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  • Hey dude I saw that you liked my comment about how any of Warner Bros IP could hypothetically appear in the Superman 78 comics, what characters would you want to appear if you don't mind me asking?
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    Reactions: ThoughtTie24110
    Honestly I just found that idea interesting, don't really have any other idea in mind, but it would be interesting if there could be characters in the DC universe from other WB franchises like the MonsterVerse (which already has a crossover if I'm not wrong)
    Also I have a complete timeline of the DC multiverse and arrowverse in chronological order if you want to have a copy of it
    It is a nice timeline for the DC Multiverse and Arrowverse if possible would you please upload pictures of the comics, graphic novels, novels, and companions so people could what they look if they with to buy them Ie me
    Umm... if you are looking for the creator of the timeline, you are looking for Pro Bot, but also, i'm a little bit intrigued on your version of the timeline, also, i wanna let you know that i've also made a "Multiversal" timeline but for the MCU (or MCM, Marvel Cinematic Multiverse) in my natal language, so if you wanna see my timeline also you could answer and i will share a dubbed version of it to you
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