Ourchair's Awesome Anime Thread

Rewatching Simoun, not sure why, I just want to see something emotionally heavy at the moment. Kind of feeling I need a good therapeutic cry.
Man, is it wrong if I wanna check this show out? It looks like a cracked out Power Puff Girls (Turn the volume down a bit if you're watching this in public).


It looks pretty fun.

Panty and Stocking is generally pretty fun. I'm not too fond of it's love of sex and poop jokes, but it's a nice change of pace from the usual anime fare.
Meh, I wasn't that impressed with it. I'm kind of embarrassed to say Kuragehime (re: Princess Jellyfish) is pretty great though.

I've been watching Jyu-oh-sei, and it's interesting. One can find it on hulu quite easily. I'm wondering if their is a manga that expands on it more.
Just watched Bleach : Memories of Nobody (first film) and am starting season 6 tonight. I will be buying season 7 in a week or two then i'll have every "complete" boxset out :twisted: ....... yet still be like 10 seasons behind everyone :lol: