Ninja Warrior


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2006
Does anyone out there watch this? It's pretty awesome. It's this show on G4, originally from Japan, that's basically a huge, practically impossible obstacle course in 4 stages. In 17 seasons, only 2 people have ever gotten through all 4 stages. Here it's called Ninja Warrior, in Japan it is simply...

Oh man this is really cool, I just saw Makoto Nagano win and it is awesome, I wish I had G4. This is the kind of stuff I've always wished I could do ever since I firstr saw a Jackie Chan movie. We need more shows like this in America, not shows like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". Bring back American Gladiators and update it damn it!
Oh man this is really cool, I just saw Makoto Nagano win and it is awesome, I wish I had G4. This is the kind of stuff I've always wished I could do ever since I firstr saw a Jackie Chan movie. We need more shows like this in America, not shows like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". Bring back American Gladiators and update it damn it!

amen. Nagano is a bad a** of the highest order.
I've caught it a few times. It's awesome and hilarious.

I was laughing (and felt bad) for the 81-year-old who tried out in an episode I saw and as soon as he started- he fell in the water. He got up and began to cry.
I've caught it a few times. It's awesome and hilarious.

I was laughing (and felt bad) for the 81-year-old who tried out in an episode I saw and as soon as he started- he fell in the water. He got up and began to cry.

was that the guy who carries an octopus around? That guy rocks.
yeah, there are all kinds of crazy characters on this show. there are guys who've never lasted more than a couple of seconds who keep coming back again and again.
I am like a huge fan of both Kunoichi and Sasuke. I love the US translation n stuff. I LOATHE how G4 hypes it.