Comics Shipping Sept. 12th: Hello my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my ragtime gal!


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
Dc comics
jul120244 american vampire lord of nightmares #4 (mr) $2.99
jul120167 batgirl #0 $2.99
jul120154 batman #0 $3.99
jul120158 batman #0 combo pack $4.99
jul120164 batman and robin #0 $2.99
jun120243 batman arkham city tp $16.99
jul120202 batman arkham unhinged #6 $2.99
jul120110 before watchmen comedian #3 (mr) $3.99
jul120112 before watchmen comedian #3 combo pack (mr) $4.99
jun120236 birds of prey tp vol 01 trouble in mind $14.99
jun120244 brightest day tp vol 03 $16.99
jul120188 deathstroke #0 $2.99
jul120187 demon knights #0 $2.99
jul120184 frankenstein agent of shade #0 $2.99
jun120237 fury of firestorm nuclear men tp vol 01 god particle $14.99
jun120251 green arrow archers quest tp new ed $14.99
jun120250 green arrow longbow hunters tp new ed $14.99
jul120176 green lantern corps #0 $2.99
jul120234 green lantern the animated series #6 $2.99
jul120189 grifter #0 $2.99
jun120267 he man and the masters of the universe #2 $2.99
may120270 judas coin hc $22.99
jul120199 legion lost #0 $2.99
jul120252 punk rock jesus #3 (mr) $2.99
jul120196 ravagers #0 $2.99
jul120186 resurrection man #0 $2.99
jul120257 saucer country #7 (mr) $2.99
jul120207 shade #12 $2.99
jul120192 suicide squad #0 $2.99
jul120148 superboy #0 $2.99
jul120122 team 7 #0 $2.99

marvel comics
jul120551 avengers assemble #7 $3.99
jul120688 avengers assemble by bagley poster $8.99
jul120528 avengers vs x-men #11 avx $3.99
jul120690 avengers vs. X-men by cheung poster $8.99
jul120558 avenging spider-man #12 $3.99
jul120571 captain america #17 $3.99
jul120572 captain america and black widow #636 $2.99
jun128296 deadpool kills marvel universe #1 2nd ptg var $2.99
jun128297 deadpool kills marvel universe #2 2nd ptg var $2.99
jun120718 dr strange prem hc season one $24.99
jul120687 essential punisher tp vol 04 $19.99
jul120589 fantastic four #610 $2.99
jul120666 fear itself tp secret avengers $19.99
jun128168 hit-girl #1 3rd ptg jrjr var (mr) $2.99
jun128169 hit-girl #2 2nd ptg jrjr var (mr) $2.99
jul120576 incredible hulk #13 $3.99
jul120583 journey into mystery #643 burns $2.99
jul120597 marvel universe avengers earths heroes #6 $2.99
apr120690 mmw iron fist hc vol 02 $69.99
jul120682 mu avengers earths heroes digest tp vol 01 $9.99
jun120708 nemesis tp (res) (mr) $14.99
jul120544 new avengers #30 avx $3.99
jul120652 new mutants tp vol 05 date with devil $14.99
jul120638 oz hc dorothy and wizard in oz $29.99
jul120623 powers hc vol 05 definitive collection (mr) $34.99
jul120559 scarlet spider #9 $2.99
jul120570 ultimate comics x-men #16 uws $3.99
jul120611 uncanny x-force #31 $3.99
jul120542 uncanny x-men #18 avx $3.99
jun120732 uncanny x-men by kieron gillen tp vol 01 $16.99
jul120574 winter soldier #10 $2.99
jul120546 wolverine and x-men #16 avx $3.99
jul120644 wolverine rot prem hc $24.99
jul120617 x-men #35 $3.99
jul120612 x-men legacy #273 $2.99
jun120698 x-treme x-men #3 $2.99

dark horse comics
may120048 btvs season 8 library hc vol 02 wolves at gate $29.99
jul120046 btvs season 9 freefall #13 noto cvr $2.99
may120062 bucko hc $19.99
may120033 chronicles of king conan tp vol 03 $18.99
jul120032 conan the barbarian #8 $3.50
jul120056 creep #1 $3.50
jul120030 massive #4 $3.50
jul120031 michael avon oemings the victories #2 (mr) $3.99
jul120036 orchid #9 (mr) $3.50
may120031 star wars crimson empire iii empire lost tp $19.99
may120032 star wars crimson empire saga hc $34.99
jul120040 star wars knight errant escape #4 $3.50
jul120039 star wars lost tribe o/t sith spiral #2 $2.99
jul120058 strain #8 (mr) $3.50

idw publishing
jun120343 doctor who annual 2012 $7.99
jul120292 dungeons & dragons fr drizzt omnibus tp vol 02 $24.99
jul120346 rocketeer cargo of doom #2 [dig/d+] $3.99
jun120378 transformers more meets eye annual 2012 #1 $7.99

image comics
jun120534 activity #8 [dig] $3.50
jun120443 breed col vol 03 book of revelations $17.99
jun120446 bulletproof coffin tp vol 02 disinterred (mr) $17.99
jun120541 chew #28 (mr) [dig] $2.99
mar120486 haunt #26 [dig] $2.99
jul120504 hoax hunters #3 [dig] $2.99
jul128005 it girl & the atomics #1 2nd ptg $2.99
jul120506 it girl & the atomics #2 [dig] $2.99
jun120560 manhattan projects #6 [dig] $3.50
apr110510 memoir #6 [dig] $3.50
apr120449 mondo tp (mr) $15.99
jul128120 saga #6 2nd ptg (mr) $2.99
apr120455 savage dragon invasion tp $16.99
jun120492 spawn 20th anniversary poster #3 $9.99
jul128121 walking dead #101 2nd ptg (mr) $2.99

image comics/top cow productions
jun120546 darkness #106 (mr) [dig] $2.99

comics & graphic novels
jun121251 2000 ad #1794 $5.25
jun121252 2000 ad #1795 $5.25
jun121253 2000 ad #1796 $5.25
jul120905 adventure time marceline scream queens #3 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
jun121269 alice i/t country clover cheshire cat waltz gn vol 02 (mr) $13.99
apr121228 alien illustrated story tp $14.95
jun121270 amazing agent jennifer omnibus gn vol 01 $15.99
jun121348 arata the legend tp vol 11 $9.99
jul121174 bad medicine #5 $3.99
jun121232 beatles graphic gn $27.95
may121277 bettie page in danger #4 fan set with dvd (mr) $19.95
may121276 bettie page in danger #4 reg ed (mr) $9.95
jun120805 betty & veronica double digest #205 [dig/d+] $3.99
apr121028 bionic woman #4 $3.99
jul121089 cat burglar black gn $16.99
jun121128 cavalier mr thompson a sam hill gn $16.99
jun121306 clockwork sky vol 01 $10.99
apr121093 crackle of the frost hc $19.99
jul120800 crossed badlands #13 (mr) $3.99
jul120803 crossed badlands #13 red crossed cvr (mr) pi
jul120802 crossed badlands #13 torture cvr (mr) $3.99
jul120801 crossed badlands #13 wrap cvr (mr) $3.99
jul120834 crossed badlands #9 auxiliary ed (mr) $3.99
jun120843 crossed wish you were here hc vol 01 (mr) $27.99
jun120844 crossed wish you were here signed hc vol 01 (mr) $34.99
jun120842 crossed wish you were here tp vol 01 (mr) $19.99
jul120929 crossstar #2 $3.99
feb120942 dark shadows #7 $3.99
jul120964 dark shadows vampirella #2 $3.99
jul120823 dicks color ed #8 (mr) $3.99
jul120824 dicks color ed #8 offensive cvr (mr) $3.99
jul121102 drama gn $10.99
jul121103 drama hc $23.99
may121187 duplicate gn $8.99
jul120891 fanboys vs zombies #6 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
may120794 femforce #161 $9.95
jul121094 galaxy man #2 $3.99
may121084 game of thrones #10 (mr) $3.99
jun121185 genshiken second season gn vol 01 $10.99
may121380 gft jungle book #5 a cvr granda (mr) $2.99
may121381 gft jungle book #5 b cvr patterson (mr) $2.99
may121382 gft jungle book #5 c cvr nunes (mr) $2.99
mar120943 green hornet #28 $3.99
jun121271 gunslinger girl omnibus tp vol 05 $16.99
jul121260 harbinger (ongoing) #4 braithwaite cvr $3.99
jul121259 harbinger (ongoing) #4 zircher cvr $3.99
jun121349 hayate combat butler tp vol 20 $9.99
jun121288 his favorite vol 01 $12.99
feb120808 hugo tate gn (mr) $19.99
jun121132 is that all there is tp (mr) $25.00
jul120940 jennifer blood first blood #1 (mr) $3.99
jun120750 ketsueki gn (mr) $15.99
jun120808 knuckles the echidna archives tp vol 03 $9.99
jul121087 legends of zita the spacegirl gn $12.99
may121303 little heroes gn $10.99
jun121130 love and rockets new stories tp vol 05 $14.99
jun121335 loveless gn vol 09 $9.99
may121188 maximum high gn $8.99
jun120811 mega man #17 reg cvr [dig/d+] $2.99
jun121344 naruto tp vol 58 $9.99
jun120886 odyssey bloomsbury hc ed gn $20.00
jun120796 return o/t dapper men hc special edition $29.95
may121209 saint #0 $1.99
jul120864 spongebob comics #12 $2.99
jul120926 steve jobs genius by design campfire gn $12.99
jun120872 stitched #7 (mr) $3.99
jun120874 stitched #7 gore cvr (mr) $3.99
jun120873 stitched #7 wrap cvr (mr) $3.99
jul121175 stumptown v2 #1 $3.99
jun120968 tarot witch of the black rose #68 double dlx ed (mr) $21.99
jul120970 thunda #2 $3.99
jun121272 toradora gn vol 05 $11.99
jun120751 toybox turmoil gn $15.99
may121395 waking dream end #4 a cvr malgapo (mr) $3.99
may121396 waking dream end #4 b cvr yang (mr) $3.99
apr121032 warlord of mars #21 (mr) $3.99
jul121329 whore gn (mr) $9.99
jul121255 x-o manowar (ongoing) #5 pullbox tan cvr $3.99
jul121254 x-o manowar (ongoing) #5 reg suayan cvr $3.99
Dc comics
jul120154 batman #0 $3.99
jul120187 demon knights #0 $2.99
jul120184 frankenstein agent of shade #0 $2.99

image comics
jun120560 manhattan projects #6 [dig] $3.50

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