Recent content by MarlonSuchti

  1. M

    Marvel Animated Universes (2000s) v 2.0

    Oh yeah right, heard about that before but totally forgot lol. Thanks
  2. M

    Marvel Animated Universes (2000s) v 2.0

    What's the potential connection to Ghost Rider? Just curious
  3. M

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Screenshot from Episode 1 after the time jump, a poster says Spring 2016
  4. M

    Marvel Animated Universes (2000s) v 2.0

    Hi, I wanted to know if there are any plans to cover the Marvel Super Hero Squad universe or if there's already a thread for that.
  5. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    Yeah no reasoning mentioned there either sadly but thx for responding
  6. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    How did you get the placements for the lego marvel super heroes 2 DLC's? We are really struggeling with those currently
  7. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    Sounds good, I'll have that in mind when we get to adding those! Thx
  8. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    I will!
  9. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    I think I'm definetly gonna share it here once we are done (I'm working on it with two other people) In case of the Mini Movies we only have the Trouble in Brick City one placed for now, and we decided that it is right before the first game because of Coulson saying "welcome back to New York"...
  10. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    I will definetly be adding them to my own timeline because I really like them. There are alot more I would recommend checking out tho. There's one called Trouble in Brick City promoting the 2012 Avengers Sets and a few very short ones from 2015-2018 promoting various Sets. I think there's a...
  11. M

    Earth 13122 Timeline

    How did you get the year for Brotunheim? I was struggeling to place that on my timeline. Only placement I could locate was sometime before the first game.