The CBS/NBC Extended Universe Timeline (JAG/NCIS Franchise/First Monday/Hawaii Five-0 reboot/MacGyver reboot/Magnum PI reboot/Scorpion)

I have sent you a PM regarding First Monday.

I am stunned! Thank you! If this is your own hosting, please keep it up...I just have to get home and grab them!

Thank you SO much! I have no words for how awesome you are!
All of his series have connected characters and cameos, crossovers, spin offs

Hawaï Five-0
Drôle de dames
Charlie's Angels (1976-1981)
Vega$ (1978-1981)
Fantasy Island (1978-1984)
The Love Boat (1977-1986)
Fantasy Island (1998-1999)
Love Boat: The Next Wave (1998-1999)
Martin (1992-1997)
"Leave It To Beaver (1957-1963)
Still The Beaver (1985-1986)
The New Leave It To Beaver (1986-1989)"
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (1957-1959)
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (1984-1985)
The New Mike Hammer (1986-1987)
Mike Hammer: Private Eye (1997)
The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)
The Bradys (1990)
The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)
Charlie et ses drôles de dames 2011
Charlie's Angels 2000
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 2003
Charlie's Angels 2019
"Charlie's Angels :
Les Anges se déchaînent 2003 jeux vidéo "

Yeah, technically, the old H50 is somewhat connected because of the character of August March appearing in the old 60's version and the 2010 reboot.
Commander Harmon


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Boy, I want to do the Law and Order timeline (and I think someone else asked me that) but I am not sure when I would have the time to do it at this point. If I finish this timeline, I still have other things I want to do first. Still, that's not a bad idea and a great challenge since that universe is huge.
if you do, do Law and order are you gonna add Chicago, FBI and all the other shows that crossover?
si c'est le cas, est-ce que Law and Order va ajouter Chicago, FBI et toutes les autres séries qui se croisent ?
Séries concernées Titres des épisodes Acteurs faisant une apparition en dehors de leur série Date de diffusion aux États-Unis Description
Série A Série B Série C
New York, unité spéciale Los Angeles,
police judiciaire « Victime ou pénale »
(New York, Unité spéciale S15E12)

Invités de la série A :
Alana de la Garza

22 janvier 2014 Rafael Barba demande l'aide de Connie Rubirosa, qui est maintenant procureure adjointe à Los Angeles.
Chicago " Fin de la blague »
(New York, Unité spéciale S15E15)

Les Alliés de New York

(Chicago P.D. S01E06)

Invités de la série A :
Sophia Bush

Invités de la série B :

Ice-T , Kelli Giddish , David Eigenberg

26 février 2014 Le détective de Chicago Eri
si c'est le cas, est-ce que Law and Order va ajouter Chicago, FBI et toutes les autres séries qui se croisent ?

n Lindsay demande l'aide du groupe de travail de New York pour résoudre une série de viols et de meurtres, alors Odafin Tutuola et Amanda Rollins se rendent à Chicago pour aider l'escouade de renseignement du département de police de Chicago. Chicago pour attraper le coupable.
Chicago Fire New York, unité spéciale Chicago " Honeymooners »
(Incendie de Chicago S03E07)

« Chicago, New York (Partie 1) »

(New York, Unité spéciale S16E07)

« Chicago, New York (Partie 2) »

(Chicago S02E07)

Invités de la série A :
Jason Beghe , Sophia Bush , Kelli Giddish

Invités de la série B :

Jason Beghe , Sophia Bush , Jesse Soffer

Invités de la série C :

Danny Pino , Kelli Giddish , Mariska Hargitay

11 novembre 2014

12 novembre 2014

Alors que la caserne 51 sauve le propriétaire d'une maison en feu, ils le trouvent tenant une valise au contenu suspect. L'unité de renseignement du département de police de Chicago lance une enquête qui l'amène à travailler avec l'unité spéciale de New York pour démanteler un réseau de pornographie juvénile.
Chicago Fire Chicago New York, unité spéciale " The Little News »
(Incendie de Chicago S03E21)

« De New York à Chicago ( Partie 1 ) »

(Chicago S02E20)

De Chicago à New York ( Partie 2 ) »

(New York, Unité spéciale S16E20)

Invités de la série A :
Mariska Hargitay , Jason Beghe , Jon Seda , Tamara Tunie

Invités de la série B :

Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Ice-T, Peter Scanavino, Jesse Spencer, Eamonn Walker

Invités de la série C :

Jason Beghe , Sophia Bush , Jesse Soffer , Marina Squerciati , Brian Geraghty , Stella Maeve

avril 28, 2015

avril 29, 2015

L'incendie d'un appartement est lié à une enquête non résolue sur une tentative de viol et un meurtre à New York. L'unité spéciale de New York et les services de renseignement de Chicago travaillent alors ensemble pour retrouver le suspect.
New York, unité spéciale Chicago " Donner à emporter »
(New York, Unité spéciale S17E14)

L'Enfant maudit

(Chicago P.D. S03E14)

Invités de la série A :
Jason Beghe , Sophia Bush , Jon Seda

Invités de la série B :

Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Eamonn Walker, Brian Tee

10 février 2016 Les détectives de Chicago Erin Lindsay et Antonio Dawson viennent à New York pour aider à la recherche de deux meurtriers en fuite, dont Greg Yates, qui retourne à Chicago et commet un triple homicide, puis les détectives de l'unité spéciale Olivia Benson et Odafin Tutuola viennent à Chicago pour se joindre à l'enquête.
New York, unité spéciale Chicago Justice " À bout de souffle »
( New York, Unité spéciale S19E13)

Invités de la série A :
Philip Winchester et Sam Waterston

7 février 2018 Après s'être rendu à New York pour assister aux funérailles de son père, Peter Stone accepte une offre d'emploi du procureur Jack McCoy pour travailler pour le bureau du procureur. Sa première affaire est la poursuite du procureur adjoint Rafael Barba, accusé du meurtre d'un enfant en phase terminale.
New York, unité spéciale Chicago Justice « À la frontière de la légalité »
( New York, Unité spéciale S20E03)

Invités de la série A :
Carl Weathers

4 octobre 2018 Après qu'un enfant immigré clandestin a été séparé de sa mère, le procureur adjoint Peter Stone demande l'aide de son ancien patron, le procureur de l'État de Chicago, Mark Jefferies, pour les réunir

The entire series run of First Monday (1 season) is now up and added to the timeline. HUGE shoutout and thank you to @lordmaxil for helping me obtain the series because that was the only piece of this continuity that was missing.

In other news, JAG, Season 7 should be up in the next few hours.

Yes, I am still alive and updating this monster. I just added every episode (so far) of NCIS: Origins. It's current through the 13th episode. I am in the middle of adding Season 1 of NCIS and Season 9 of JAG. I am between this, Cobra Kai, and a few others. Lots on my plate...will continue to truck through this.
Dude, this is just an insane undertaking, especially when you started adding everything from an entirely different franchise group. I'm very impressed, good job.
Dude, this is just an insane undertaking, especially when you started adding everything from an entirely different franchise group. I'm very impressed, good job.

Every timeliner here has their "crown jewel". This one is mine. I still remember when I stated this: sitting on my couch, working through the Lenkov-verse during the Covid pandemic on Friday nights. I would have some beers, a steak and a side of was like a tradition for me and I still love doing it.

Thank you for the compliments. It really makes me want to keep going. :)
I just figured, since it's obviously an extremely extensive timeline due to the amount of shows and seasons, I ought to make a comment that I totally see this and respect the grind.

Yes, I am still alive and updating this monster. I just added every episode (so far) of NCIS: Origins. It's current through the 13th episode. I am in the middle of adding Season 1 of NCIS and Season 9 of JAG. I am between this, Cobra Kai, and a few others. Lots on my plate...will continue to truck through this.
YAY!! Can't wait to see the new updates!
Every timeliner here has their "crown jewel". This one is mine. I still remember when I stated this: sitting on my couch, working through the Lenkov-verse during the Covid pandemic on Friday nights. I would have some beers, a steak and a side of was like a tradition for me and I still love doing it.

Thank you for the compliments. It really makes me want to keep going. :)
Honestly, mine will probably be either the Hotline Miami timeline or (if I can find the time to get back into it) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure timeline.
I had also considered a timeline for One Piece, but... ehhh, too much work for me. Plus, we're talking over 1100 chapters for the manga, plus a few spin-offs that are canon?

And then there's the Toei anime adaptation, which while pretty spot on at times, does mix-up things (placing the Goemon Island chapter after Syrup Village arc in the anime as opposed to before in the manga) or include a shitload of filler content to pad out episodes/arcs. And not to mention all the movies/specials (majority of which are non-canon)...
I had also considered a timeline for One Piece, but... ehhh, too much work for me. Plus, we're talking over 1100 chapters for the manga, plus a few spin-offs that are canon?

And then there's the Toei anime adaptation, which while pretty spot on at times, does mix-up things (placing the Goemon Island chapter after Syrup Village arc in the anime as opposed to before in the manga) or include a shitload of filler content to pad out episodes/arcs.

That's one of those timelines I wouldn't ever touch or think to touch. That's up there with the entire Dick Wolf Universe of Law & Order which branches out everywhere and would take up so many pages, we'd run up the space limit on the forum.
That's one of those timelines I wouldn't ever touch or think to touch. That's up there with the entire Dick Wolf Universe of Law & Order which branches out everywhere and would take up so many pages, we'd run up the space limit on the forum.
Trust me, I'd be willing to help if someone were todo a timeline for One Piece, but me doing it myself?

... ehhh, I'll stick with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Less work for me, honestly.