hope we do.

But until they land ST2, I'm just too trepedatious to give myself over to it yet, sad to say.

So there hasn't been real Star Trek for 15 years? Does that mean you didn't care for the TV shows after TNG? I liked DS9, but I didn't like Voyager or Enterprise. Voyager is when I think Star Trek jumped the shark. And there was only one good TNG movie.
I loved DS9! But didn't it end in 2000 just before NEMESIS? So I think I just got the number wrong. It's somewhere between 10 and 15 years. Yes. Time goes past that fast.
I loved DS9! But didn't it end in 2000 just before NEMESIS? So I think I just got the number wrong. It's somewhere between 10 and 15 years. Yes. Time goes past that fast.

DS9 ended in 1999. So that was about 13 years ago, 14 by the time June rolls around. So I guess you would agree with my opinion that DS9 was the last great Star Trek show? I think the only good Star Trek shows were TOS, TNG and DS9. I think the reason Star Trek collapsed in the mid 2000s and got a reboot, was there were too many mediocre Star Trek shows and movies around at the same time.