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  1. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    JudgeDreddpool why do you keep sad reacting me
  2. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding but this sounds like Kevin saying the comics are an adaption of the movies, just like the movies are an adaptation of the comics. Aka Non Canon. Idk though, I still think we need to wait before committing to either side.
  3. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Can you send the Feige quote?
  4. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Sony tried to say the Venom movie was MCU canon when it first came out but we all know that isn't true. I'm not arguing for either side, I'm just saying that the creator of the comic isn't a great source for MCU canonicity confirmation. As weird as that sounds.
  5. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Not to be that guy, but does this guy have a say in wether or not the comic is canon to the MCU?
  6. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Have we ever got an explanation to why Agents of SHEILD, Agent Carter, Cloak & Dagger, Runaways, Inhumans, and Helstrom aren't on the Disney+ timeline? The old excuse was that they were a "different brand" (Marvel Heroes, Marvel Knights, etc). But that seems unlikely now that the Netflix shows...
  7. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    What the what is Thurston
  8. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I learn something new everyday
  9. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    The character of Ghost Rider is associated with the Agents of Shield thanks to the TV show. Which is why Nic Cage's Ghost Rider fits into the section. It wouldn't fit if it was a Marvel Heroes section. Hence why its Agents and Inhumans. It's really not complicated.
  10. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    That's not a Marvel Heroes section. That's an Agent and Inhumans section. Agents. And. Inhumans.
  11. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    No. Just No.
  12. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I can't shake the feeling that I'm being talked down to
  13. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    So let me get this straight. You think saying something set in the MCU MULTIVERSE SAGA is part of the MCU Multiverse is coping. Ah yes, makes sense. Also, curse you for making me look up what dogmatic means.
  14. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    No, but being apart of the MCU Multiverse Saga does.
  15. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Eh, I can see why they'd put it in canon. But being "set in the same world" doesn't always necessarily mean it's canon. Example A: Avengers: Damage Control
  16. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I just read the synopsis and *how* is this canon??
  17. SoyaCS

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I know the DC Multiverse has been shown to have limits but when has the Marvel Multiverse...?