Comic Book Men AMC

drvshft dazy

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
Just wondering who else has been watching this and what do you think? Also any general Kevin Smith talk is welcome. Especially your views of Red State.

I love this show. It's hilarious. Especially seeing people think they can get a lot of money for something just because "they saw that price on the internet." Because yeah, a comic shop is going to have $20k just lying around.
I thought Red State was a god damned mess. It had a slew of great performances but no rhyme or reason to what happens. Its like he wrote every scene with the intention of doing the opposite of what he should.
Not a huge Kevin Smith guy. I've only seen a couple of his films, and his Daredevil story was unremarkable.

Comic Book Men is OK in small doses. I like the interesting stuff that comes in but I find everyone on the show annoying.
The people on this show are putting the comic medium back hundreds of years.
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Friday said:
I thought Red State was a god damned mess. It had a slew of great performances but no rhyme or reason to what happens. Its like he wrote every scene with the intention of doing the opposite of what he should.

I can agree with that. I'm glad he's hung up the same old formula he's always done but yea maybe he was trying to hard.


Ice said:
I love this show. It's hilarious. Especially seeing people think they can get a lot of money for something just because "they saw that price on the internet." Because yeah, a comic shop is going to have $20k just lying around.

Walt usually busts their bubbles. They walk in thinking they'll get 2 grand and usually leave with 50 bucks. Ha! I'm just glad there is a show on where comic collecting is the focus.

Just a question:

Why do you end all your posts with "Anyway..."?

Maybe you could switch it up a bit. For instance, "Until Next Time", or "Thanks for all the fish!"

Or maybe with a preview of next episode? That could be fun.

Maybe I'll start doing that...
They tend to act and talk like stereotypical comic nerds.

I heard they researched this forum to get there material. Just a rumor

Just a question:

Why do you end all your posts with "Anyway..."?

Maybe you could switch it up a bit. For instance, "Until Next Time", or "Thanks for all the fish!"

Funny I was gonna switch it tonight but then you called me out on that. Now if I do everyone will say he switched because they told him to, and I`ll be labeled a submissive *****. Now I guess I`ll wait about 3 weeks to switch it up
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Funny I was gonna switch it tonight but then you called me out on that. Now if I do everyone will say he switched because they told him to, and I`ll be labeled a submissive *****. Now I guess I`ll wait about 3 weeks to switch it up

drvshft dazy said:
They tend to act and talk like stereotypical comic nerds.

I heard they researched this forum to get there material. Just a rumor

Funny I was gonna switch it tonight but then you called me out on that. Now if I do everyone will say he switched because they told him to, and I`ll be labeled a submissive *****. Now I guess I`ll wait about 3 weeks to switch it up

