Recent content by Megatron

  1. Megatron

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    ok guys the AC:R updates of today are over, just a question for the people who read the Revelations adaptation novel. Does my dating of Ezio's Jurney from Rome to Masyaf makes sense? Cos the passage of time was weird, so I'm asking to be sure that I placed them correctly. Tomorrow I'm super...
  2. Megatron

    Timeline Hub

    you can find parts of it on my Headcanon AVP timeline.
  3. Megatron

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 4)

    They're on all week, Even on sundays.
  4. Megatron

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    ok guys, still not an update. But I finished Project Legacy! And now as you saw on the Simplified Order we're ready for the main section of the 2011 part. REVELATIONS. P.S. for @Kulurak if you want you can use my placements for the Project Legacy Contracts for your list.
  5. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    Altho I'll give you a treat. Today I'll fix this and finish the secret crusade novel.
  6. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    I can't rn I'm busy.
  7. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    The color codes are according to the themes, not from where they were published. Oh i didn't notice the earth-616 thing.
  8. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    This Is one of them.
  9. Megatron

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 4)

  10. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    ok @JudgeDreddpool the timeline should be updated now! Thank you again for everything!
  11. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    that comes after dinner!
  12. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    ok @JudgeDreddpool everything should be updated in the viewing order! Did I missed anything? (thanks again for your help!)
  13. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    Okii, Sorry. Then if you want you Can begin with Medusa.
  14. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    If you want someone more oscure, we can go for the meme character, "the wheel".
  15. Megatron

    Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

    Kamala khan should be Easy since She came out in 2015.