Is There Any Explanation for Why Kryptonians are So Attractive


Active Member
Oct 29, 2023
In terms of artistic direction it's "because comic book characters are usually good looking and muscular, also that's what comic artists are best at drawing easily". But even in-universe the public, other superheroes, Lex Luther, and alien queens, remark on how good looking Clark and his relatives are.
I know during the New 52 Rocafort era the artist also said that he considered Kryptonians to be genetically engineered/hyper evolved, that they really did all look like supermodel Olympic lifters and gymnasts. You could also guess this from the Byrne era view of Krypton. But has the ever been an explanation in comics for why basically every random Kryptonian (excepting a very few greatly deformed ones) are considered very attractive by most Kryptonians and humans alike?
If you think about It Viltrumites are attrattive too as the kryptonians. I don't think we Will have an answer anyway. Maybe Is thanks to sun light?
If you think about It Viltrumites are attrattive too as the kryptonians. I don't think we Will have an answer anyway. Maybe Is thanks to sun light?
That's some Silver Age logic there super-handsomeness!
But even random Kryptonians on Krypton are incredibly good looking, male and female. Zod is a bit older and more aggressively masculine than Superman in his face, but he could be an actor or a model based on his looks. I've seen maybe four Kryptonians who didn't look like GQ models, and I think they were all deformed/injured/experimented on.

From a mythological trope/artistic point of view it's not hard to understand, but as I said it's something that people inside the DC Universe say about Clark and Supergirl quite frequently. Ice (herself a Swedish model) says he's "the most handsome man I've ever seen", and some of Zod's adolescent relatives were swarmed with admirers in public on the basis of looks alone (well, and being flying space gods).
If it was just Clark, or even his relatives, there's nothing to explain: some people have a gene pool that tends photogenic, plus them being in good shape and overall health. But it seems like just about any Kryptonian or Daxamite has very attractive features, including various different ethnic groups on the planet. It doesn't seem to just be Superman's family that looks like that.
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Well, in some continuities Kryptonians are bio-engineered (Like in the DCEU), so I just asume that they are just made to be attractive.
Well, in some continuities Kryptonians are bio-engineered (Like in the DCEU), so I just asume that they are just made to be attractive.
That's quite a logical inference and more or less my headcanon explanation, but I was wondering if anyone's ever actually said, in a comic, "we selected for extremely striking looks"

Of course the practical reason for DC is that people like to see them drawn that way.
That's quite a logical inference and more or less my headcanon explanation, but I was wondering if anyone's ever actually said, in a comic, "we selected for extremely striking looks"

Of course the practical reason for DC is that people like to see them drawn that way.
That's more a Viltrumite thing.
That's more a Viltrumite thing.
It is interesting that Mark looks more like Clark than Omni-Man. Omni-Man is a steroid version of Tom Selleck or something, definitely a good looking man but he has a more 'normal' person look to his face. Clark and Invincible both have crazy hair that looks like a Saiyan got his hair curled or something. Though Mark is definitely not as lantern jawed as Superman, he's more the Johnny Depp type.
On a related point, I've seen people ask why Superman's hair almost never gets disordered up, even when he's getting hit by aliens and flying through building - even though it bounces and waves in the wind more or less normally. In Pre-crisis Superman made several comments about how being hit with trains or bombs don't even 'muss my hair'. I would assume that, aside from the obvious durability of his hair, he can probably use some energy-field and precision scalp muscle control, in the same way that his chest can flatten a bullet without Lois scraping her face off on it when he carries her. Also, his hair on the comics is wavy and has an S curl on the right as Superman, it's naturally wavy if he doesn't comb it, so it's probably already a bit 'mussed' and still just spring back into a wavy, loose part if he leaves it alone or runs his hands through it.

Using advanced energy fields and superhuman muscular control to keep your hair looking right is ridiculous but it's the sort of thing Clark does all the time. Even catching coffee cups at super speed requires great precision, to not shatter or spill it. It's also part of his disguise, which helps make his face shape a bit different from Clark's.
In terms of artistic direction it's "because comic book characters are usually good looking and muscular, also that's what comic artists are best at drawing easily". But even in-universe the public, other superheroes, Lex Luther, and alien queens, remark on how good looking Clark and his relatives are.
I know during the New 52 Rocafort era the artist also said that he considered Kryptonians to be genetically engineered/hyper evolved, that they really did all look like supermodel Olympic lifters and gymnasts. You could also guess this from the Byrne era view of Krypton. But has the ever been an explanation in comics for why basically every random Kryptonian (excepting a very few greatly deformed ones) are considered very attractive by most Kryptonians and humans alike?
No, it's all just revolving around most of them being heroes and heroes mostly being attractive.