I Heart Marvel and other Marvel Romance books


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yeah, I know its poor form to start two threads in a row that don't contribute anything but questions, but hey...

Anybody read any of the batch of romance books that Marvel put out recently. I know some people weren't exactly excited about them, but I wouldn't be surprised if people picked them up anyway...

That said, what are everyones thoughts and opinions on these things?

I read I Heart Marvel: My Mutant Heart and I liked it overall. The Wolverine story struck me as a little paint by numbers, but Milligan's retro-tinted Doop tale and the Cannonball/Lila Cheney story by Tim Fish was rather cute if a bit tepid.
I haven't read any of them but will check out at least one out of morbid curiosity.
I read comics to escape from the real world, and see superheroes beat the crap out of supervillains. I have no romance in real life - why would I want to read about superheroes being in it?
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Doc Comic said:
I read comics to escape from the real world, and see superheroes beat the crap out of supervillains. I have no romance in real life - why would I want to read about superheroes being in it?
I read "I (heart) Marvel: Web of Romance" and it was a good little story. Peter trying to find the perfect Valentine present for MJ and goes around asking everybody. Finally he gives her
a couple of his old web shooters in form of bracelets
Ultimate Warrior said:
I read "I (heart) Marvel: Web of Romance" and it was a good little story. Peter trying to find the perfect Valentine present for MJ and goes around asking everybody. Finally he gives her
a couple of his old web shooters in form of bracelets

Ya, I read that one. I liked how Peter told MJ. About the time
he made a web Bat to scare Johnny, and got webs all over him when he burned it. Then at the near the end. Peter shows MJ how to do the same to Johnny. With her web shooters.
Ultimate Warrior said:
I read "I (heart) Marvel: Web of Romance" and it was a good little story. Peter trying to find the perfect Valentine present for MJ and goes around asking everybody. Finally he gives her
a couple of his old web shooters in form of bracelets
That actually sounds genuinely sweet.

Was this written by Sean McKeever? It sounds exactly like the kind of stuff he'd write (for better and for worse) for the Mary Jane books.
Doc Comic said:
I read comics to escape from the real world, and see superheroes beat the crap out of supervillains. I have no romance in real life - why would I want to read about superheroes being in it?

That's deep, man.