Recent content by Jozaca

  1. Jozaca

    DC's Earth-66 - Timeline

    Honestly, Doctor Who seemed like the only 60s cultural icon that was not in this universe, so in a way feels like he belongs here. But yeah, I can see that it seems too much to add. Also would that imply that Marvel's Earth-5556 is DC's Live Action Earth-66? Edit: Oh, Pro Bot said the same thing...
  2. Jozaca

    Universal Monsters - Viewing Order

    I will consider that a more solid link that "Mighty Monsterwheelies" to be honest
  3. Jozaca

    Timeline Hub

    I actually don't, since the opposite, different actors playing the same character, is not considered making something non-canon.
  4. Jozaca

    Timeline Hub

    Fun fact, in Honey, I Blew Up the Kid, there is an easter egg of the Ark from Raiders of the Lost Ark in a government warehouse If the S.E.A. is considered canon, then Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and Indiana Jones are the same universe, and that is the HIStK characters being in the same room as...
  5. Jozaca

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    What is set before, the stuff with the aliens with gods names (I haven't played too many of this games and never finished one, so, sorry if I am misinterpreting things) or Far Cry Primal?
  6. Jozaca

    Universal Monsters - Viewing Order

    And Bionic Commando
  7. Jozaca

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    ???? ----> Mr. Deeds ----> To Kill a Mockingbird The Goldbergs ----> Animal House ----> Twilight Zone The Goldbergs ----> Animal House ----> The Blues Brothers ----> Apocalypse Now The Goldbergs ----> The Wedding Singer ----> Click ----> Grown Ups ----> Pixels
  8. Jozaca

    Slasherverse - Timeline

    Could you elaborate on this 4? Now I NEED to know
  9. Jozaca

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    Funny how 5 out of 7 Battletoads games are called the same.
  10. Jozaca

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    -How do we know it happens 10 years after their last game? -Can the cameos be after Battletoads (2020)? -One of the Battletoads appeared in the 2013 remake of Killer Instict -Can we be sure there is no time travel involved? I mean, doesn't look weird that Battletoads happens in a futuristic...
  11. Jozaca

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    So, it doesn't imply that any BT game is a simulation? Only their cameos during the timeskip?
  12. Jozaca

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    I don't understand your answer. Yes, BT uses a lot of meta. Precisely, the 26 years reference is a meta reference that seems to imply that even in BT doesn't happen in release year, the timeskip is the same that the one in the real world. 2020-26=1994. Yes, so, that's actually what I said. The...
  13. Jozaca

    The Shovel Knight Shared Universe - Timeline

    Changing the subject to Battletoads (sorry), but, the 2020 game says they have been trapped in a simulation for 26 years? Does that mean that the titles released between 1991-1994 happened for real?
  14. Jozaca

    Timeline Hub

    Man, Dracula must be like the most common surname in Transylvania in this universe or something
  15. Jozaca

    Resident Evil Canon Universe - Timeline

    Oh, yes, but since it only mentions that there was an outbreak on those islands... I thought it was not very important. But if that it is what you all want I can change it.