Fave Comic Book Cities?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Metro Manila, Philippines
This is related to a possible future podcast series that Ourchair and I have in mind...

What are some of your favorite cities from comic books? And why?

They can be totally made-up. They can be analogs, counterparts, or fictionalized versions of real-life urban centers. I don't care.

I just wanna know which ones interest you most, and what it is about them that appeals to you.

And please, while there's always room for some good fun, I'd really appreciate it if you took this discussion just a little bit seriously...
This is related to a possible future podcast series that Ourchair and I have in mind...

What are some of your favorite cities from comic books? And why?

They can be totally made-up. They can be analogs, counterparts, or fictionalized versions of real-life urban centers. I don't care.

I just wanna know which ones interest you most, and what it is about them that appeals to you.

And please, while there's always room for some good fun, I'd really appreciate it if you took this discussion just a little bit seriously...

Engine City from Reign of the Supermen.
I like the DC Twin Cities of Central City and Keystone City.

Also: The most corrupt city in the DCU, Hub City
London from V for Vendetta is at the top of my list, as is Ultimate Marvel's NYC (of course :p)
Neopolis (Top Ten)
Fabletown (Fables)
Gotham City (Batman)
Gotham before NML when it got quaked and then Lex Luthor rebuilt it all ****-like.

I guess what I'm saying is, Gothic, Dark-Deco Gotham, as seen in B:TAS and Batman '89.

I got your Gotham right here:


Note the Gothic awesomeness, epitomized by the 800-foot cathedral in the middle of the second pic.
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I like Limbo Town from Seven Soldiers of Victory as well.
And also, Flash's town... is it Fawcett? I'm not sure.

Fawcett is the Marvel Family.

-Jay Garrick: Keystone City
-Barry Allen: Central City
-Wally West: Central, then Keystone
-Bart Allen: Keystone, then Los Angeles

Geography lesson for

Central and Keystone Cities = DC's version of Kansas City which borders Missouri and Kansas... Keystone in Kansas and Central in Missouri.

St. Roch = I always thought it was supposed to be St. Paul in Minnesota, but apparently it's the DCU's answer to New Orleans, being the major city in Louisiana.

Midway City = DCU's Chicago; the former locale of Hawkman and the Doom Patrol

Fawcett City = Conflictingly noted to be in both Indiana and Wisconsin, but the latter seems more definite, as it was mentioned in the Power of SHAZAM! series as opposed to . Think of it as an analogue to Milwaukee, a smaller urban setting, but still very much a city. Home to Captain Marvel.

Opal City = In Maryland, an analogue to Baltimore. Starman has always been situated in Opal City.

Coast City = DC's San Francisco, which they've situated further north than the actual city after the introduction of real cities to the DCU. Home to Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Earth.

Star City = The most geographically confused city in the DCU. It's been mentioned to exist in Massachusetts, Illinois, Indiana, . Recently its been recognized as being north of Coast City. Due to the city's liberal leanings, I think that the closest city it might mirror would be Portland, Oregon.

Hub City = The most corrupt city in the DCU, located in southern Illinois. While the city has no direct analogue (other than perhaps Chicago), it seems to be the embodiment of American corruption in Urban Society. The Question operated here for many years.

Ivy Town = Either in Conneticut or Upstate New York. This town exists as an analogue to your typical New England college town. Home to the Atom.

Gotham City = Designed to be the Dark Side of NYC. Typically placed in Northern Jersey, outside of the New York Area but still in its general vicinity on the East Coast. Many heroes operate here, the foremost of whom is Batman

Metropolis = Designed to be the Light Side of NYC. Also on the East Coast, but usually depicted as being close to Washington DC. Superman operates here.

Blüdhaven = Near Gotham in New Jersey, viewed as an analogue to

More later?
which ever city was built on rock and roll is my fav.

They recorded a bunch of different versions of that song (there's a "news break" in it that refers to cities) so it could play all over the country and people would think "Yeah, they're talking about my city!"

What they didn't realize was that everybody had long since changed the station by then.
They recorded a bunch of different versions of that song (there's a "news break" in it that refers to cities) so it could play all over the country and people would think "Yeah, they're talking about my city!"

What they didn't realize was that everybody had long since changed the station by then.

i did not know that. Pretty cool.