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  • Users: Megatron
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Megatron

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    Ok, so the previous Thread was IMPOSSIBLE to edit, so I'll gonna restart here, also for the simplified order in accordance to the games, i'll only put the main game and the most important DLCs, but in the detailed timeline you'll find the side missions and all the story DLCs. Legend...
  2. Megatron

    Call of Duty/Battlefield - Timeline (V2.0)

    getting at this again, cos on the old thread it was IMPOSSIBLE to edit cos it become too big. So redoing it here,, and in a more detailed way possibly. adding Battlefield comes from this (and credits to WorldWar3Gaming ofc): credits to @JudgeDreddpool for the timeline notes from the Black...
  3. Megatron

    Mass Effect - Timeline (V2.0)

    I remember that some people wanted a remake of the great timeline made by the great @DlrishB, so here we are! Sources used (credits to the people who made those):
  4. Megatron

    Star Trek - Expanded Universe Timeline (V2.0)

    Here we are again, this reboot happened cos I found Out that the Chronoly Source I was using was incomplete so now I have to use more of them (basically it ended like the Star Wars Legends Thread) So here are the Sources I'm gonna use (and ofc all credits and thanks to the people who made...
  5. Megatron

    Alien Shared Universe - Headcanon Timeline (V2.0)

    Doing this again in release order cos of Terminator confusing timeline, and UPDATE, we're gonna have the Whedonverse trown into this as well. Alien vs. Predator Universe Canon Timeline (Credits to @Pro Bot ) Terminator...
  6. Megatron

    LEGO Ninjago/Legends of Chima Simplified Order

    Legend: ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Novels Comics TV Series Shorts Short Stories Video Games ----------------------- Simplified Order --- LEGO Ninjago Magazine (2019) #68, "Ninja Legend! Discover the Warrior's Power, Mother Earth" LEGO Ninjago...
  7. Megatron

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    Okay, so "The Shovel Knight Shared Universe" or SKSU is made of 2 series: Battletoads (BT) God of War (GoW) Shovel Knight (SK) having established the series we have the next problem, when all of this is set? So for starters i decided to follow GoW more as it is the more serious one...
  8. Megatron

    Whedonverse - Timeline

    This is the timeline for the confirmed Josh Whedon products that are confirmed to share a universe with eachothers (so no Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or other things) if you're interested in the single parts of the universe and not the complete shared universe i did some separate threads for them...
  9. Megatron

    Indiana Jones Timeline

    This threat was born, since i like how Mr. @Pro Bot threated Blade Runner and AVP in giving BR a separate Thread. This one will do the same with Indiana Jones and Star Wars Legends. Here for the main Thread:
  10. Megatron

    Spawn Timeline

    Legend: ------------------------------ Spawn = 000000 Savage Dragon = 00FF00 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Comics ------------------------------ Timeline 1987 ???? Spawn (1992) #2, "Questions, Part 2" (Pag. 16-17) Spawn (1992) #1, "Questions, Part 1" (Pag. 4...
  11. Megatron

    X-Files Timeline

    Legend: ------------------------------------- The X-Files = 808080 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Comics Novels TV Series Short Stories ------------------------------------- Timeline 1947 ???? The X-Files 1x05, "The Jersey Devil" (0:00:00 - 0:02:57)...
  12. Megatron

    Back to the Future Expanded Universe

    Credits to @Pro Bot for the layout of the timeline. Legend: ----------------------------------- Back to the Future = 808080 -----------------------------------...
  13. Megatron

    Alien vs. Predator - Headcanon Timeline

    Thios timeline exist thanks to @Pro Bot . Infact go check out his timeline (the canon one) This timeline isn't like one that takes all the possibles ester eggs as canon. It follows the rules that I and Pro Bot made for his...
  14. Megatron


    So since Tekken 8 came out, i wanted to dive deep into the fighting game genre again, and as i'm a big fan of this genre, why not chronicling the 3 most important continuities. So here we are! Legend: ------------------------------ Street Fighter = FF4500 Ninja Gaiden = 0000FF...
  15. Megatron


    Legend: -------------------------- Gears of War = FFA500 -------------------------- -------------------------- Books Promotional Materials Video Games -------------------------- Timeline: 117 B.E./2475 ???? Gears of War: Destroyed Beauty: Chapter 1: "Sera" 98 B.E./2494 ???? Gears of War...
  16. Megatron

    Power Rangers Multiverse Timeline

    Legend: TV Series = 0000FF Comics = 800080 Webseries = 00FF00 [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  17. Megatron

    LEGO Video Games Timeline

    Legend: -------------------------------------- Original LEGO Themes = 000000 LEGO Alpha Team = DC143C LEGO Wizarding World = 0000FF LEGO Star Wars = FFD700 LEGO Indiana Jones = D4AF37 LEGO DC Universe = D1D5D8 -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Video...
  18. Megatron


    So guys, like you see in the title, I'm helping @Dego Strange, with his Whoniverse Thread, Wait!?, WHAT!? ARE YOU FRIENDS IRL? Ehm.. yes, plot twist. Anyway, me doing "my" thing here, doesn't mean that the 2 threads are going to be 100% the same as eachother, mainly, I'm doing a watching Order...
  19. Megatron

    MonsterVerse Timeline

    Okay, I decided to do this, since it's the only major shared universe that doesn't have a Thread on this site. I need your help, cos, since this Cinematic Universe doesn't have a wiki, I don't know if exist some sort of veryyyyy hidden medias, infact I have to give credits to @Dallas Kinard cos...
  20. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    So I hope you liked my little riddle, so you were wondering why are you doing this? Well it's not a dream, but I have some sort of objective: Saw a complete Earth-616 timeline before I die, well IDK if this is possible, but we will try. So I started the project a year ago, and making a thread...