How much do you spend on comics in a month?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
At this point I only spend about $25 per month on comics. This is due to a two things. First, people in college don't make a lot of money. Second, I'm relatively new to comics (I bought my first comic book on my way to see the Elektra movie).

How much do you spend?
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

I was spending 200 dollars a month.

But for the last 4 months I have spent nothing because I am saving money.
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

I download and order trades through Amazon every few months. It's too expensive to buy comics regularly, especially in NZ.
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

30-40$ a week I guess

so just around 200 I suppose

I'm dropping books left and right now thoug.
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

I have no idea. Maybe around $65-80? Not sure since every month my list has shortened, and that's mostly without dropping books.

I used to spend around $100 or so, but that's when I was pulling a Gemini and buying everything Marvel put out! :p

Ok, I didn't really, but I used to buy like 27-30 from Marvel.
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

Hard to say. I only buy 2 books in issues - All Star Superman and Fell. Neither come out monthly.

But I buy quite a few trades and collections. Several a month.
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

I have no idea. Maybe around $65-80? Not sure since every month my list has shortened, and that's mostly without dropping books.

I used to spend around $100 or so, but that's when I was pulling a Gemini and buying everything Marvel put out! :p

Ok, I didn't really, but I used to buy like 27-30 from Marvel.

I'm trying to cut down!

a what's the point, I'm like Kirstey Alley, no matter how much I loose It's still massive
Re: How muck do you spend on comics in a month?

I'm trying to cut down!

a what's the point, I'm like Kirstey Alley, no matter how much I loose It's still massive

Nice simile.

Okay, I just wanted to use the word simile, but funny nonetheless.
I spend between 80-120 bucks a month. Every week I try to get 1 trade and my single issues which, with my discount, comes to between 20 and 30 dollars a week.
Roughly eighteen dollars every time a Fables related T.P.B. is released.

Mainly because I have stopped reading comics.

I keep coming back here because I hope for the day when everyone is like, "OMG COMIX R TEH AWESOMES AGIN!!!one!!1 TEH STOREEZ R ACTUALLY WORTH REDDING LOLZ!!!!11111".

Sadly, that will never happen.
I keep coming back here because I hope for the day when everyone is like, "OMG COMIX R TEH AWESOMES AGIN!!!one!!1 TEH STOREEZ R ACTUALLY WORTH REDDING LOLZ!!!!11111".

Sadly, that will never happen.
Give it time. I mean everyone thought it would never happen after 1996, but then 2001 happened.

Also, there still ARE comics worth reading.

Just a lot less, and few if any, are from Marvel, Ultimate or otherwise.
Indeed. I have been reading a number of independently produced comics, mostly in trade. There is good stuff out there.

The only series I pick up in singles is Rex Libris, which only comes out every two or three months, so divide $2.99 by three....

I will, however, sometimes pick up a mini-series, or an arc of an on-going title if a character of interest shows up in it, so some months I'll spend as much as $10 on single issues. I buy mostly in trades, and my spending on those varies, as it depends on what titles interest me at any given time. I'd say on average I spend about $20 a month on trades. (For example, I just found a great sale on trades at The Book Cellar, a small chain bookstore, where they were selling older issues of both Ultimate and regular Marvel universes for $6 each. I spent about $55. Other months I won't spend anything. I buy a few titles in trades when they come out, but it's hit or miss. Aaron Williams' PS-238 trade purchases are a given, I bought all of Dan Slott's She-Hulk trades, etc.)

Since I'm guessing you're interested mostly in regular purchases, I won't figure in what I spent the last time I was at a comic book convention.... :panic: