Creators Designing Comic Characters (Interesting...)

Re: Interesting...

Wow.........interesting indeed. Now all they need is Santino's version of Spiderman.

Timm Gunn's comments too of course....... :oops:

I gotta stop hanging out with the wife...... :x
Re: Interesting...

Cool Iron Man design. The Black Widow looks too much like some og Immonens other females, but that's a nifty, if not fairly traditionaly Falcon.
Re: Interesting...

Victor Von Doom said:
I didn't even see the Iron Man one before. Now I have. I don't really like that one...
See, I never like the "sleek, steamlined" designs that for soneone to actualy wear there head would have to be the size of a grape. A clunkier suit also seems to say power over astetics when i see it too. I'd be more afraid of that Iron Man than most 616 designs.
Re: Interesting...


There's at least 4 more images up there now, since last viewed. A complex Blue Beetle as well.

Take a look, it's fun!
Re: Interesting...

Don't like the Blue Beetle. Doesn't even look like he can move.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Wonder Woman design. I like the updated/more conservative look.....but it doesn't look like a costume. It looks like she went out on Friday night with her girlfriends and decided to head home. Once she got home she took of her heels then saw someone out her window getting mugged and she quickly threw on some boots and grabbed her sword/lasso.
Re: Interesting...

I was looking for this thread when they put The Spector (who's spot on perfect) up and couldn't find it. Drove me nuts.

Blue Beetle - I agree with DOOM. Thats way too clunky for a Blue Beetle suit. The front half is too form fitting in points, while too bulks in others. The wing apparatus is way too over the top, with it being an astetic addition with very little practical value. Thumbs down.

Wonder Woman - You know, I think there must be some kind of intrinsic flaw with wonder woman. It just seems like she never really works. Maybe its because her creator was a bondage nut who lived with multiple women till he died. I dunno.
Re: Interesting...

Baxter said:
Wonder Woman - You know, I think there must be some kind of intrinsic flaw with wonder woman. It just seems like she never really works. Maybe its because her creator was a bondage nut who lived with multiple women till he died. I dunno.


I don't know. She's just been pigeon-holed into one costume that no one can let go of.
Re: Interesting...

Maybe I should change the thread title?
jeremiahvedder said:
That sight might be cool, but it's pretty shallow at this point.

There's not a whole lot to look at.

It's new.

Keep this up, people!

There's some new art there now.
Awesome....I really do like this site. I totally missed May's submissions.

I love the look for Rogue.

Although its not a huge departure from the classic Wolverine look....there are small changes all around.

Is it just me....or does Longshot look WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY gay? Not that that's a bad thing....he just looks flaming. Actually when I think about it.....Longshot looks just like Drawn Together's Xander. :?

Alpha Flight still suck.......
Victor Von Doom said:
Actually when I think about it.....Longshot looks just like Drawn Together's Xander. :?
Holy crap he does.

Alpha Flight is still just Alpha Flight. They really need something to redefine them. They're just to ho-hum in the traditional way.