Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends (DVD)


Face-Punching As Foreign Policy
Aug 16, 2005
Look for the season 1 DVD to be out on September 29, 2008 in the U.K. with the season 2 & 3 DVD to follow later in the year

Box art :

Nice! I'll assume this is out or coming out in other countries too. So who is going to get this? I remember this show from when I was a kid. I know it's bad but in a good way. I'll be buying them




:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:​
I knew it! The second I saw Iceman on the cover I thought "Ice will react like had it of been venom" :lol:
I knew it! The second I saw Iceman on the cover I thought "Ice will react like had it of been venom" :lol:
Duh! I watched the series before, and again the brief time it was on the Toon Disney channel (or Family channel - or whatever) some time back.
Duh! I watched the series before, and again the brief time it was on the Toon Disney channel (or Family channel - or whatever) some time back.

Yeah it was pretty good. I liked the geen goblin on it. He turned in to a Goblin instead of it been a mask (though he looked the same) I thought that was pretty cool.

Yeah I didn't read artical at first just "spider-man" and "dvd" so clicked when the cover came up I was shocked as I expected news on spectacular spider-man dvd