Damian Gets Worse


Active Member
Oct 29, 2023
First of all, I read Morrison's entire run, lots of the graphic novels and a bunch of New 52 comics with Damian. I say this because the exact comics people tell me to read about him are exactly why I don't like him. Like all semi-popular characters he's stuck in a loop of zero character development but, unlike many of those, he's just unlikable.
I don't like his origin story, the relationship between Talia and Bruce, his personality, his appearance, the Mary Sue nonsense of babies beating up 300lb men (I don't care how trained he is, it's ridiculous and looks stupid, worse than Black Widow's magical, muscle-free death blows). I hate what a little **** he is to characters I do like her are superior in all ways to him, I don't like the scumbag authors who made Batman call Damian his 'real son' like his adopted kids don't count, I despise the low effort edgelord marketing gimmick he is, and frankly I'm just not reading any comic he ever appears in.

If I had my way I'd completely get rid of him and Bruce's relationship with Talia, since I never thought it was a credible relationship to begin with, and make Tim Drake Robin again. Hell, I'll take Jason Todd or that random girl engineer over Damian.

Extra Credit, I don't like Jon Kent. Chris was better, and wasn't being inexplicably hailed as a great hero even though his comics suck and he's done nothing interesting. The two of them teamed up, well, the series could just be called Dumpster Fire instead of Super Sons.

I don't generally like child protagonists in action and fantasy in the first place (as a child I hated when they inserted a useless child character because elderly executives thought that would appeal to children), and I don't like the Marvel-esque perpetual angst and drama (I like my superheroes to be mature adults and not emotional basket cases), so Damian was basically designed to irritate me. I usually like Grant Morrison, but the only thing I've read with Damian that I liked was when he died. I wish he'd stayed dead!

And while I've never been a big fan of Robin (except Tim Drake when he's doing his detective stuff), none of the other Robins have prevented me from reading a book entirely. I can't even think of a comic book character I've ever disliked more than Damian Wayne.