Animal Evolutionaries


Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
I just read Ultimate X-Men Volume 4 (I'm a bit behind) and saw the animal evolutionaries. They're the biggest sub-group of mutants and yet we haven't seen them since? Prosimian the ape, died. But what of the others?

Here are the ones I know of:

Sumatron, the rhino who fractured his skull.
Orb-Weaver, the spider.
Saluki, the dog who played pool.
Kathleen, the little female caterpillar.

There were also four bug/beetle ones with guns and some weird alien thing.
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ProjectX2 said:
I just read Ultimate X-Men Volume 4 (I'm a bit behind) and saw the animal evolutionaries. They're the biggest sub-group of mutants and yet we haven't seen them since? Prosimian the ape, died. But what of the others?

Here are the ones I know of:

Sumatron, the rhino who fractured his skull.
Orb-Weaver, the spider.
Saluki, the dog who played pool.
Kathleen, the little female spider.

There were also four bug/beetle ones with guns and some weird alien thing.

Dude, totally love this thread. I even used this in the RPG a little... I think Ultiamte Sauron should be part of this group...
Wnat I want to know is...

Are these animal evolutionaries originally animals with mutant genes?
Or mutants with animal DNA?

If they are the second aren't Toad and possibly Sabretooth considered one of these? So many questions left answered.
ugh, my post was retarded. i just deleted it. it just said even though sabretooth and toad act like animals, doesn't make that a part of their mutation.
ProjectX2 said:
Wnat I want to know is...

Are these animal evolutionaries originally animals with mutant genes?
Or mutants with animal DNA?

If they are the second aren't Toad and possibly Sabretooth considered one of these? So many questions left answered.
Head's spinning... awesome thoughts/questions.

EDIT: waiting for the EARTHX reference. :wink:
They are non-human mutants.
as far beyond the usual of their kind, than mangeto sees himself above homo sapien.
I don't suspect that the development is natural though, I would suspect rather that they are lab animals.
Guijllons said:
They are non-human mutants.
as far beyond the usual of their kind, than mangeto sees himself above homo sapien.
I don't suspect that the development is natural though, I would suspect rather that they are lab animals.
Yeah, and I believe they said that, too.
Yeah, I think they said that they were broken out of a lab, i'm not sure if it specifically said that they were developed there. Though they did that they are "hyper evolved" or something, so it does suggest that they are not of natural evolution.
When I have time I'll write up what they said about the lab and stuff.
ProjectX2 said:
I just read Ultimate X-Men Volume 4 (I'm a bit behind) and saw the animal evolutionaries. They're the biggest sub-group of mutants and yet we haven't seen them since?
Well since they are evolutions of animals I suspect that they are better at hiding than the evolutions of humans (regular mutants) are. :? (Lame explanation, I know)
Ultimate Warrior said:
Well since they are evolutions of animals I suspect that they are better at hiding than the evolutions of humans (regular mutants) are. :? (Lame explanation, I know)
No-one suspects the telepathic butterly. No-one ever suspects the butterfly :shifty:
didn't magneto not like them? or was that just the ape-dude. i can see mags just wiping them all out because he thinks they are an insult to mutation itself.

if he didn't say he was against them, then i'll just have to assume they all preformed hakiri. only plausible explanation.
I don't think he actually came out and said "I don't like you". He jsut didn't like the idea of having "animals" in his group. Maybe he thoguht it was the cause of the Brotherhood's undoing? I don't know. But I want to see more of them.
magneto didn't like them because he belives in Homo-Superiors unavoidable domination over the world. The Animal Evoultionaries were just another lesser race to him, one that had served its purpose at the time. Killing Prosimian was like putting down an old dog, and nothing more.
I guess I took it too literally and saw the death of Prosimian as Magneto correcting what his offspring had made of the Brotherhood. I never actually considered what his actual opinion of him was so I guess that makes total sense and adds to Magneto's character.