If you were stuck on an island, and could only bring ONE book, what would it be?

If there was a massive, hardcover of all the Promethea issues (...is there?) I would take that with me. I could spend my whole life pondering just what the **** Moore was writing about.

Otherwise, probably my Absolute Watchmen hardcover.
I thought this was about who you would want to be stuck on an Island with...:( (sigh)

Screw the book. Why the hell would I be reading a book if I was stranded on a Island?...But if I had no choice... From Hell.
Some sort of Omnibus? I'd love a Punisher MAX omnibus, but if it has to be real...I want something with multiple stories in it, so that I don't necessarily need to read it in the right order...hmm...I don't know ...the comics I've read aren't 'Deep' enough. Maybe I'd go with something like promethea or Earth X trilogy even though I haven't read them.
Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose By Paris Hilton.

Shyeah right.

I'd want to have my Calvin and Hobbes Collection. Maybe "Scientific Progress Goes "Boink", maybe "Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons". The Complete Calvin and Hobbes would be ideal but it's not just one book.
I'd want to have my Calvin and Hobbes Collection. Maybe "Scientific Progress Goes "Boink", maybe "Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons". The Complete Calvin and Hobbes would be ideal but it's not just one book.

Good one. I agree.