Joss Whedon News

thee great one

Master of TOG-fu.
Jan 27, 2005
Mormon Land.
Finally giving legs to persistent rumors about a "Season 8" of Buffy coming in comic form as well as giving hope to fans who thought they'd never see the crew of Serenity again, Joss Whedon today posted a message at about his upcoming workload, which includes Buffy, Spike, Serenity, Astonishing X-Men, and Wonder Woman.

Whedon posted:

"And now on to the rumors and allegations section. Many of you want to know what the future holds. Anxiety, hurricanes, and Male Pattern Baldness. But maybe also some art-stuff, which is really what you guys are into. No, I don't know anything about sequels, or spinoffs, or Nathan's President for Life gig. I'll keep my ear to the ground of course, but for now I'm just going to rest on my laurels (I have two). Oh! Oh! But I will tell you that Brett and I are talking about another three part comic, and it's gonna be a hoot. Takes place during the show, and has some sweet character deaths -- I mean moments! ("And what brings you to our ship, FutureTara..?") Sorry. Horrible taste. (Empty inside!) But wait'll you see the cover...

"Speaking of Dark Horse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT. I'm kicking off the book with a four issue arc that finds Buffy -- you guessed it -- living in Italy with The Immortal. (Scott [Allie] -- don't be mad I spoiled the announcement -- saying it means I have to finish it.) Then I'll be overseeing the book more closely, to make sure it remains true. Gonna be interesting. And it just might tie in to...

"The infamous Spike movie. Still haven't finalized anything, but I feel that very soon I'll be able to go to James and say something a lot more interesting than "Wouldn't it be cool if..." 'Course, I just hope he's free some time this decade. See how my peeps is all actifying! Tomorrow night is AMIAS, (that's alias with Acker in it.) Happy. And totally jealous.

"See, the Buffyverse glows in my brain with a new, overreaching arc that will include the comics, Spike, and more. It's taking shape and soon you will know its name. And you will tremble.

"Then of course there's a little thing called X-Men, who are apparently supposed to become astonishing again real soon. I miss me my Cassiday. Can't wait to see the fan response when I kill Wolverine and replace him with fan-fave Marrow.

"Well, I certainly can't say much more, except that Wonder Woman is finally kicking *** that is not my ***, as in, I'm loving this script. She's saving the world in a tiara, people; this is why there's a me!"

NEWS-A-RAMA with a preview cover to the new Serenity comic.

I'm going to get that Buffy & Serenity comic.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sometimes I hop on these boards and feel like I'm the only one didn't think Buffy and Angel were any good.... like at all.

Sometimes I hop on these boards and find myself agreeing with something you said:D
thee great one said:
....... Can't wait to see the fan response when I kill Wolverine and replace him with fan-fave Marrow.........

I would actually love to see him do this......................just to piss off the fan boys.

As for the Buffy/Angel stuff................let it go Joss........let it go.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sometimes I hop on these boards and feel like I'm the only one didn't think Buffy and Angel were any good.... like at all.

I couldn't say...I was never even the tiniest bit interested in either of them.
The Buffy and Angel shows themselves were pretty decent. As a grown man...I can honestly say that I've seen every episode of Buffy.....................does that qualify as sad??? :?

I was never really interested in the shows. Buffy was just something to watch on FX in the morning while I got ready for work. My friend was into both shows so he had the DVDs......I borrowed Angel Season 1 and 2...........but that's as far as I got. I didn't need to see anymore to decide that I wasn't a fan enough to see the rest.

Like I was saying---the shows weren't bad...........but when the show's done....let it go. Move on. And he tried that with Firefly---that didn't bode to well did it??? Enough for a movie spin-off...but not a really good one though.

Meh---maybe he'll do better with Wonder Woman.
Angel never interested me enough, as a character, to make me want to follow the series, so I can't really comment on that.

But Buffy, as a TV show, managed to hold my attention, every time I had time for it. So even fi I never invested -- emotionally and financially -- in its fandom, I still recognized it as a brilliant program.

And I'm not a rabid Buffy fan -- in fact, I've never seen a complete season, mainly because I find vampires limiting as subject matter. But I can say that the Whedon's oiriginal idea -- to take the "helpless blonde bimbo victim" trope so prevalent in slasher horror movies, and subvert it, and turn it on its head -- was fundametnally interesting to me.

And I respect how he managed to shape this vision into a consistently enjoyable, accessible franchise, despite its own extensive internal mythology.

I seriously doubt i'll pick up the comics. But based on how the final season ended, I'd rather see a Global-Frequency-with-stakes-and-garlic or Dial V for Vampire Hunter comic built around the Vampire Slayer Corps, so to speak, rather than follwing up on Buffy herself, or the supporting cast.
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TheManWithoutFear said:
The "good" Vampire concept always intrigued me. I think Whedon sucked at it.
I hope you didn't mean that as a deliberate pun.

Just to piss off MwoF, I'll categorically state that Buffy -- the character AND the franchise -- could whip Blade's sorry bad-haircut-sporting Matrix-knock-off-clothes-wearing testoterone-fuelled *** any day of the week.

Sorry, but I just really REALLY hate Marvel's vampire mythology, and I find it A LOT more tiresome and self-serious than ANYTHING from the Buffyverse.
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compound said:
I hope you didn't mean that as a deliberate pun.
I didn't sorry. shoulda thought that one out.

compound said:
Just to piss off MwoF, I'll categorically state that Buffy -- the character AND the franchise -- could whip Blade's sorry bard-haircut-sporting Matrix-knock-off-clothes-wearing testotore-fuelled *** any day of the week.


ha... yeah right.
compound said:
Angel never interested me enough, as a character, to make me want to follow the series, so I can't really comment on that.
Angel was alright enough as a supporting character in the two seasons of Buffy I've seen, especially in the second season. He has this sort of aw shucks appeal that bounces off nicely with his relentlessly amoral past and generally cliche bad-assery.

Giving him his own show worked against that because he had to support an entire series in a leading role which led to a really silly mix of the self-deprecating and self-serious schtick that is Whedon's trademark that just doesn't really work for him.

Angel as quirky love interest for Buffy, good. Angel as lead character, bad.

compound said:
But I can say that the Whedon's oiriginal idea -- to take the "helpless blonde bimbo victim" trope so prevalent in slasher horror movies, and subvert it, and turn it on its head -- was fundametnally interesting to me.
I honestly found the idea that the 'helpless blonde bimbo turned butt kicker' schtick is SO innovative and subversive is giving Whedon more praise than he really deserves. To me, it's the least interesting aspect of the franchise, even though Sarah Michelle Gellar pulls it off well.

I mean, OMG! Strong female role! Let's give this guy an Emmy!

compound said:
And I'm not a rabid Buffy fan -- in fact, I've never seen a complete season, mainly because I find vampires limiting as subject matter.
I find that surprising. I've always felt that they're just proxies for mutant and that the tortured dependence on blood routine is just another trait that fills in for any other obsessive addiction. It's like mutants suffer from Karl Lykos syndrome or something.

It's kind of why I admire the White Wolf Vampire series because it takes all the subcultural permutations that have been made out of vampire lore (Ventrue = corporate aristocracy, Giovanni = Mafioso-like extended family, Brujah = rock and roll anarchists, Followers of Set = Mediterranean mystics)and their diversified physical traits and stick them into one universe.
compound said:
Buffy -- the character AND the franchise -- could whip Blade's sorry bad-haircut-sporting Matrix-knock-off-clothes-wearing testoterone-fuelled *** any day of the week.
Actually, Blade was pulling the whole testosterone-fueled black-leather-coated badassery before the Wachowski Bros. ever started filming the Matrix. Those pudgy little brothers are derivative hacks. They've always been.
I, for one, enjoyed the Buffy series. The first 3 seasons were solid, 4 and 5 were ok and then they should have ended. The last two seasons were only tolerable because Spike was such and intereting character. I think Whedon's best series if Firefly. That was such a brilliant concept and the characters were all really interesting in complete. I wish more people would have dug that show, or at least Fox.
I loved buffy. Personaly if the spike movie gose to the cinema I am so going to watch that at least 5 times
TheManWithoutFear said:
Buffy sucked... Whedon's Serenity was teh awesome. He's way off again -- way on again.

Not seen Serenity yet. I loved firefly just not got around to seeing Serenity.

As much as like firefly thou Buffy/angel was so much better IMO