Football Fight


Nexus of the World
Feb 22, 2005
Folkestone, UK
So, today, that's Sunday morning, my football team that I play for got into a fight.

I was watching from the sidelines, and what happened was one of our defenders did a proper tackle to a striker - got the ball and took down the striker. The striker, pissed off he lost his shot (they were winning 3-0) headbutted the defender, and then, while he was on the floor punched him in the jaw. At this point both teams and several supporters are running onto the pitch to stop the fight (including myself) - though it seems some where interested in joining in on the fight. The first person was the defender's brother who rugby tackled the striker to the floor. There was a big bundle. By the time I ran onto the scene, it was pretty much ending, but there was one guy kicking one of my friends repeatedly in the gut while he was on the floor. This guy was not part of the teams, he was a **** from the sidelines. One of our players almost punched him, but was held back - it was a proper "goodbye face" punch he was about to unleash.

There was a lot of arguing, a lot of red cards, and the 'supporter' got in his van and drove the hell away. The ref is intent on having him picked up by the police. (It's worth noting that the guys supporting the other team were drinking cans of beer - at 11am.)

I got there in time just to check on my mates, and sadly, not killify any of the ****s kicking my friends in the ribs. Luckily, no one was really hurt. A couple of bloody noses, aching shoulders, but nothing serious.

However, according to the other team's, the catalyst was "the rugby tackle". Amazingly, he seemed to have missed the headbutt and punching.

So yes, bunch of ****s they were. Some even said, "After the match! We'll be here!" We were the last people off the pitch. They left as soon as the game ended.

However, for me, this is the closest I've come to a real fight. And I'm proud to say that I heard some commotion on the pitch, turned my head to see one of my teammates punched in the head while on the floor. My first reaction was that I ran right onto the pitch. No hesitating. For this, I am proud. I am also proud that our guys didn't throw any punches. The first thing our guys did was try to make sure everyone was alright, rather than beating the crap out of someone. I think that's the right choice.

So, if anyone ever goes to Folkestone, boycott the Mustangs pub. Go to the Guildhall instead. They're literally a two-minute walk away.

Anyhow, I felt like sharing this with you because it's like the Punisher, only wildly different.

And appropriately, Sinfest's sunday strip is this:
(just realised it has the f-word in it)
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you gotta love british football games. sunday league is full of fisticuffs
You're in for a world of doomsday-like pain. *shakes fist*

I think that someone's bitter because his country lost the revolutionary war. No taxation without representation, *****.

Sounds like a crazy game of soccer, though.
I'm very upset Bass.

I expected to see a Matrix like scene where you, surrounded by the opposing team and it's supporters, and kick their asses with stop motion hollywood kung fu.

Instead, you didn't even part the mob like Moses parted the Red Sea.

Bad form Nexus, bad form
That is awesome. We never really get any good sports related fights here. At least not between professional teams anyways.

There was a fight between two college football teams(I think one of them was Florida State) a while back. Both teams joined in and quickly turned into a brawl. It was all caught on TV and afterwards they showed replays of fight. It got dirty. They had one guy bashing another guy with his helmet and a couple of guys kicking guys who were already on the ground.

What I loved was that they had guys saying, "You only see these kinds of fights in college games because if an NFL player did this, it could cost them close to a million dollars in fines."
I'm very upset Bass.

I expected to see a Matrix like scene where you, surrounded by the opposing team and it's supporters, and kick their asses with stop motion hollywood kung fu.

Instead, you didn't even part the mob like Moses parted the Red Sea.

Bad form Nexus, bad form

No, I was too busy checking to see if my friend's cheekbone had fractured to let loose with the wire-fu.

That is awesome. We never really get any good sports related fights here. At least not between professional teams anyways.

There was a fight between two college football teams(I think one of them was Florida State) a while back. Both teams joined in and quickly turned into a brawl. It was all caught on TV and afterwards they showed replays of fight. It got dirty. They had one guy bashing another guy with his helmet and a couple of guys kicking guys who were already on the ground.

What I loved was that they had guys saying, "You only see these kinds of fights in college games because if an NFL player did this, it could cost them close to a million dollars in fines."

You are aware that this is not a professional team. This is a league played by teams all of which are sponsored by their local pub.

In hindsight... it's kind of inevitable.
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So, today, that's Sunday morning, my football team that I play for got into a fight.

I was watching from the sidelines, and what happened was one of our defenders did a proper tackle to a striker - got the ball and took down the striker. The striker, pissed off he lost his shot (they were winning 3-0) headbutted the defender, and then, while he was on the floor punched him in the jaw. At this point both teams and several supporters are running onto the pitch to stop the fight (including myself) - though it seems some where interested in joining in on the fight. The first person was the defender's brother who rugby tackled the striker to the floor. There was a big bundle. By the time I ran onto the scene, it was pretty much ending, but there was one guy kicking one of my friends repeatedly in the gut while he was on the floor. This guy was not part of the teams, he was a **** from the sidelines. One of our players almost punched him, but was held back - it was a proper "goodbye face" punch he was about to unleash.

There was a lot of arguing, a lot of red cards, and the 'supporter' got in his van and drove the hell away. The ref is intent on having him picked up by the police. (It's worth noting that the guys supporting the other team were drinking cans of beer - at 11am.)

I got there in time just to check on my mates, and sadly, not killify any of the ****s kicking my friends in the ribs. Luckily, no one was really hurt. A couple of bloody noses, aching shoulders, but nothing serious.

However, according to the other team's, the catalyst was "the rugby tackle". Amazingly, he seemed to have missed the headbutt and punching.

So yes, bunch of ****s they were. Some even said, "After the match! We'll be here!" We were the last people off the pitch. They left as soon as the game ended.

However, for me, this is the closest I've come to a real fight. And I'm proud to say that I heard some commotion on the pitch, turned my head to see one of my teammates punched in the head while on the floor. My first reaction was that I ran right onto the pitch. No hesitating. For this, I am proud. I am also proud that our guys didn't throw any punches. The first thing our guys did was try to make sure everyone was alright, rather than beating the crap out of someone. I think that's the right choice.

So, if anyone ever goes to Folkestone, boycott the Mustangs pub. Go to the Guildhall instead. They're literally a two-minute walk away.

Anyhow, I felt like sharing this with you because it's like the Punisher, only wildly different.

And appropriately, Sinfest's sunday strip is this:
(just realised it has the f-word in it)

:sure: A Football(soccer) game that had a broken out into a fight... Theres the shocker of the century... Question: Has their ever been a "Football" game that hasn't broken into a fight?
You are aware that this is not a professional team. This is a league played by teams all of which are sponsored by their local pub.

In hindsight... it's kind of inevitable.
I knew your team wasn't professional. I was just bringing up that brawl because it's kind of rare that we see any major fighting between sports teams here and that one was kind of major.

Yeah, when drinking establishments start sponsoring athletic events, fighting is bound to break out.

It's still a shame you didn't get to throw a punch. It'll probably be years before a bunch of drunken brits insite violence at a sporting event.


How was that?

A bit too... "All the English I've learned is from Telly" for my tastes.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Shut the **** up!" had me rolling.

:sure: A Football(soccer) game that had a broken out into a fight... Theres the shocker of the century... Question: Has their ever been a "Football" game that hasn't broken into a fight?

Yes. All the ones I've been playing in the Sunday morning league for the last two years, as well as all the 6-a-side Sunday evening league matches for the last season, the numerous friendlies in between, and all the Wednesday night indoor training matches.

I knew your team wasn't professional. I was just bringing up that brawl because it's kind of rare that we see any major fighting between sports teams here and that one was kind of major.

Lies. You thought I was a professional football player. Admit it. You want to see me run around sweating into my tight shorts. You love it, you slag.

It's worth noting, the team we played against were not drunk. Their supporters were drinking cans of beer though.
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A bit too... "All the English I've learned is from Telly" for my tastes.
:roll: Don't you pretend that all British people aren't stereotypes.
Lies. You thought I was a professional football player. Admit it. You want to see me run around sweating into my tight shorts. You love it, you slag.
I do.