Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Dc comics
aug120224 all star western #13 $3.99
jun120173 batman incorporated #4 $2.99
jun120176 batman incorporated #4 combo pack $3.99
aug120187 batman the dark knight #13 $2.99
aug120282 fables #122 (mr) $2.99
aug120157 flash #13 $2.99
aug120159 fury of firestorm the nuclear men #13 $2.99
jul120223 huntress crossbow at the crossroads tp $14.99
aug120221 i vampire #13 $2.99
aug120213 justice league dark #13 $2.99
jul120224 legion secret origin tp $14.99
aug120275 mad magazine #518 $5.99
aug120243 national comics madame x #1 $3.99
aug120207 red lanterns #13 $2.99
aug120155 savage hawkman #13 $2.99
jul120215 savage hawkman tp vol 01 darkness rising (n52) $16.99
jul120226 showcase presents the flash tp vol 04 $19.99
aug120169 superman #13 $2.99
aug120173 talon #1 $2.99
aug120230 teen titans #13 $2.99
aug120297 unwritten #42 (mr) $2.99
marvel comics
aug120601 amazing spider-man #696 $3.99
aug120668 astonishing x-men #55 $3.99
aug120723 astonishing x-men tp vol 09 exalted $16.99
aug120584 avengers #32 axfo $3.99
aug120573 avx consequences #3 $3.99
aug120613 captain america #19 $3.99
aug120610 captain america and black widow #638 $2.99
aug120677 deadpool #63 $2.99
aug120733 fear itself tp youth in revolt $16.99
aug120634 ff #23 $2.99
aug120673 gambit #4 $2.99
aug120620 incredible hulk #15 $3.99
aug120625 invincible iron man #527 $3.99
aug120619 journey into mystery #645 burns $2.99
aug120707 marvel tales by alan davis tp $16.99
aug120651 marvel universe ultimate spider-man #7 $2.99
aug120693 mmw captain america tp vol 02 $24.99
aug120642 punisher war zone #1 $2.99
aug120588 secret avengers #33 $3.99
aug120740 spider-man complete ben reilly epic tp book 06 $39.99
jul120670 spider-man flying blind tp $16.99
aug120687 supercrooks prem hc (mr) $19.99
aug128049 ultimate comics ultimates #15 2nd ptg komarck var (#1042) $3.99
aug120606 ultimate comics ultimates #17 uws $3.99
aug120664 wolverine #315 $3.99
jul120658 wolverine and x-men by jason aaron tp vol 01 $14.99
aug120683 wolverine max #1 (mr) $3.99
aug120728 x-factor tp vol 16 together again for first time $16.99
aug120679 x-treme x-men #5 $2.99
dark horse comics
jun120052 bride of the water god tp vol 12 $9.99
aug120071 buffy the vampire slayer spike #3 frison cvr $2.99
aug120046 dark horse presents #17 $7.99
mar120058 game of thrones daenerys bust $125.00
jun120063 game of thrones dire wolf bookends $79.99
jul120077 game of thrones stark shield pin $14.99
jun120053 gantz tp vol 25 (mr) $12.99
aug120043 ghost #1 $2.99
aug120048 mind mgmt #6 $3.99
jul120024 shaolin cowboy adventure magazine tp $15.99
jun120040 star wars agent o/t empire tp vol 01 iron eclipse $18.99
jul120041 star wars dark times tp vol 05 out wilderness $17.99
jul120042 star wars knights o/t old republic tp vol 10 war $19.99
aug120050 untold tales of dog mendonca & pizzaboy one shot $2.99
idw publishing
aug120390 alan robert killogy #1 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120378 battle beasts #4 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120343 cobra ongoing #18 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120376 crow midnight legends tp vol 02 flesh & blood $17.99
aug120341 ghostbusters 100 page spooktacular $7.99
aug120326 kiss #5 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120392 lets play god #1 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120367 star trek tng doctor who assimilation #6 [dig/d+] $3.99
image comics
jul120485 artifacts #22 [dig] $3.99
aug120482 dancer tp $16.99
aug120508 debris #4 (mr) [dig] $3.50
aug128044 guarding the globe #1 2nd ptg $2.99
jun120554 hack slash #19 cvr a seeley (mr) [dig] $3.50
jun120555 hack slash #19 cvr b laiso (mr) $3.50
jul120505 invincible #96 [dig] $2.99
apr120544 lil depressed boy #14 [dig] $3.99
aug120463 multiple warheads alphabet to infinity #1 (mr) [dig] $3.99
aug128081 multiple warheads alphabet to infinity #1 shared exc $3.99
aug120525 prophet #30 [dig] $3.99
aug128227 revival #1 4th ptg $2.99
aug128228 revival #2 3rd ptg $2.99
aug128229 revival #3 2nd ptg $2.99
aug120526 revival #4 [dig] $2.99
aug120528 spawn #224 $2.99
aug128045 thief of thieves #8 2nd ptg $2.99
aug128248 walking dead #102 2nd ptg (mr) $2.99
comics & graphic novels
jul121200 2000 ad #1802 $5.25
aug121271 2000 ad #1803 $5.25
aug120938 adventure time #9 [dig] $3.99
aug128056 archer & armstrong (new) #1 3rd ptg $3.99
aug120796 archie double digest #234 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120797 archies giant kids jokebook tp $6.99
aug120894 bart simpson comics #76 $2.99
aug121391 black butler tp vol 11 $11.99
aug121392 black god tp vol 17 $12.99
jul121128 bloody monday gn vol 08 $10.99
aug120941 bravest warriors #1 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
jul120718 cavewoman natural selection #2 budd root sp ed pi
aug120771 cavewoman natural selection #2 budd root sp ed nude pi
jul120719 cavewoman natural selection #2 massey sp ed nude pi
aug121029 chosen #1 $3.99
jul121155 classics illus dlx hc vol 09 christmas carol & mugby $15.99
sep120860 crossed badlands #13 auxiliary ed (mr) $3.99
sep120861 crossed badlands #14 auxiliary cvr (mr) $3.99
aug120852 crossed badlands #16 (mr) $3.99
aug120855 crossed badlands #16 red crossed cvr (mr) $6.60
aug120853 crossed badlands #16 torture cvr (mr) $3.99
aug120854 crossed badlands #16 wrap cvr (mr) $3.99
may121116 df warlord of mars dejah #16 risque red cvr $14.99
jul120722 dilbert i cant remember if were cheap or smart tp $16.99
aug121393 disappearance of nagato yuki clan gn vol 02 $11.99
jul121156 disney fairies gn box set vol 5-8 $29.99
aug121265 doctor who dalek project gn $23.99
aug121394 durarara gn vol 04 $11.99
may120813 eaters digest #1 $10.99
aug120926 extermination #5 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
sep120830 freakangels complete coll slipcase ed (mr) $99.99
aug121426 gft halloween special 2012 a cvr pekar $5.99
aug121427 gft halloween special 2012 b cvr mychaels $5.99
jul121317 gft myths & legends #21 a cvr cha (mr) $2.99
jul121318 gft myths & legends #21 b cvr tbd (mr) $2.99
aug121434 giant size gft 2012 b cvr reyes (mr) $7.99
aug121433 giant-size gft 2012 a cvr mychaels (mr) $7.99
aug121424 grimm fairy tales #78 a cvr qualano (mr) $2.99
aug121425 grimm fairy tales #78 b cvr thompson (mr) $2.99
aug128057 harbinger (ongoing) #1 2nd ptg $3.99
aug128058 harbinger (ongoing) #2 2nd ptg $3.99
aug120905 hellraiser #19 main cvrs (mr) [dig] $3.99
aug120869 hero worship #4 $3.99
aug120870 hero worship #4 wrap cvr $3.99
aug128053 hypernaturals #3 (2nd ptg) $3.99
aug120932 ice age past present & future one shot [dig] $3.99
jul121324 irresistible #4 a cvr eric j (mr) $3.99
jul121325 irresistible #4 b cvr goh (mr) $3.99
jul121118 knights of the dinner table #191 $5.99
sep120948 lady death (ongoing) #18 electric cvr (mr) $9.99
sep120947 lady death (ongoing) #19 auxiliary cvr (mr) $3.99
may120814 last zombie neverland tp $14.95
may121081 lord of the jungle #8 (mr) $3.99
aug120895 maggie #1 $2.99
jul120715 mutts bonk sc $19.99
aug120837 night o/t living dead aftermath #1 orig ptd art cvr $50.00
aug121223 ninjago gn vol 05 kingdom o/t snakes $6.99
aug121222 ninjago hc vol 05 kingdom o/t snakes $10.99
aug121396 pandora hearts gn vol 12 $11.99
jul120962 pantha #4 $3.99
aug121145 ralph azham hc vol 01 why lie someone love $14.99
apr121056 red sonja #70 $3.99
aug121049 robert jordan wheel of time eye o/t world #30 $3.99
jul120946 shadow #6 $3.99
aug120963 tarot witch of the black rose #71 s/n photo cover (mr) $15.00
aug121278 thargs creepy chronicles gn (mr) $19.99
aug121398 triage x gn vol 01 (mr) $13.99
aug121400 twilight manga collectors ed gn $24.99
aug121341 valiant masters bloodshot hc vol 01 $24.99
apr121042 warriors of mars #5 (mr) $3.99
jul121075 youll never know hc vol 03 soldiers heart $24.99
aug120224 all star western #13 $3.99
jun120173 batman incorporated #4 $2.99
jun120176 batman incorporated #4 combo pack $3.99
aug120187 batman the dark knight #13 $2.99
aug120282 fables #122 (mr) $2.99
aug120157 flash #13 $2.99
aug120159 fury of firestorm the nuclear men #13 $2.99
jul120223 huntress crossbow at the crossroads tp $14.99
aug120221 i vampire #13 $2.99
aug120213 justice league dark #13 $2.99
jul120224 legion secret origin tp $14.99
aug120275 mad magazine #518 $5.99
aug120243 national comics madame x #1 $3.99
aug120207 red lanterns #13 $2.99
aug120155 savage hawkman #13 $2.99
jul120215 savage hawkman tp vol 01 darkness rising (n52) $16.99
jul120226 showcase presents the flash tp vol 04 $19.99
aug120169 superman #13 $2.99
aug120173 talon #1 $2.99
aug120230 teen titans #13 $2.99
aug120297 unwritten #42 (mr) $2.99
marvel comics
aug120601 amazing spider-man #696 $3.99
aug120668 astonishing x-men #55 $3.99
aug120723 astonishing x-men tp vol 09 exalted $16.99
aug120584 avengers #32 axfo $3.99
aug120573 avx consequences #3 $3.99
aug120613 captain america #19 $3.99
aug120610 captain america and black widow #638 $2.99
aug120677 deadpool #63 $2.99
aug120733 fear itself tp youth in revolt $16.99
aug120634 ff #23 $2.99
aug120673 gambit #4 $2.99
aug120620 incredible hulk #15 $3.99
aug120625 invincible iron man #527 $3.99
aug120619 journey into mystery #645 burns $2.99
aug120707 marvel tales by alan davis tp $16.99
aug120651 marvel universe ultimate spider-man #7 $2.99
aug120693 mmw captain america tp vol 02 $24.99
aug120642 punisher war zone #1 $2.99
aug120588 secret avengers #33 $3.99
aug120740 spider-man complete ben reilly epic tp book 06 $39.99
jul120670 spider-man flying blind tp $16.99
aug120687 supercrooks prem hc (mr) $19.99
aug128049 ultimate comics ultimates #15 2nd ptg komarck var (#1042) $3.99
aug120606 ultimate comics ultimates #17 uws $3.99
aug120664 wolverine #315 $3.99
jul120658 wolverine and x-men by jason aaron tp vol 01 $14.99
aug120683 wolverine max #1 (mr) $3.99
aug120728 x-factor tp vol 16 together again for first time $16.99
aug120679 x-treme x-men #5 $2.99
dark horse comics
jun120052 bride of the water god tp vol 12 $9.99
aug120071 buffy the vampire slayer spike #3 frison cvr $2.99
aug120046 dark horse presents #17 $7.99
mar120058 game of thrones daenerys bust $125.00
jun120063 game of thrones dire wolf bookends $79.99
jul120077 game of thrones stark shield pin $14.99
jun120053 gantz tp vol 25 (mr) $12.99
aug120043 ghost #1 $2.99
aug120048 mind mgmt #6 $3.99
jul120024 shaolin cowboy adventure magazine tp $15.99
jun120040 star wars agent o/t empire tp vol 01 iron eclipse $18.99
jul120041 star wars dark times tp vol 05 out wilderness $17.99
jul120042 star wars knights o/t old republic tp vol 10 war $19.99
aug120050 untold tales of dog mendonca & pizzaboy one shot $2.99
idw publishing
aug120390 alan robert killogy #1 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120378 battle beasts #4 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120343 cobra ongoing #18 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120376 crow midnight legends tp vol 02 flesh & blood $17.99
aug120341 ghostbusters 100 page spooktacular $7.99
aug120326 kiss #5 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120392 lets play god #1 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120367 star trek tng doctor who assimilation #6 [dig/d+] $3.99
image comics
jul120485 artifacts #22 [dig] $3.99
aug120482 dancer tp $16.99
aug120508 debris #4 (mr) [dig] $3.50
aug128044 guarding the globe #1 2nd ptg $2.99
jun120554 hack slash #19 cvr a seeley (mr) [dig] $3.50
jun120555 hack slash #19 cvr b laiso (mr) $3.50
jul120505 invincible #96 [dig] $2.99
apr120544 lil depressed boy #14 [dig] $3.99
aug120463 multiple warheads alphabet to infinity #1 (mr) [dig] $3.99
aug128081 multiple warheads alphabet to infinity #1 shared exc $3.99
aug120525 prophet #30 [dig] $3.99
aug128227 revival #1 4th ptg $2.99
aug128228 revival #2 3rd ptg $2.99
aug128229 revival #3 2nd ptg $2.99
aug120526 revival #4 [dig] $2.99
aug120528 spawn #224 $2.99
aug128045 thief of thieves #8 2nd ptg $2.99
aug128248 walking dead #102 2nd ptg (mr) $2.99
comics & graphic novels
jul121200 2000 ad #1802 $5.25
aug121271 2000 ad #1803 $5.25
aug120938 adventure time #9 [dig] $3.99
aug128056 archer & armstrong (new) #1 3rd ptg $3.99
aug120796 archie double digest #234 [dig/d+] $3.99
aug120797 archies giant kids jokebook tp $6.99
aug120894 bart simpson comics #76 $2.99
aug121391 black butler tp vol 11 $11.99
aug121392 black god tp vol 17 $12.99
jul121128 bloody monday gn vol 08 $10.99
aug120941 bravest warriors #1 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
jul120718 cavewoman natural selection #2 budd root sp ed pi
aug120771 cavewoman natural selection #2 budd root sp ed nude pi
jul120719 cavewoman natural selection #2 massey sp ed nude pi
aug121029 chosen #1 $3.99
jul121155 classics illus dlx hc vol 09 christmas carol & mugby $15.99
sep120860 crossed badlands #13 auxiliary ed (mr) $3.99
sep120861 crossed badlands #14 auxiliary cvr (mr) $3.99
aug120852 crossed badlands #16 (mr) $3.99
aug120855 crossed badlands #16 red crossed cvr (mr) $6.60
aug120853 crossed badlands #16 torture cvr (mr) $3.99
aug120854 crossed badlands #16 wrap cvr (mr) $3.99
may121116 df warlord of mars dejah #16 risque red cvr $14.99
jul120722 dilbert i cant remember if were cheap or smart tp $16.99
aug121393 disappearance of nagato yuki clan gn vol 02 $11.99
jul121156 disney fairies gn box set vol 5-8 $29.99
aug121265 doctor who dalek project gn $23.99
aug121394 durarara gn vol 04 $11.99
may120813 eaters digest #1 $10.99
aug120926 extermination #5 main cvrs [dig] $3.99
sep120830 freakangels complete coll slipcase ed (mr) $99.99
aug121426 gft halloween special 2012 a cvr pekar $5.99
aug121427 gft halloween special 2012 b cvr mychaels $5.99
jul121317 gft myths & legends #21 a cvr cha (mr) $2.99
jul121318 gft myths & legends #21 b cvr tbd (mr) $2.99
aug121434 giant size gft 2012 b cvr reyes (mr) $7.99
aug121433 giant-size gft 2012 a cvr mychaels (mr) $7.99
aug121424 grimm fairy tales #78 a cvr qualano (mr) $2.99
aug121425 grimm fairy tales #78 b cvr thompson (mr) $2.99
aug128057 harbinger (ongoing) #1 2nd ptg $3.99
aug128058 harbinger (ongoing) #2 2nd ptg $3.99
aug120905 hellraiser #19 main cvrs (mr) [dig] $3.99
aug120869 hero worship #4 $3.99
aug120870 hero worship #4 wrap cvr $3.99
aug128053 hypernaturals #3 (2nd ptg) $3.99
aug120932 ice age past present & future one shot [dig] $3.99
jul121324 irresistible #4 a cvr eric j (mr) $3.99
jul121325 irresistible #4 b cvr goh (mr) $3.99
jul121118 knights of the dinner table #191 $5.99
sep120948 lady death (ongoing) #18 electric cvr (mr) $9.99
sep120947 lady death (ongoing) #19 auxiliary cvr (mr) $3.99
may120814 last zombie neverland tp $14.95
may121081 lord of the jungle #8 (mr) $3.99
aug120895 maggie #1 $2.99
jul120715 mutts bonk sc $19.99
aug120837 night o/t living dead aftermath #1 orig ptd art cvr $50.00
aug121223 ninjago gn vol 05 kingdom o/t snakes $6.99
aug121222 ninjago hc vol 05 kingdom o/t snakes $10.99
aug121396 pandora hearts gn vol 12 $11.99
jul120962 pantha #4 $3.99
aug121145 ralph azham hc vol 01 why lie someone love $14.99
apr121056 red sonja #70 $3.99
aug121049 robert jordan wheel of time eye o/t world #30 $3.99
jul120946 shadow #6 $3.99
aug120963 tarot witch of the black rose #71 s/n photo cover (mr) $15.00
aug121278 thargs creepy chronicles gn (mr) $19.99
aug121398 triage x gn vol 01 (mr) $13.99
aug121400 twilight manga collectors ed gn $24.99
aug121341 valiant masters bloodshot hc vol 01 $24.99
apr121042 warriors of mars #5 (mr) $3.99
jul121075 youll never know hc vol 03 soldiers heart $24.99