New Live Action Marvel Show Speculation

NFL Superpro, featuring Deadpool, and introducing Gerry Conway's Mindworm.
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Heroes for Hire seems like a great way to introduce the more "street level" characters for sure
A SHIELD show could work, but rumors suggested a street level or cop procedural. Heroes for Hire does seem like the closest I can think of to that, besides the rumored for years Alias, AKA Jessica Jones show.

Whatever approach they take, I hope they try to use it as a testing ground for more B, C, and D list Marvel characters on occasion who if acted well enough and become popular with fans, could lead to their own Phase 3 films. Characters like Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, etc.
Whatever approach they take, I hope they try to use it as a testing ground for more B, C, and D list Marvel characters on occasion who if acted well enough and become popular with fans, could lead to their own Phase 3 films. Characters like Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, etc.

Yeah I think Heroes for Hire would be the best way to go. They could have their base characters like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Jessica Jones maybe, and every week they'd go on different cases and maybe having a behind-the-scenes bad guy for the season. It would probably be very close to the format of Joss Whedon's Angel series.
And they should definitely use the show as well to introduce more characters. And I imagine that's where Daredevil will make his Marvel Universe debut. (Unless FOX pulls a miracle out of their butt) The show would work perfectly for introducing street level heroes who don't warrant their own solo movie or don't fit the movie format. I've always thought that Heroes for Hire would work better as an ongoing series instead of a movie. And while Moon Knight is very cool, and one of my all time favourite characters a movie with him would never work because to the general audience he's just Batman dressed in white.