Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
Muppets Most Wanted -- B The Muppets usually walk a fine line between hilarious and stupid, and I love them for it. This one leaned a bit more toward stupid. It was fun, but a little disappointing.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier -- A This movie was really well made. It's hard to compare it to other superhero movies that have come before it because it's so different. If The Dark Knigt was a crime drama that happened in a universe where Batman existed, then Cap 2 is a political thriller action movie that happened in the Avengers universe. I mean, there were some more "comic booky" elements
but genre-wise, this movie really tread some new ground.
It was a little long, and there were a couple of parts that there was just SO much going on that it was a bit hard to follow, but overall, it was a really good movie.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 -- C- This is hard. I really liked the first hour or so, but after that, it really took a nose dive. Once again, Peter and Gwen's relationship and chemistry was the highlight of the movie. The characterizations and relationships in general were really good. Until the second act when everything got rushed in order to sell the future of the franchise.
is too important of a story to take a back seat to setting up the Sinister Six.
Also, the visual effects were awesome. But the score was terrible.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier -- A This movie was really well made. It's hard to compare it to other superhero movies that have come before it because it's so different. If The Dark Knigt was a crime drama that happened in a universe where Batman existed, then Cap 2 is a political thriller action movie that happened in the Avengers universe. I mean, there were some more "comic booky" elements
(Like Arnim Zola and even just the helicarriers that we're going to wipe out millions of people,)
It was a little long, and there were a couple of parts that there was just SO much going on that it was a bit hard to follow, but overall, it was a really good movie.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 -- C- This is hard. I really liked the first hour or so, but after that, it really took a nose dive. Once again, Peter and Gwen's relationship and chemistry was the highlight of the movie. The characterizations and relationships in general were really good. Until the second act when everything got rushed in order to sell the future of the franchise.
Gwen's death
Also, the visual effects were awesome. But the score was terrible.
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