Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

If that's the 90s X-Men's Storm then if we see Season 2 be centered around the X-Men trying to remove her Watcher powers then that's the endgame for Marvel for sure
Still it'd be pretty upsetting if that actually is that Storm, especially since the What If showrunner is now writing X-Men 97
I'm treating storm as a Xmen the animated series variant due to the multiple music cues from the what if series finale but also the fact that professor X and beast from DS:MOM & the marvels look very similar to their animated counterparts.

So I'm counting X-Men the animated series as MCU Multiverse canon and because it's set in the same universe as the 90s spider-man animated series (which also connects to across the spider-verse) as multiverse canon too
And considering the lads cameo in Scream 3... man, Ghostface gotta be one of the Marvel villains of all time XD
Technically the View Askewniverse doesn't have a reality number. The fictional Daredevil movie being made does, but we don't know if the reality that the fiction was produced in is canon. Let's say it is, then, alongside the View Askew and Scream films, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Tusk and Yoga Hosers are also canon so have fun with that.
And considering the lads cameo in Scream 3... man, Ghostface gotta be one of the Marvel villains of all time XD
I don't really see the Scream 3 cameo as more than anything but a fun gag. I don't think every cameo (especially ones done in humor) have to be seen as some confirmation they're intentionally confirming two separate projects are the same universe.
Ren & Stimpy (no joke) is in the Marvel Multiverse, therefore all Nicktoons are in the Marvel Multiverse including The X's, Sanjay & Craig and Pelswick.
There's a "Bad Days" shorts collection with Stan Lee himself being the narrator, why isn't that a reality?

Around 6:20, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Executive Producer, Dana, describes the show's branch as occurring on Peter's first day of High School. She dances around it but she's referring to Doctor Strange fighting the monster, and the subsequent destruction leading to Peter not attending Midtown (he doesn't meet Ned/MJ) and getting powers early.

Now we know there's a litany of differences before this like Oscorp existing, Nico moving to New York, and Strange becoming Sorcerer Supreme ahead of schedule but this seems to be the most substantial deviation and what leads to it branching off. Kinda like how the Sacred Timeline had multiple timelines with certain differences and still followed the same baseline but only certain events led to branches and the TVA interfering
Something I find interesting regarding the Sixth Cosmos
It 'reboots' into Earth-616 in the Seventh Cosmos (pre-Secret Wars 2015).

In regards to the Sixth Cosmos' "different numbering system", that means two things about this unindentified lone reality:

1) It was the original Earth-616…possibly.
2) Earth-92131 branched from the Seventh Cosmos' Earth-616.

Perhaps something in a future X-Men 97 episode ties into He Who Remains' origin thus birthing the MCU (everything pre-IM1).
Taking into account multiple versions of Galactus and all the other universes that branched out from it it wasn't the only reality clearly
Taking into account multiple versions of Galactus and all the other universes that branched out from it it wasn't the only reality clearly
From what perspective? The Sixth or Seventh Cosmos?
Galactus was born from the death of the Sixth Cosmos.

I'm saying:
Sixth Cosmos dies -> Seventh Cosmos created -> the true Marvel Multiverse and all including X-Men: TAS branch from Earth-616 -> my theory regarding the loose end in X-Men: TAS with Immortus in Limbo -> somehow leads to HWR, who creates the MCU and secludes it from the rest of the multiverse (until the events of Loki)

I'm speculating, ofc.