If you could only pick up ONE series from each label/imprint...


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2004
...what would it be?

And you can choose something that is a series of miniseries (like 'Hellboy'), rather than an on-going - just so long as its not officially cancelled.

Here are your choices:

Marvel -
DC -
Vertigo -
Icon -
Image -
Dark Horse -
Dynamite -
ONE other of your choice (NOT from an above label)-

Please, no 'ties'.
What would you pick?
Marvel - I don't get anything from Marvel right now.
DC - Swamp Thing. It'd be a ***** with the Animal Man crossover coming up.
Vertigo - Hellblazer
Icon - Casanova
Image -This ones hard with all the great stuff they're doing right now. I think i'd say Prophet, but that might change depending on how good the next issues of Saga or The Manhatten Projects are.
IDW - Locke and Key
Dark Horse - BPRD
Dynamite - I don't get anything of thiers.
Here's my OWN answers (right now)

Marvel -Don't get anything from them right now
DC - as above
Vertigo -American Vampire
Icon -Casanova
Image -Chew
Dark Horse -Umbrella Academy (hey - its only been 2 or 3 years!)
Dynamite -N/A
ONE other of your choice (NOT from an above label)- N/A

SO - I was hoping this thread would convince me to try some titles I'm not currently into - hoping for more feedback! :)
This may as well be my pull list. I get maybe five or six titles a month.
What is your pull list?
Here's my OWN answers (right now)

Marvel -Don't get anything from them right now
DC - as above
Vertigo -American Vampire
Icon -Casanova
Image -Chew
Dark Horse -Umbrella Academy (hey - its only been 2 or 3 years!)
Dynamite -N/A
ONE other of your choice (NOT from an above label)- N/A

SO - I was hoping this thread would convince me to try some titles I'm not currently into - hoping for more feedback! :)

Go try Locke and Key
I enjoyed th first Locke and Key, but in the second one (I think), inside the guy's head (including the removal of the top of his head)- those images were silly to me. That being said, people are still recommending it, so I must have pulled the plug too quickly. I'll have to re-check it out!
Marvel - Daredevil
DC - Animal Man
Vertigo - Fables
Icon - Criminal/Incognito/Casanova (they are never published at the same time)
Image - Saga
IDW - Locke and Key
Dark Horse - B.P.R.D.
Dynamite - The Boys
ONE other of your choice (NOT from an above label) - something from Drawn and Quarterly?

fenway - did you check out any of the recommendations in this thread?
Marvel - Daredevil
DC - Animal Man
Vertigo - Fables
Icon - Criminal/Incognito/Casanova (they are never published at the same time)
Image - Saga
IDW - Locke and Key
Dark Horse - B.P.R.D.
Dynamite - The Boys
ONE other of your choice (NOT from an above label) - something from Drawn and Quarterly?

fenway - did you check out any of the recommendations in this thread?

Yes sir! I got Unwritten (Vol 1 was interesting, but I was not crazy about Vol 2), as well as some of 'the Goon' (it also didn't grab me). I think Fables is next for me! (but I thought I'd try for a recommendation thread from a 'label' 'point of view to see what came up.
Discussion like this makes me feel bad that I don't read more indie or creator-owned books (and therefore can't answer for a few of these publishers).

Marvel - Daredevil
DC - tough call...probably Batwoman, actually
Vertigo - Fables
Icon - Criminal
Image - Saga
Dark Horse - The Goon
Friday said:
What is your pull list?

FANTASTIC FOUR, FF, CRIMINAL, FABLES, ANIMAL MAN, THE ULTIMATES, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, MORNING GLORIES. I often buy a random trade too, most likely a French comic. But I only go once a month.
FANTASTIC FOUR, FF, CRIMINAL, FABLES, ANIMAL MAN, THE ULTIMATES, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, MORNING GLORIES. I often buy a random trade too, most likely a French comic. But I only go once a month.

I don't think that Criminal counts. Its not going to have any new issues for at least a year if not longer.

And I'm really surprised that Morning Glories is in there. I'd think you'd call it out as lazy or poor storytelling since we know nothing and they've reused scenes several times.
Yeah, Morning Glories is pretty ****ty. There's been how many issues now and nothing has actually happened? Nick Spencer is a joke.
Friday said:
I don't think that Criminal counts. Its not going to have any new issues for at least a year if not longer.

Well now I know that.

As for MORNING GLORIES; I've read only the first two trades. I can imagine it being very similar to LOST in pay offs but so far, so good.

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