Halloween Unified Timeline - Theory

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2018
United Kingdom
So, as all you know, the Halloween film series has many alternate timelines branching off from the original 1978 film, with events before and after it taking seemingly wildly different turns. However, while this seems to be the clear intent at times, there are serveral connections between the various timelines. In order to explore this theory, I'm going to give an overview of the Halloween timeline's most important events and explain how it could all be connected.

Just assume that everything is canon here except for the Rob Zombie films.

Michael Myers kills his sister, Judith.

The events of Halloween and Halloween II occur. The flashbacks in Halloween Kills likely occur between Halloween II's intro and Michael's first kill of Halloween II, with Myers escaping the police off-screen. It's also possible that it occurs after the hospital explosion, but I doubt that due to Loomis lacking scars. Halloween Kills uses archive footage from Halloween II of Annie's body being taken out in a body bag, so certain events from Halloween II did happen in the H40 timeline.

Michael disappears after the hospital explosion. A film based on the 1978 babysitter murders is produced titled Halloween, directed by John Carpenter and starring Jamie Lee Curtis.

The events of Halloween: The First Death of Laurie Strode #1-2 occur.

Michael is captured and taken to Ridgemont Federal Sanitarium, where he seemingly falls into a coma for the next 9 years.

Jamie Lloyd is born to Laurie Strode and Mr Lloyd.

John Tate is born to Laurie Strode and an unknown man, who she marries and later divorces.

Karen Strode is born to Laurie Strode after a one-night stand.

The events of Halloween III: Season of the Witch occur. The in-universe Halloween movie can be seen. It is assumed that the Silver Shamrock broadcast was stopped and no children died.

Laurie Strode, John, Karen and Laurie's current partner are all in a car accident. While Laurie's current partner dies, she, John and Karen survive. She decides to fake her death with the help of Sam Loomis, and Jamie Lloyd is adopted by the Carruthers family.

The events of Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers occur.

The events of Halloween: 30 Years of Terror, "Repetition Compulsion" and Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers occur.

The events of Halloween: 30 Years of Terror, "Trick of Treat" occur.

The events of Halloween: 30 Years of Terror, "P.O.V." occur.

The events of Halloween: Autopsis occur.

Karen is taken away from Laurie Strode as social services see her as unfit to raise her.

The events of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers occur.

The events of Halloween: Sam occur. While the story places itself in 1995, this is ignored in order for Loomis to be alive during Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.

The events of Halloween #1 and Halloween II: The Blackest Eyes occur. While Brackett allegedly dies in the latter, his death is ambiguous enough to not be too problematic.

The events of Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later occur. It is presumed Marion Chambers survived getting her throat slit, which is technically possible with medical treatment. After Laurie kills an innocent paramedic, she starts to lose her mind due to the guilt. She eventually starts wearing Michael's overalls and mask, taking on the role of the Shape herself.

Michael's mask from either The Curse of Michael Myers or Twenty Years Later ends up in a special Slasher evidence locker, as seen in Bride of Chucky.

The events of Halloween III: The Devil's Eyes occur. Laurie Strode is institutionalised like her brother after attempting to kill Tommy Doyle and Lindsey Wallace, the children she babysat in 1978 during the original killing spree. While she is stabbed around the eye, it is assumed that it didn't cause permanent damage and the lighting makes it look worse than it is.

The events of Halloween: Nightdance #1-4 occur.

The events of Halloween: 30 Years of Terror, 'Visiting Hours" occur.

Michael tracks down Laurie Strode, who has recovered from her brief DID illness, and drops her off the roof after stabbing her. She barely survives due to the low height and her fall being broken just enough by the trees. After Michael leaves, she's able to get medical attention immediately and survives. An period of time later, Laurie is freed from Grace Andersen Sanitarium hospital.

The events of Halloween: Resurrection occur.

The events of Halloween: One Good Scare occur. Lindsey Wallace's death is only imagined by David Loomis, and it can be assumed that Michael either left her alive or she managed to escape.

By this point, Michael is said to have attacked Haddonfield on at least four separate occasions (depicted in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon), though this hypothetical composite suggests he has had many more. It's possible that some encounters were covered up by the Cult of Thorn.

The events of Halloween: 30 Years of Terror, "Tommy and the Boogeyman" occur. Tommy begins writing and drawing comics based on the events of Halloween 4-6. The cancelled Halloween: The Mark of Thorn comic would have continued this story and made it possible for fans to connect the Thorn Trilogy with the H20 timeline.

The events of Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon #6 occur. Michael Myers is seen hanging out with Kent Kingsley (the Moaner), John Kramer (Jigsaw), a Freddy Krueger copycat and a Jason Voorhees copycat. Sometime later, Michael is once again institutionalised.

The events of Halloween and Halloween Kills occur. When it is stated that Michael Myers was institutionalised for 40 years, this could be simply talking about how he's been institutionalised over the course of the last 40 years, from his 9 year coma to his capture after 2005. Laurie being Michael's sister is briefly alluded to before being dismissed as a rumour, an obvious nod to Halloween II. Throughout both films, you can see children wearing Silver Shamrock masks. The novelisation of Halloween Kills states that Tommy was "so obsessed with Michael and all things Halloween that he'd gotten a tattoo of a Thorn rune on his left arm, and when he was anxious, he rubbed his hand over it subconsciously".

Corey Cunningham accidentally kills Jeremy Allen, the young boy he was babysitting.

The events of Chucky Meets Michael Myers occurs. This short depicts Chucky carving a pumpkin for Michael. Michael stabs the pumpkin, and Chucky asks if it's because he didn't like it. Notably, Michael has the same appearance from Halloween Kills.

The events of Halloween Ends occur.

If you really want to, I guess the Rob Zombie films can be seen as an in-universe reboot of the in-universe John Carpenter film, I suppose.

So, there's my personal write-up of a hypothetical composite timeline of the Halloween films as a single-universe narrative. I tried to avoid stretches as much as possible, but that can only go so far. Thankfully the Halloween tie-in comics did most of the work in establishing a continuity between the Thorn Trilogy and H20 that it wasn't a huge problem for those, and in fact, I see them as connected officially due to the cancelled Thorn comic book. The new trilogy is the most problematic, especially as Laurie, Marion, Brackett and Lindsey are supposed to be dead.
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