c.b. cebulski

  1. Ice

    X-Infernus Mini (C.B./Cammo)

    Who has read #1? I thought it was good and loved the art by Cammo. Colossus' burn to Scott at the beginning was very harsh. As much as Scott would love to help Alex and the others, he really does have to worry about the rest of the mutant race, too. Anyways, back to the story. I thought...
  2. Ice

    X-Men: Return of Magik One-Shot

    http://images.comicbookresources.com/solicits/marvelcomics/200809-advance/sm/XMROMAGIK_COV.jpgX-MEN: RETURN OF MAGIK Written by C.B. CEBULSKI & CHRISTOPHER YOST Penciled by DAVID AJA, NIKO HENRICHON & DAVID YARDIN Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL At long last, Magik is returning to the Marvel Universe...
  3. Ice

    X-Men: Manifest Destiny (Spoilers)

    News from Wizard Philly, Newsarama interviews Editor Nick Lowe on the next story arc, "Manifest Destiny", which is said to be like "Divided We Stand". Yesterday, at the Mondo Marvel panel at Wizard World Philidelphia—Marvel announced the next story arc involving the X-Men will be titled...
  4. Ice

    X-Men Divided We Stand Discussion (Spoilers)

    Today came out the first book of the two-parter "X-Men: Divided We Stand" that features short stories on certain characters. C.B. Cebulski told on MW that the first book had a secret story that wasn't revealed in the solicitation for #1, and that #2 will have one as well. And who is it...
  5. thee great one

    X-Men Fairy Tales

    I read issue one and I loved it. The characters were great and the art was amazing. I loved how they intergrated X-men into this classic fairy tale. A-