Batman/Superman Anthology Timelines

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2018
United Kingdom
Earth-89 - Burtonverse
Earth-89 is the reality of Batman (1989-1997), Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-1997) and Catwoman (2004).
Note: Uses DVD timecodes for Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

Continuity Explanations:
Lois & Clark

The Batmobile appears in 3x06, "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape". Tim and Amber Lake have either stolen or recreated the Batmobile potentially using the plans left over from Oswald Cobblepot. Notably, this came out after Batman Forever, where Bruce has a new Batmobile. The Danny Elfman Batman theme plays during the reveal. There are numerous references to Batman throughout Lois & Clark, and the Schumacher directed films reference both Metropolis and Superman.

Selina Kyle appeared in a photograph as a previous Catwoman. Similar to Patience Phillips, Selina Kyle seemingly died in Batman Returns before being resurrected by cats, making this a natural connection.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" has flashbacks to the prohibition era, 1920-1933. To fit with Bill's age, it is placed in the early 1930s, assuming he's in his early 20s in the flashbacks and early 80s in the present.

It is explained that Clark landed on Earth on May 17, 1966 in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)". 2 days later, strange men visited the Kents, asking them if they saw anything. Presumably, this is the same day Jonathan hid the Kryptonian space craft shown in the flashback.

Batman has several contradictory dates, but in my opinion November 25 is the most prominent and clear date, plus the day of the week on the other newspapers are inaccurate whereas here it is obscured.

The diet coke commercial for Batman doesn't contradict anything, but it does imply Batman would pick up diet coke in the Batmobile. "I'll get drive through".

Batman Returns takes place in late December. It's placed in its year of release.

The diet coke commercial for Batman Returns oddly seems to pick up on the plot line of Max Shreck draining power from the city. Batman's diet coke addiction seems to be more important to him than saving the city, however.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x08, "The Green, Green Glow of Home" includes a Corn Festival. These are held a week before Labour day, on the weekend, placing the Festival on August 27 to August 29.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x09, "The Man of Steel Bars" takes place in November, according to Lois.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x11, "Honeymoon in Metropolis" has a calendar with 31 days on it, placing it in December or January.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x09, "Season's Greedings" takes place around Christmas time.

Batman Forever takes place in October-November. It's placed in its year of release.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x11, "Home Is Where the Hurt Is" takes place around Christmas time.

In Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not", Agnes Moskowitz's psychiatric report has a date and time of occurrence of "February 15th", and another date and time noted as "3-1-96". We then see that her treatment was terminated on "?/12/96". It is unknown what these refer to exactly, but it places the episode in or after March 1996.

In Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x19, "Oedipus Wrecks", Roweena Johnson asks her son if he'll kill Clark and Lois as a mother's day gift.

In Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x03, "Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding", the wedding certificate dates itself as occurring on October 6th, 1996.

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x11, "Twas the Night Before Mxymas" takes place around Christmas time.

Batman & Robin occurs a few years after Batman Forever. It's placed in its year of release. There is a reference to Superman.

Batman: OnStar 1x01, "Batcave" uses the 1995-1997 Batcave design. Alfred is portrayed by Michael Gough once again, reprising his role. The Danny Elfman theme from 1989-1992 is used again. The 1989-1992 Batmobile is prominent throughout these commercials. The batsuit is a modified version of the one featured in Batman & Robin.

Batman: OnStar 1x02, "Joker Face" features a recasted Jack Napier or an entirely new Joker after his death. The car he drives is the same that was used for Napier's gang in 1989. The 1995-1997 Gotham City design is used.

In Batman: OnStar #1, the Riddler gains access to Batman's personal email, which he later uses in the final live-action commercial.

In the OnStar Webisodes, Two-Face appears. Joel Schumacher stated on the director's commentary for Batman & Robin that the inclusion of Harvey's Two-Face costume in Arkham Asylum was supposed to suggest that he survived the events of Batman Forever.

Batman: OnStar 1x05, "Hot Date" features potentially a new Penguin interpretation due to having fingers and being alive. Bruce is seeing Vicki Vale again.

Batman: OnStar 1x06, "Riddle Me This" has the Riddler return, supposedly recovered from his brain damage from Batman Forever.

In Catwoman, the Hydroplolis event is dated "Saturday, July 25", which places Catwoman in 1998 or 2009. 2009 is closer to the release date. Selina Kyle appears in a photograph as well previous Catwoman

In Catwoman 80th Anniversary, "Now You See Me", texting is commonplace and there's flat screen TVs. Penguin has a cameo, which can possibly be seen as the version from the OnStar commercial for simplicity.

Alexander Knox was reading a newspaper about Batman capturing the Joker prior to an anti-matter wave destroying his reality. It was restored after Crisis on Infinite Earths. Despite a joke about release dates suggesting that Arnold's Mr. Freeze originates from Earth-97, they state that Bat-Nipples are canon because of Earth-89. The official DC YouTube channel supports this in their review of Catwoman, where they suggest that Catwoman exists in Earth-89 alongside both the Burton and Schumacher films. If the Mr. Freeze joke were serious, then really it would be Earth-95, unless they're suggesting Batman & Robin is a separate reality to Batman Forever.

In The Flash film, the Flashpoint timeline appears to be an alternate reality where events from this reality and Earth-1 collide, so it is included.

Batman = 000000
Lois & Clark = FF0000
Catwoman = 966919
Supergirl = 3D8EB9
The Flash = E25041

3000 B.C.

Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:01:14)

Chapter 1 (0:01:15 - 0:01:44)

Chapter 1 (0:02:02 - 0:02:04)

Chapter 1 (0:02:40 - 0:02:58)
Catwoman Chapter 1 (0:01:45 - 0:02:01)
Catwoman Chapter 1 (0:02:05 - 0:01:12)

May 17

**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:12:01 - 0:13:01)**
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:13:42 - 0:16:33)**
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:17:07 - 0:23:44)**
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:41:45 - 0:42:04)**

June 20
Chapter 1 (0:02:13 - 0:02:22)


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:17:48 - 0:19:47)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:25:20 - 0:26:28)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:34:45 - 0:36:26)

Chapter 1 (0:02:34 - 0:02:39)

March 2
Chapter 1 (0:02:23 - 0:02:27)

Chapter 1 (0:03:07 - 0:03:35)

Chapter 1 (0:02:59 - 0:03:06)

December 7
Chapter 1 (0:02:28 - 0:02:33)

Batman Returns
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:00:57)

December 25
Batman Returns
Chapter 1 (0:00:58 - 0:02:22)
Batman Returns Chapter 2 (0:02:23 - 0:05:30)

October 18
Chapter 29 (1:30:15 - 1:32:10)

Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:40 - 0:45:47)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:50 - 0:44:53)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:56 - 0:45:00)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:45:03 - 0:45:09)

Batman Forever
Chapter 12 (0:45:13 - 0:46:00)
Batman Forever Chapter 27 (1:29:37 - 1:30:53)

Batman & Robin
Chapter 7 (0:23:43 - 0:23:55)
Batman & Robin Chapter 17 (0:53:11 - 0:53:21)
Batman & Robin Chapter 29 (1:30:14 - 1:30:22)


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:29 - 0:01:39)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:43 - 0:01:53)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:09 - 0:23:22)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:25 - 0:23:38)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:42 - 0:23:53)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:30:30 - 0:31:06)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:35:41 - 0:35:54)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:35:58 - 0:36:07)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:38:01 - 0:38:53)

May 17
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:13:02 - 0:13:41)**
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:16:34 - 0:17:07)**
**Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:23:45 - 0:41:44)**

May 19
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)" (0:21:07 - 0:21:24)

November 24
Chapter 2 (0:02:33 - 0:07:03)
Batman Chapter 3 (0:07:04 - 0:09:26)
Batman Chapter 4 (0:09:27 - 0:12:21)

November 25
Chapter 5 (0:12:22 - 0:14:41)
Batman Chapter 6 (0:14:42 - 0:17:03)
Batman Chapter 7 (0:17:04 - 0:20:05)
Batman Chapter 8 (0:20:06 - 0:23:57)
Batman Chapter 9 (0:23:58 - 0:27:05)
Batman Chapter 10 (0:27:06 - 0:30:25)

November 26
Chapter 11 (0:30:26 - 0:34:12)
Batman Chapter 12 (0:34:13 - 0:36:13)
Batman Chapter 13 (0:36:14 - 0:38:24)
Batman Chapter 14 (0:38:25 - 0:39:56)

November 27
Chapter 14 (0:39:57 - 0:41:05)
Batman Chapter 15 (0:41:06 - 0:45:06)
Batman Chapter 16 (0:45:07 - 0:48:06)
Batman Chapter 17 (0:48:07 - 0:50:51)
Batman Chapter 18 (0:51:52 - 0:54:18)

November 28
Chapter 19 (0:54:19 - 0:57:53)

November 29
Chapter 20 (0:57:54 - 0:59:33)
Batman Chapter 21 (0:59:34 - 1:06:37)
Batman Chapter 22 (1:06:38 - 1:12:23)
Batman Chapter 23 (1:12:24 - 1:16:16)

November 30
Chapter 23 (1:16:17 - 1:16:28)
Batman Chapter 24 (1:16:29 - 1:18:18)
Batman Chapter 25 (1:18:19 - 1:21:10)
Batman Chapter 26 (1:21:11 - 1:25:29)
Batman Chapter 27 (1:25:30 - 1:27:24)
Batman Chapter 28 (1:27:25 - 1:29:32)
Batman Chapter 29 (1:29:33 - 1:30:14)
Batman Chapter 29 (1:32:11 - 1:33:57)
Batman Chapter 30 (1:33:58 - 1:35:49)

December 1
Chapter 31 (1:35:50 - 1:38:15)
Batman Chapter 32 (1:38:16 - 1:42:43)
Batman Chapter 33 (1:42:44 - 1:46:33)
Batman Chapter 34 (1:46:34 - 1:50:10)
Batman Chapter 35 (1:50:11 - 1:53:19)
Batman Chapter 36 (1:53:20 - 1:59:42)
Batman Chapter 37 (1:59:43 - 2:01:29)

Batman: Diet Coke Commercial

December 20
Batman Returns
Chapter 3 (0:05:31 - 0:07:09)
Batman Returns Chapter 4 (0:07:10 - 0:09:22)
Batman Returns Chapter 5 (0:09:23 - 0:12:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 6 (0:12:48 - 0:17:12)
Batman Returns Chapter 7 (0:17:13 - 0:23:11)
Batman Returns Chapter 8 (0:23:12 - 0:25:18)
Batman Returns Chapter 9 (0:25:19 - 0:28:29)
Batman Returns Chapter 10 (0:28:30 - 0:33:50)

December 21
Batman Returns
Chapter 11 (0:33:51 - 0:40:26)
Batman Returns Chapter 12 (0:40:27 - 0:43:03)
Batman Returns Chapter 13 (0:43:04 - 0:44:11)

December 22
Batman Returns
Chapter 14 (0:44:12 - 0:48:30)
Batman Returns Chapter 15 (0:48:31 - 0:54:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 16 (0:54:09 - 0:55:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 17 (0:55:48 - 0:57:59)
Batman Returns Chapter 18 (0:58:00 - 0:59:43)
Batman Returns Chapter 19 (0:59:44 - 1:02:15)
Batman Returns Chapter 20 (1:02:16 - 1:07:47)

December 23
Batman Returns
Chapter 21 (1:07:48 - 1:10:01)
Batman Returns Chapter 22 (1:10:02 - 1:13:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 23 (1:13:09 - 1:17:58)
Batman Returns Chapter 24 (1:17:59 - 1:20:42)
Batman Returns Chapter 25 (1:20:43 - 1:22:29)
Batman Returns Chapter 26 (1:22:30 - 1:26:43)

December 24
Batman Returns
Chapter 27 (1:26:44 - 1:31:44)
Batman Returns Chapter 28 (1:31:45 - 1:33:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 29 (1:33:48 - 1:38:13)
Batman Returns Chapter 30 (1:38:14 - 1:40:38)
Batman Returns Chapter 31 (1:40:39 - 1:42:43)
Batman Returns Chapter 32 (1:42:44 - 1:44:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 33 (1:44:09 - 1:48:42)
Batman Returns Chapter 34 (1:48:43 - 1:50:45)
Batman Returns Chapter 35 (1:50:46 - 1:53:55)
Batman Returns Chapter 36 (1:54:56 - 1:55:46)
Batman Returns Chapter 37 (1:55:47 - 1:58:21)

December 25
Batman Returns
Chapter 38 (1:58:22 - 2:00:50)

Batman Returns: Diet Coke Commercial


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x01, "Pilot"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)" (0:00:00 - 0:21:06)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)" (0:21:07 - 0:21:24)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)" (0:21:25 - 0:43:11)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x03, "Neverending Battle"

May 7
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x09, "Super Mann" (0:00:00 - 0:04:39)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x04, "I'm Looking Through You"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x05, "Requiem for a Super Hero"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x06, "I've Got a Crush on You"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x07, "Smart Kids"

August 27
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x08, "The Green, Green Glow of Home" (0:00:00 - 0:03:37)

August 28
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x08, "The Green, Green Glow of Home" (0:03:38 - 0:17:22)

August 29
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x08, "The Green, Green Glow of Home" (0:17:23 - 0:44:09)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x09, "The Man of Steel Bars"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x10, "Pheromone, My Lovely"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x11, "Honeymoon in Metropolis"


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x12, "All Shook Up"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x13, "Witness"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x14, "Illusions of Grandeur"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x15, "The Ides of Metropolis"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:00:00 - 0:01:28)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:29 - 0:01:39)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:40 - 0:01:42)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:43 - 0:01:53)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:01:54 - 0:23:08)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:09 - 0:23:22)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:23 - 0:23:24)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:25 - 0:23:38)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:39 - 0:23:41)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:42 - 0:23:53)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:23:54 - 0:30:29)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:30:30 - 0:31:06)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:31:07 - 0:35:40)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:35:41 - 0:35:54)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:35:55 - 0:35:57)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:35:58 - 0:36:07)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:36:08 - 0:38:00)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:38:01 - 0:38:53)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling" (0:38:54 - 0:44:06)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x17, "The Rival"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x18, "Vatman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:00:00 - 0:17:47)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:17:48 - 0:19:47)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:19:48 - 0:25:19)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:26:28 - 0:34:44)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard" (0:36:26 - 0:43:41)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:00:00 - 0:07:48)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:42:24 - 0:42:26)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:41:41 - 0:42:00)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:07:49 - 0:20:08)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:42:01 - 0:42:14)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:20:09 - 0:41:40)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:42:01 - 0:42:14)
(Audio Only)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:42:15 - 0:42:23)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet" (0:42:27 - 0:44:12)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x21, "The House of Luthor"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x01, "Madame Ex"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x02, "Wall of Sound"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x03, "The Source"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x04, "The Prankster"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x05, "Church of Metropolis"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x06, "Operation Blackout"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x07, "That Old Gang of Mine"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x08, "A Bolt From the Blue"

December 24
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x09, "Season's Greedings" (0:00:00 - 0:26:42)

December 25
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x09, "Season's Greedings" (0:26:43 - 0:43:38)


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x10, "Metallo"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x11, "Chi of Steel"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x12, "The Eyes Have It"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x13, "The Phoenix"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x14, "Top Copy"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x15, "Return of the Prankster"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x16, "Lucky Leon"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x17, "Resurrection"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:42:05 - 0:43:38)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive" (0:00:00 - 0:12:00)
[Alternate Timeline]
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x19, "Target: Jimmy Olson!"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x20, "Individual Responsibility"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x21, "Whine, Whine, Whine"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x22, "And the Answer Is..."
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x01, "We Have a Lot to Talk About"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x02, "Ordinary People"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x03, "Contact"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x04, "When Irish Eyes Are Killing"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x05, "Just Say Noah"

Batman Forever Chapter 1 (0:01:10 - 0:02:17)
Batman Forever Chapter 2 (0:02:18 - 0:05:30)
Batman Forever Chapter 3 (0:05:31 - 0:10:10)
Batman Forever Chapter 4 (0:10:11 - 0:12:40)
Batman Forever Chapter 5 (0:12:41 - 0:16:36)
Batman Forever Chapter 6 (0:16:37 - 0:19:55)
Batman Forever Chapter 7 (0:19:56 - 0:24:51)
Batman Forever Chapter 8 (0:24:52 - 0:29:09)
Batman Forever Chapter 9 (0:29:10 - 0:32:56)
Batman Forever Chapter 10 (0:32:57 - 0:41:02)
Batman Forever Chapter 11 (0:41:03 - 0:44:09)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:10 - 0:40:39)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:48 - 0:44:49)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:44:54 - 0:44:55)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:45:01 - 0:45:02)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:45:10 - 0:45:12)
Batman Forever Chapter 12 (0:46:01 - 0:46:51)
Batman Forever Chapter 13 (0:46:52 - 0:48:08)
Batman Forever Chapter 14 (0:48:09 - 0:50:49)
Batman Forever Chapter 15 (0:50:50 - 0:56:48)
Batman Forever Chapter 16 (0:56:49 - 0:58:16)
Batman Forever Chapter 17 (0:58:17 - 1:00:41)

October 30
Batman Forever
Chapter 17 (1:00:42 - 1:01:50)
Batman Forever Chapter 18 (1:01:51 - 1:04:44)
Batman Forever Chapter 19 (1:04:45 - 1:08:37)
Batman Forever Chapter 20 (1:08:38 - 1:10:24)
Batman Forever Chapter 21 (1:10:25 - 1:15:13)
Batman Forever Chapter 22 (1:15:14 - 1:19:55)
Batman Forever Chapter 23 (1:19:56 - 1:21:59)

October 31
Batman Forever
Chapter 24 (1:22:00 - 1:24:06)
Batman Forever Chapter 25 (1:24:07 - 1:24:58)
Batman Forever Chapter 26 (1:24:59 - 1:26:17)
Batman Forever Chapter 27 (1:26:18 - 1:29:36)
Batman Forever Chapter 27 (1:29:37 - 1:30:53) (Audio Only)
Batman Forever Chapter 27 (1:30:54 - 1:31:35)
Batman Forever Chapter 28 (1:31:36 - 1:35:50)

November 1
Batman Forever
Chapter 29 (1:36:31 - 1:37:24)
Batman Forever Chapter 30 (1:37:25 - 1:39:55)
Batman Forever Chapter 31 (1:39:56 - 1:41:11)
Batman Forever Chapter 32 (1:41:12 - 1:42:53)
Batman Forever Chapter 33 (1:42:54 - 1:44:58)
Batman Forever Chapter 34 (1:44:59 - 1:52:35)
Batman Forever Chapter 35 (1:52:36 - 1:53:44)
Batman Forever Chapter 36 (1:53:45 - 1:54:41)

Batman Forever
Chapter 37 (1:54:42 - 1:56:03)
Batman Forever Chapter 38 (1:56:04 - 1:57:32)
Batman Forever: The Game Commercial

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x06, "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x07, "Ultra Woman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x08, "Chip Off the Old Clark"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x09, "Super Mann" (0:04:40 - 0:42:22)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x10, "Virtually Destroyed"

Batman & Robin: Robin: Facing the Enemy

December 23
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x11, "Home Is Where the Hurt Is" (0:00:00 - 0:18:33)

December 24
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x11, "Home Is Where the Hurt Is" (0:18:34 - 0:36:32)

December 25
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x11, "Home Is Where the Hurt Is" (0:36:33 - 0:43:32)


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x12, "Never on Sunday"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x13, "The Dad Who Came In From the Cold"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x14, "Tempus, Anyone?" (0:00:00 - 0:02:47)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x14, "Tempus, Anyone?" (0:41:34 - 0:43:09)
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x14, "Tempus, Anyone?" (0:02:48 - 0:41:33)
[Tempus Universe]
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x15, "I Now Pronounce You..."
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x16, "Double Jeopardy"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x17, "Seconds"

March 10
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not" (0:00:00 - 0:00:50)

March 11
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not" (0:00:51 - 0:11:51)

March 12
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not" (0:11:52 - 0:31:43)

March 13
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not" (0:31:44 - 0:42:51)

May 12
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x19, "Oedipus Wrecks"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x20, "It's a Small World After All"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x21, "Through a Glass, Darkly"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x22, "Big Girls Don't Fly"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x01, "Lord of the Flys"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x02, "Battleground Earth"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x03, "Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding" (0:00:00 - 0:28:41)

October 6
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x03, "Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding" (0:28:42 - 0:43:31)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x04, "Soul Mates"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x05, "Brutal Youth"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x06, "The People vs. Lois Lane"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x07, "Dead Lois Walking"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x08, "Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x09, "Ghosts"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x10, "Stop the Presses"

December 25
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x11, "Twas the Night Before Mxymas"


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x12, "Lethal Weapon"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x13, "Sex, Lies and Videotape"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x14, "Meet John Doe"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x15, "Lois and Clarks"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x16, "...aka Superman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x17, "Faster than a Speeding Vixen"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x18, "Shadow of a Doubt"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x19, "Voice from the Past"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x20, "I've Got You Under My Skin"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x21, "Toy Story"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x22, "The Family Hour"

Batman & Robin Chapter 1 (0:01:13 - 0:03:50)
Batman & Robin Chapter 2 (0:03:51 - 0:09:12)
Batman & Robin Chapter 3 (0:09:13 - 0:13:25)
Batman & Robin Chapter 4 (0:13:26 - 0:15:11)
Batman & Robin Chapter 5 (0:15:12 - 0:19:09)
Batman & Robin Chapter 6 (0:19:10 - 0:21:00)
Batman & Robin Chapter 7 (0:21:01 - 0:23:42)
Batman & Robin Chapter 7 (0:23:56 - 0:24:03)
Batman & Robin Chapter 8 (0:24:04 - 0:26:35)
Batman & Robin Chapter 9 (0:26:36 - 0:29:12)
Batman & Robin Chapter 10 (0:29:13 - 0:31:41)
Batman & Robin Chapter 11 (0:31:42 - 0:33:58)
Batman & Robin Chapter 12 (0:33:59 - 0:38:41)
Batman & Robin Chapter 13 (0:38:42 - 0:39:54)
Batman & Robin Chapter 14 (0:39:55 - 0:45:31)
Batman & Robin Chapter 15 (0:45:32 - 0:48:47)
Batman & Robin Chapter 16 (0:48:48 - 0:50:53)
Batman & Robin Chapter 17 (0:50:54 - 0:53:10)
Batman & Robin Chapter 17 (0:53:22 - 0:54:27)
Batman & Robin Chapter 18 (0:54:28 - 0:56:23)
Batman & Robin Chapter 19 (0:56:24 - 0:59:29)
Batman & Robin Chapter 20 (0:59:30 - 1:01:04)
Batman & Robin Chapter 21 (1:01:05 - 1:06:00)
Batman & Robin Chapter 22 (1:06:01 - 1:07:47)
Batman & Robin Chapter 23 (1:07:48 - 1:12:16)
Batman & Robin Chapter 24 (1:12:17 - 1:16:00)
Batman & Robin Chapter 25 (1:16:01 - 1:20:16)
Batman & Robin Chapter 26 (1:20:17 - 1:22:59)
Batman & Robin Chapter 27 (1:23:00 - 1:25:40)
Batman & Robin Chapter 28 (1:25:41 - 1:28:47)
Batman & Robin Chapter 29 (1:28:48 - 1:30:13)
Batman & Robin Chapter 29 (1:30:23 - 1:32:01)
Batman & Robin Chapter 30 (1:32:02 - 1:33:24)
Batman & Robin Chapter 31 (1:33:25 - 1:35:15)
Batman & Robin Chapter 32 (1:35:16 - 1:36:24)
Batman & Robin Chapter 33 (1:36:25 - 1:41:20)
Batman & Robin Chapter 34 (1:41:21 - 1:44:21)
Batman & Robin Chapter 35 (1:44:22 - 1:48:31)
Batman & Robin Chapter 36 (1:48:32 - 1:49:53)
Batman & Robin Chapter 37 (1:49:54 - 1:51:43)
Batman & Robin Chapter 38 (1:51:44 - 1:53:33)
Batman & Robin Chapter 39 (1:53:34 - 1:56:28)
Batman & Robin Chapter 40 (1:56:29 - 1:57:25)
Batman & Robin Chapter 41 (1:57:26 - 1:50:40)
Batman & Robin: Batgirl: To Dare the Darkness

Batman: OnStar 1x01, "Batcave"
Batman: OnStar 1x02, "Joker Face"
Batman: OnStar 1x03, "Minor Setbacks"
Batman: OnStar 1x04, "Batmobile"
Batman: OnStar 1x05, "Hot Date"
Batman: OnStar 1x06, "Riddle Me This"

Batman: OnStar #1
Batman: OnStar #2, "Freezing Point"

Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x01, "One Hour to Doomsday"
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x02, "Cat-Astrophe"
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x03, "Double Jeopardy, Part 1"
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x04, "Double Jeopardy, Part 2"
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x05, "The Riddle Revealed"

June 13
**The Flash Chapter 5 (0:31:38 - 0:32:45)** [Flashpoint Timeline]
**The Flash Chapter 16 (2:06:25 - 2:09:54)** [Post-Flashpoint Timeline]

Catwoman 80th Anniversary, "Now You See Me"

July 21
Chapter 2 (0:04:04 - 0:07:58)
Catwoman Chapter 3 (0:07:59 - 0:09:11)

July 22

Catwoman Chapter 3 (0:09:12 - 0:12:16)
Catwoman Chapter 4 (0:12:17 - 0:16:20)
Catwoman Chapter 5 (0:16:21 - 0:21:28)
Catwoman Chapter 6 (0:21:29 - 0:22:07)
Catwoman Chapter 2 (0:03:36 - 0:04:03)
Catwoman Chapter 6 (0:21:08 - 0:25:09)
Catwoman Chapter 7 (0:25:10 - 0:27:39)

July 23
Catwoman Chapter 8 (0:27:40 - 0:30:04)
Catwoman Chapter 9 (0:30:05 - 0:33:24)
Catwoman Chapter 10 (0:33:25 - 0:36:21)
Catwoman Chapter 11 (0:36:22 - 0:39:06)
Catwoman Chapter 12 (0:39:07 - 0:42:11)
Catwoman Chapter 13 (0:42:12 - 0:45:07)

July 24
Catwoman Chapter 13 (0:45:08 - 0:46:38)
Catwoman Chapter 14 (0:46:39 - 0:51:09)
Catwoman Chapter 15 (0:51:10 - 0:55:15)
Catwoman Chapter 16 (0:55:16 - 0:57:59)

July 25
Catwoman Chapter 17 (0:58:00 - 1:00:30)
Catwoman Chapter 18 (1:00:31 - 1:04:55)
Catwoman Chapter 19 (1:04:56 - 1:06:12)
Catwoman Chapter 20 (1:06:13 - 1:10:25)
Catwoman Chapter 21 (1:10:26 - 1:14:19)

July 26
Catwoman Chapter 22 (1:14:20 - 1:17:52)
Catwoman Chapter 23 (1:17:53 - 1:20:48)

July 27

Catwoman Chapter 24 (1:20:49 - 1:24:11)
Catwoman Chapter 25 (1:24:12 - 1:26:34)
Catwoman Chapter 26 (1:26:35 - 1:28:41)
Catwoman Chapter 27 (1:28:42 - 1:31:49)
Catwoman Chapter 28 (1:31:50 - 1:37:03)

July 28

Catwoman Chapter 29 (1:37:04 - 1:38:24)

September 29
The Flash Chapter 5 (0:33:36 - 0:36:46) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 6 (0:36:47 - 0:45:41) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 7 (0:45:42 - 0:50:15) [Flashpoint Timeline]

September 30
The Flash Chapter 7 (0:50:16 - 0:53:33) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 7 (0:53:34 - 0:54:33) (Audio Only) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 7 (0:54:34 - 0:54:54) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 8 (0:54:55 - 0:59:05) [Flashpoint Timeline]

October 1
The Flash Chapter 8 (0:59:06 - 1:02:07) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 9 (1:02:08 - 1:11:09) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 10 (1:11:10 - 1:20:55) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 11 (1:20:56 - 1:25:53) [Flashpoint Timeline]

October 2
The Flash
Chapter 11 (1:25:54 - 1:29:39) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 12 (1:29:40 - 1:37:53) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 13 (1:37:54 - 1:47:28) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 14 (1:47:29 - 1:51:17) [Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 14 (1:51:52 - 1:56:48) [Altered Flashpoint Timeline]

December 10
Supergirl 5x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 1" (0:01:28 - 0:01:42) [Pre-Crisis]

September 24
The Flash
Chapter 16 (2:09:55 - 2:13:57) [Post-Flashpoint Timeline]
The Flash Chapter 17 (2:22:36 - 2:23:57) [Post-Flashpoint Timeline]

Viewing Order
Batman: Diet Coke Commercial
Batman Returns
Batman Returns: Diet Coke Commercial
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x01, "Pilot"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x02, "Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x03, "Neverending Battle"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x04, "I'm Looking Through You"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x05, "Requiem for a Super Hero"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x06, "I've Got a Crush on You"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x07, "Smart Kids"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x08, "The Green, Green Glow of Home"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x09, "The Man of Steel Bars"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x10, "Pheromone, My Lovely"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x11, "Honeymoon in Metropolis"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x12, "All Shook Up"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x13, "Witness"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x14, "Illusions of Grandeur"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x15, "The Ides of Metropolis"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x16, "The Foundling"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x17, "The Rival"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x18, "Vatman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x19, "Fly Hard"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x20, "Barbarians at the Planet"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 1x21, "The House of Luthor"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x01, "Madame Ex"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x02, "Wall of Sound"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x03, "The Source"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x04, "The Prankster"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x05, "Church of Metropolis"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x06, "Operation Blackout"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x07, "That Old Gang of Mine"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x08, "A Bolt From the Blue"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x09, "Season's Greedings"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x10, "Metallo"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x11, "Chi of Steel"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x12, "The Eyes Have It"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x13, "The Phoenix"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x14, "Top Copy"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x15, "Return of the Prankster"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x16, "Lucky Leon"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x17, "Resurrection"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x18, "Tempus Fugitive"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x19, "Target: Jimmy Olson!"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x20, "Individual Responsibility"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x21, "Whine, Whine, Whine"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 2x22, "And the Answer Is..."
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x01, "We Have a Lot to Talk About"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x02, "Ordinary People"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x03, "Contact"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x04, "When Irish Eyes Are Killing"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x05, "Just Say Noah"

Batman Forever
Batman Forever: The Game Commercial
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x06, "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x07, "Ultra Woman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x08, "Chip Off the Old Clark"

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x09, "Super Mann"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x10, "Virtually Destroyed"

Batman & Robin: Robin: Facing the Enemy
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x11, "Home Is Where the Hurt Is"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x12, "Never on Sunday"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x13, "The Dad Who Came In From the Cold"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x14, "Tempus, Anyone?"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x15, "I Now Pronounce You..."
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x16, "Double Jeopardy"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x17, "Seconds"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x18, "Forget Me Not"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x19, "Oedipus Wrecks"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x20, "It's a Small World After All"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x21, "Through a Glass, Darkly"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 3x22, "Big Girls Don't Fly"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x01, "Lord of the Flys"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x02, "Battleground Earth"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x03, "Swear to God, This Time We're Not Kidding"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x04, "Soul Mates"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x05, "Brutal Youth"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x06, "The People vs. Lois Lane"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x07, "Dead Lois Walking"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x08, "Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x09, "Ghosts"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x10, "Stop the Presses"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x11, "Twas the Night Before Mxymas"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x12, "Lethal Weapon"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x13, "Sex, Lies and Videotape"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x14, "Meet John Doe"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x15, "Lois and Clarks"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x16, "...aka Superman"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x17, "Faster than a Speeding Vixen"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x18, "Shadow of a Doubt"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x19, "Voice from the Past"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x20, "I've Got You Under My Skin"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x21, "Toy Story"
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 4x22, "The Family Hour"

Batman & Robin
Batman & Robin: Batgirl: To Dare the Darkness

Batman: OnStar 1x01, "Batcave"
Batman: OnStar 1x02, "Joker Face"
Batman: OnStar 1x03, "Minor Setbacks"
Batman: OnStar 1x04, "Batmobile"
Batman: OnStar 1x05, "Hot Date"
Batman: OnStar 1x06, "Riddle Me This"
Batman: OnStar #1
Batman: OnStar #2, "Freezing Point"

Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x01, "One Hour to Doomsday" (Link)
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x02, "Cat-Astrophe" (Link)
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x03, "Double Jeopardy, Part 1" (Link)
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x04, "Double Jeopardy, Part 2" (Link)
Batman: OnStar Webisode 1x05, "The Riddle Revealed"
Catwoman 80th Anniversary, "Now You See Me"
Batman: The Brave and the Bold 3x03, "Night of the Batmen!"
Supergirl 5x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 1"
The Flash
Last edited:
Earth-96 - Donnerverse
Earth-96, also known as Earth-789, is the reality of Superman (1978-2006), Supergirl (1984), Batman (1989-1992), and Human Target (2010-2011).
Note: Uses DVD timecodes for Supergirl: Director's Cut.

Continuity Explanations:

Superman '78 #3 features a cameo by Bruce Wayne, modelled after Michael Keaton with Adam West's hair. Dark Crisis: Big Bang officially places the Superman '78 and Batman '89 comics in the same universe, Earth-789. Since Batman '89 is a sequel to Batman Returns that ignores the Schumacher-directed sequels, that means that it's not canon to Earth-89 and thus fits into Earth-96.

Superman Returns
In Batwoman 1x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2", Brandon Routh reprises the role of Superman from Superman Returns. Superman Returns was originally supposed to be a homage alternate sequel to Superman II, except with said film occurring in modern times.

However, Marc Guggenheim, screenwriter of Crisis on Infinite Earths, confirmed that Earth-96 is the reality of the Christopher Reeve Superman films and that Superman Returns happens after the events of Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. The same episode of Batwoman also has Lacy Warfield, a character exclusive to the latter film, on the Daily Planet memorial, and Superman references his fight with himself from Superman III. It references Jason from Superman Returns too, solidifying that all sequels to Superman II happened.

This does create a few small continuity problems, like Lana stating that Clark hasn't been in Smallville since his mom passed away in Superman III, and Clark trying to sell the Kent farm in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. These things have to be overlooked. Perhaps Lana confused Clark's mother for his father, and perhaps Clark gave up trying to sell the farm.

Human Target
Human Target vol. 3 #3 recreated an exact newspaper created for Superman: The Movie that went unused. This is treated as a real, out-of-town newspaper and shows that the Donnerverse's Daily Planet and Superman exist in its universe. Superman and Supergirl are shown on the comic cover of Crisis on Infinite Earths in the episode "Sanctuary". Interestingly enough, John Gray is played by Sam Huntington who played Jimmy Olson in Superman Returns.

Placement Reasoning
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" is dated 1948 due to Lex Luthor stating that, according to Lois' interview with Superman, Krypton exploded in 1948. This is contradicted by Jor-El, who states that he's been dead for many thousands of Earth years. Because Krypton has information on the Nazi Party and Einstein's theory of relativity, Jor-El is incorrect. Superman '78: The Metal Curtain confirms Lex's timeline of events.

Superman lands on Earth in 1951, as Clark said his spaceship landed on Earth 3 years after Krypton exploded.

The scene with Clark in school up to the funeral takes place in 1965 based on Superman III's "class of '65" date. However, the scene where Clark leaves up to creating the fortress takes place in 1966 as Clark is 18 according to Jor-El.

12 years later according to Jor-El, Clark, now 30, emerges as Superman in 1978. This is supported by Superman Returns, where the Kryptonite discovered in Addis Ababa is marked "1978". It is taken that Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut is the canonical version, as that's the longest version available with the most information.

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut picks up immediately following the original film. The dialogue in the diner at the end of the film suggests that the characters experienced the events of the theatrical cut, since they fixed up the damage from when Rocky beat up Clark, and Clark tells them that he's been working out. This is something he'd only feel the need to explain if they had seen him get beat up earlier. The time travel in these films can either be explained as the Superman that traveled through time getting erased while the version from his past lives on after the changes are made, or his mind adjusts to the new timeline forgetting the previous one, similar to most versions of Flashpoint.

Superman II is placed in 1978 due to the alternate cut being set directly after the first film. thus, for all the characters to be the same general age and in the same places that they were in the previous timeline, it's probably not too soon after. It is also placed in 1978 to space out the time between 1978-1980 so that the tie-in comics can occur. Lois states "in July?" at one point, so I take it to mean it occurs within that month.

Superman '78 and Superman '78: The Metal Curtain are intended to be set between Superman II and Superman III. Bruce Wayne has a cameo, modelled after an amalgamation of Michael Keaton and Adam West. "Bat-Man" is a figure in Gotham by this point. Due to Dark Crisis: Big Bang retcons, it appears that Bruce became Batman 10 years prior to the events of the 1989 film. However, he appears to be considered a myth even with a 10 year career, it being noted how there's been 8 sightings over the last 4 weeks. It is reasoned that Bruce wasn't as active during the period between 1979 and 1989, and he only really started going out every night in 1989. This allows him time to develop gadgets and build the cave.

In Superman III, the date 19/3/83 is given. Lois took a 2 week vacation, which matches perfectly between March 19th and April 2nd. It appears to be Clark's 15 year class reunion, as he says to Perry that he can write an article about how much a small town can change in 15 years. Thus, this film would take place in 1980. Lana Lang mentions that Clark's mom has passed away, but Martha is still alive in Superman Returns. It is reasoned that she confused his parents and was referring to Jonathan.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace has an August 29th, 1985 newspaper. Clark is trying to sell the farm, but it can be assumed all deals fell through and Martha continued to live there up to at least 2006.

Batman has several contradictory dates, but in my opinion November 25 is the most prominent and clear date, plus the day of the week on the other newspapers are inaccurate whereas here it is obscured.

Batman: Resurrection starts a week after the Smylex incident before quickly jumping to almost 6 months since Joker's death.

Batman Returns takes place in late December. It's placed in its year of release.

Batman '89 is set the following year after Batman Returns.

Batman '89: Echoes is set 2 years after Batman '89. There's a "-ember 5th" date, which is taken to be November due to the 2 year jump.

Batman Vol. 3 #135, "The Bat-Man of Gotham: Conclusion" is placed after Batman '89: Echoes due to the Joker still being deceased. It is assumed that Barbara became commissioner by this point due to Gordon's fate in Batman '89. Red Mask's presence in this reality resurrects Jack Napier.

Dark Crisis: Big Bang shows a living Jack Napier, placing this story after his resurrection. This comic reveals that Earth-96 exists in the comic multiverse as Earth-789.

Superman Returns: Strange Visitor takes place in Autumn. Metallo is a villain, but they have a different identity to the version from Superman '78: The Metal Curtain.

The frame story of Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" explains the backstory of the newspaper "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman". That newspaper is dated February 13th, 2005 in the film. The 2005 is inaccurate. Vicki Vale is referenced and has experience with "caped wonders".

Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" is 5 years after Superman disappeared but before he returned.

Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" is set shortly before and right at the start of Superman Returns.

Superman Returns has two conflicting newspapers, both state September 2006. The first is dated the 28th, while the second, days later in the film, 29th. I personally think the second is accurate as the shot of the newspaper lingers longer. The characters in the film are generally aged in their 40s and 50s, so they're playing older but not impossibly old. Originally, this was supposed to be a continuation of Superman II in a slightly different universe before it was written into one timeline by Crisis on Infinite Earths, hence why they've cast younger actors to portray characters who are around 2 decades older than them. Superman believes he is the last of his kind apparently, so it's possible that Kandor and its survivors were destroyed sometime after Superman '78, leaving Clark an orphan once again, though this is speculation.

Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" features a newspaper with the date "Wednesday, August 19th".

In Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary", there is a discussion about the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic book. In order to reconcile this with the Human Target tie-in comic, it can be assumed that Earth-789's Crisis on Infinite Earths comic was written based on the existing Superman and Supergirl.
John Gray: "-so he has to sacrifice himself in order to save the one, true Earth."

Pastor: "I don't get it."

John Gray: "What don't you get?"

Pastor: "Well, in this one he dies..."

John Gray: "Right."

Pastor: "And then suddenly, in this one, he's alive again."

John Gray: "Exactly. You see, the anti-monitor wants to destroy all the Earths in the multiverse, right? But in order to prevent him from using the anti-matter cannon, the Flash has to give up his own life... and then he comes back. Like Jesus."

In Human Target 1x10, Jessica is handed a note that has the date "2010/02/12".

In Human Target 1x08, the facsimile transmittal sheet has the date "March 10, 2010" on it.

The Flash features a scene with Reeve's Superman and Slater's Supergirl. The present day of the film is 2022, so it is placed there.

Superman = 0000CD
Supergirl = 5DADEC
Batman = 000000
Human Target = FAC51C
The Flash = B8312F
DC's Legends of Tomorrow = 0000FF
Batwoman = 475577
The Flash = E25041

???? B.C.

Superman '78 #4, "Brainiac: Chapter Four" (pg. 1)


Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 2 (0:00:00 - 0:01:27)

Superman II
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:03:08)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 2 (0:05:19 - 0:09:37)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 3 (0:09:38 - 0:11:17)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 4 (0:11:18 - 0:14:36)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 1-11)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 5 (0:14:37 - 0:19:30)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 12-15)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 6 (0:19:31 - 0:22:37)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 16-19)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 7 (0:22:38 - 0:24:07)
Superman '78 #1, "Brainiac: Chapter One" (pg. 1-2)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 20)
Superman '78 #1, "Brainiac: Chapter One" (pg. 3)
Superman '78 #3, "Brainiac: Chapter Three" (pg. 15)
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #1, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter One" (pg. 1)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 7 (0:24:08 - 0:24:21)
Superman Returns Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:05:03)

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:04:23)
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 1 (0:04:24 - 0:04:30) [Phantom Zone]
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 8 (0:24:22 - 0:25:06)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 21-22)

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Chapter 1 (0:04:31 - 0:05:14)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 8 (0:25:07 - 0:26:30)
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 23-24)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 9 (0:26:31 - 0:27:46)

Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth" (pg. 25-30)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 9 (0:27:47 - 0:29:58)
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 8-9)
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #1, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter One" (pg. 2-4)

Batman '89 #1, "Shadows: Chapter One" (pg. 14)

Batman Returns
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:00:57)

December 25
Batman Returns
Chapter 1 (0:00:58 - 0:02:22)
Batman Returns Chapter 2 (0:02:23 - 0:05:30)

Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 14-17)

October 18
Chapter 29 (1:30:15 - 1:32:10)


Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 11)
Superman Returns Chapter 5 (0:17:47 - 0:19:17)


Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 20-21)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 9 (0:29:59 - 0:30:31)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 10 (0:30:32 - 0:34:50)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 11 (0:34:51 - 0:40:14)

Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 23)


Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 12 (0:40:15 - 0:46:42)
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 24)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 13 (0:46:43 - 0:53:21)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 14 (0:53:22 - 0:59:37)

Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Chapter 14 (0:59:38 - 1:00:00)

June 11
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Chapter 14 (1:00:01 - 1:00:12)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 15 (1:00:13 - 1:04:57)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 16 (1:04:58 - 1:09:00)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 17 (1:09:01 - 1:16:18)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 18 (1:16:19 - 1:21:11)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 19 (1:21:12 - 1:23:41)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 20 (1:23:42 - 1:26:49)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 21 (1:26:50 - 1:28:21)
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 6-7)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 21 (1:28:22 - 1:29:52)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 22 (1:29:53 - 1:35:40)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 23 (1:35:41 - 1:37:38)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 24 (1:37:39 - 1:40:17)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 25 (1:40:18 - 1:43:19)

June 18
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 25 (1:43:20 - 1:45:09)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 26 (1:45:10 - 1:50:05)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 27 (1:50:06 - 1:51:23)
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 9)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 27 (1:51:24 - 1:53:07)
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 11-12)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 28 (1:53:08 - 1:56:37)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 29 (1:56:38 - 1:59:48)

June 19
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 30 (1:59:49 - 2:02:33)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 31 (2:02:34 - 2:12:19)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 32 (2:12:20 - 2:14:18)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 33 (2:14:19 - 2:19:18)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 34 (2:19:19 - 2:22:14)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 35 (2:22:15 - 2:23:21)
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 4-5)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 35 (2:23:22 - 2:26:05)
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 10-11)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 36 (2:26:06 - 2:31:33)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 37 (2:31:34 - 2:35:49)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 38 (2:35:50 - 2:38:17)
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 2 (0:05:15 - 0:08:26)
[Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 12)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 38 (2:38:18 - 2:42:33)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 39 (2:42:34 - 2:45:54)
[Erased Lois Dies Timeline]
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 40 (2:45:55 - 2:50:51) [Erased Lois Dies Timeline]
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 41 (2:50:52 - 2:54:10) [Erased Lois Dies Timeline]
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 42 (2:54:11 - 2:55:43) [Erased Lois Dies Timeline]
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 42 (2:55:44 - 2:59:45)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 43 (2:59:46 - 3:00:07)
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 13)
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut Chapter 43 (3:00:08 - 3:01:06)

June 20
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 3 (0:08:27 - 0:11:58) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 4 (0:11:59 - 0:14:56) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 5 (0:14:57 - 0:17:17) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 6 (0:17:18 - 0:19:57) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 7 (0:19:58 - 0:25:05) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 8 (0:25:06 - 0:29:48) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]

June 21
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 9 (0:29:49 - 0:30:35) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]

June 22
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 9 (0:30:36 - 0:33:06) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 10 (0:33:07 - 0:37:58) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 11 (0:37:59 - 0:41:06) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 12 (0:41:07 - 0:46:32) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 13 (0:46:33 - 0:48:20) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 14 (0:48:21 - 0:49:53) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 15 (0:49:54 - 0:50:51) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 16 (0:50:52 - 0:53:54) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 17 (0:53:55 - 1:00:18) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 18 (1:00:19 - 1:03:49) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 19 (1:03:50 - 1:07:20) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 20 (1:07:21 - 1:09:04) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]

June 23
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 21 (1:09:05 - 1:12:19) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 22 (1:12:20 - 1:15:15) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 23 (1:15:16 - 1:18:14) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 24 (1:18:15 - 1:21:13) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 25 (1:21:14 - 1:28:16) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 26 (1:28:17 - 1:31:56) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 27 (1:31:57 - 1:35:45) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 28 (1:35:46 - 1:40:58) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 29 (1:40:59 - 1:45:02) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 30 (1:45:03 - 1:46:36) [Erased Zod Escapes Timeline]

June 24
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
Chapter 31 (1:46:37 - 1:49:06)

Superman II Chapter 3 (0:08:34 - 0:12:18)
Superman II Chapter 4 (0:12:19 - 0:17:58)
Superman II Chapter 5 (0:17:59 - 0:22:33)
Superman II Chapter 6 (0:22:34 - 0:24:44)
Superman II Chapter 7 (0:24:45 - 0:30:13)
Superman II Chapter 8 (0:30:14 - 0:33:12)
Superman II Chapter 9 (0:33:13 - 0:37:13)
Superman II Chapter 10 (0:37:14 - 0:41:44)
Superman II Chapter 11 (0:41:45 - 0:46:20)
Superman II Chapter 12 (0:46:21 - 0:49:44)
Superman II Chapter 13 (0:49:45 - 0:51:42)
Superman II Chapter 14 (0:51:43 - 0:54:56)
Superman II Chapter 15 (0:54:57 - 0:57:56)
Superman II Chapter 16 (0:57:57 - 0:59:04)
Superman II Chapter 17 (0:59:05 - 1:01:42)
Superman II Chapter 18 (1:01:43 - 1:03:43)
Superman II Chapter 19 (1:03:44 - 1:06:34)
Superman II Chapter 20 (1:06:35 - 1:10:31)
Superman II Chapter 21 (1:10:32 - 1:14:42)
Superman II Chapter 22 (1:14:43 - 1:18:13)
Superman II Chapter 23 (1:18:14 - 1:21:39)
Superman II Chapter 24 (1:21:40 - 1:23:31)
Superman II Chapter 25 (1:23:32 - 1:26:12)
Superman II Chapter 26 (1:26:13 - 1:29:12)
Superman II Chapter 27 (1:29:13 - 1:32:23)
Superman II Chapter 28 (1:32:24 - 1:39:44)
Superman II Chapter 29 (1:39:45 - 1:41:44)
Superman II Chapter 30 (1:41:45 - 1:44:12)
Superman II Chapter 31 (1:44:13 - 1:46:39)
Superman II Chapter 32 (1:46:40 - 1:50:27)
Superman II Chapter 33 (1:50:28 - 1:55:38)
Superman II Chapter 34 (1:55:39 - 2:00:45)
Superman II Chapter 35 (2:00:46 - 2:02:33)
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 32 (1:49:07 - 1:50:53)
Superman II Chapter 36 (2:02:34 - 2:03:18)
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Chapter 32 (1:50:54 - 1:51:13)


Superman '78 #1, "Brainiac: Chapter One" (pg. 4-20)
Superman '78 #2, "Brainiac: Chapter Two"
Superman '78 #3, "Brainiac: Chapter Three"
Superman '78 #4, "Brainiac: Chapter Four"
(pg. 2-20)
Superman '78 #5, "Brainiac: Chapter Five"
Superman '78 #6, "Brainiac: Conclusion"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #1, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter One"
(pg. 5-20)
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #2, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Two"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #3, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Three"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #4, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Four"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #5, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Five"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #6, "The Metal Curtain: Conclusion"

Superman III
Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:02:34)

March 12
Superman III Chapter 2 (0:02:35 - 0:08:30)
Superman III Chapter 3 (0:08:31 - 0:12:05)
Superman III Chapter 4 (0:12:06 - 0:14:31)

March 18
Superman III Chapter 5 (0:14:32 - 0:20:00)
Superman III Chapter 6 (0:20:01 - 0:21:54)
Superman III Chapter 7 (0:21:55 - 0:25:42)

March 19
Superman III
Chapter 7 (0:25:43 - 0:26:31)
Superman III Chapter 8 (0:26:32 - 0:28:39)
Superman III Chapter 9 (0:28:40 - 0:30:47)
Superman III Chapter 10 (0:30:48 - 0:32:48)
Superman III Chapter 11 (0:32:49 - 0:37:53)
Superman III Chapter 12 (0:37:54 - 0:39:17)
Superman III Chapter 13 (0:39:18 - 0:43:58)
Superman III Chapter 14 (0:43:59 - 0:44:10)

March 20
Superman III
Chapter 14 (0:44:11 - 0:46:35)
Superman III Chapter 15 (0:46:36 - 0:51:25)
Superman III Chapter 16 (0:51:26 - 0:53:36)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:55:45 - 0:55:48)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:04 - 0:56:07)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:32 - 0:56:38)
Superman III Chapter 16 (0:53:24 - 0:53:36)
(Audio Only)
Superman III Chapter 16 (0:53:37 - 0:53:44)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:53:45 - 0:55:44)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:55:45 - 0:55:48)
(Audio Only)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:55:49 - 0:56:03)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:04 - 0:56:07)
(Audio Only)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:08 - 0:56:31)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:32 - 0:56:38)
(Audio Only)
Superman III Chapter 17 (0:56:39 - 0:59:09)
Superman III Chapter 18 (0:59:10 - 1:02:19)

March 26
Superman III
Chapter 19 (1:02:20 - 1:03:19)
Superman III Chapter 20 (1:03:20 - 1:06:54)
Superman III Chapter 21 (1:06:55 - 1:09:33)
Superman III Chapter 22 (1:09:34 - 1:12:47)
Superman III Chapter 23 (1:12:48 - 1:16:50)
Superman III Chapter 24 (1:16:51 - 1:21:00)

March 27
Superman III
Chapter 24 (1:21:01 - 1:23:38)
Superman III Chapter 25 (1:23:39 - 1:25:52)

March 28
Superman III Chapter 25 (1:23:53 - 1:25:56)
Superman III Chapter 26 (1:25:57 - 1:31:52)
Superman III Chapter 27 (1:31:53 - 1:34:42)
Superman III Chapter 28 (1:34:43 - 1:38:28)
Superman III Chapter 29 (1:38:29 - 1:41:31)
Superman III Chapter 30 (1:41:32 - 1:43:48)
Superman III Chapter 31 (1:43:49 - 1:46:27)
Superman III Chapter 32 (1:46:28 - 1:48:35)
Superman III Chapter 33 (1:48:36 - 1:50:45)
Superman III Chapter 34 (1:50:46 - 1:52:58)
Superman III Chapter 35 (1:52:59 - 1:56:54)
Superman III Chapter 36 (1:56:55 - 1:58:40)
Superman III Chapter 37 (1:58:41 - 2:00:03)
Superman III Chapter 38 (2:00:04 - 2:01:17)

Supergirl: Director's Cut
Chapter 1 (0:02:37 - 0:02:38) [Inner Space]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 2 (0:02:39 - 0:10:19) [Inner Space]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 3 (0:10:20 - 0:12:48) [Inner Space]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 3 (0:12:49 - 0:16:04)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 4 (0:16:05 - 0:20:39)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 5 (0:20:40 - 0:23:24)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 6 (0:23:25 - 0:27:37)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 7 (0:27:38 - 0:33:37)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 8 (0:33:38 - 0:36:33)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 9 (0:36:34 - 0:50:06)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 10 (0:50:07 - 0:51:18)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 11 (0:51:19 - 1:02:46)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 12 (1:02:47 - 1:10:53)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 13 (1:10:54 - 1:25:39)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 14 (1:25:40 - 1:28:40)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 15 (1:28:41 - 1:34:34)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 16 (1:34:35 - 1:39:23)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 17 (1:39:24 - 1:42:20)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 18 (1:42:21 - 1:42:29)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 18 (1:42:30 - 1:45:03)
[Phantom Zone]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 19 (1:45:04 - 1:46:29)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:46:30 - 1:50:12)
[Phantom Zone]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:50:13 - 1:51:15)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:51:16 - 1:55:08)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:55:09 - 1:56:25)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:56:26 - 1:57:13)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 20 (1:57:14 - 1:57:50)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (1:57:51 - 1:59:38)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (1:59:39 - 2:00:17)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:00:18 - 2:01:09)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:01:10 - 2:01:18)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:01:19 - 2:01:28)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:01:29 - 2:01:37)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:01:38 - 2:02:48)
[Phantom Zone]

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 21 (2:02:49 - 2:02:54)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 22 (2:02:55 - 2:02:57)
[Phantom Zone]
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 22 (2:02:58 - 2:09:04)
Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 23 (2:09:05 - 2:12:03)

Supergirl: Director's Cut Chapter 24 (2:12:04 - 2:15:55)
[Inner Space]

August 26
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 2 (0:02:51 - 0:05:10)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 3 (0:05:11 - 0:07:48)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 4 (0:07:49 - 0:10:06)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 5 (0:10:07 - 0:12:39)

August 27
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 6 (0:12:40 - 0:14:42)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 7 (0:14:43 - 0:17:40)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 8 (0:17:41 - 0:20:21)

August 28
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 9 (0:20:22 - 0:22:45)

August 29
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 9 (0:22:46 - 0:24:19)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 10 (0:24:20 - 0:25:44)

August 30
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 11 (0:25:45 - 0:31:05)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 12 (0:31:06 - 0:33:57)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 13 (0:33:58 - 0:35:53)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 14 (0:35:54 - 0:39:31)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 15 (0:39:32 - 0:42:37)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 16 (0:42:38 - 0:44:57)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 17 (0:44:58 - 0:48:22)

August 31
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 18 (0:48:23 - 0:54:15)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 19 (0:54:16 - 0:58:16)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 20 (0:58:17 - 1:02:12)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 21 (1:02:13 - 1:05:21)

September 1
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 22 (1:05:22 - 1:09:57)

September 2
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 23 (1:09:58 - 1:12:38)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 24 (1:12:39 - 1:14:51)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 25 (1:14:52 - 1:19:17)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 26 (1:19:18 - 1:21:35)

September 3
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Chapter 27 (1:21:36 - 1:24:27)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 28 (1:24:28 - 1:26:04)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Chapter 29 (1:26:05 - 1:26:33)

Batman '89: Echoes #4, "Echoes: Chapter 4" (pg. 6)

November 24
Chapter 2 (0:02:33 - 0:07:03)
Batman Chapter 3 (0:07:04 - 0:09:26)
Batman Chapter 4 (0:09:27 - 0:12:21)

November 25
Chapter 5 (0:12:22 - 0:14:41)
Batman Chapter 6 (0:14:42 - 0:17:03)
Batman Chapter 7 (0:17:04 - 0:20:05)
Batman Chapter 8 (0:20:06 - 0:23:57)
Batman Chapter 9 (0:23:58 - 0:27:05)
Batman Chapter 10 (0:27:06 - 0:30:25)

November 26
Chapter 11 (0:30:26 - 0:34:12)
Batman Chapter 12 (0:34:13 - 0:36:13)
Batman Chapter 13 (0:36:14 - 0:38:24)
Batman Chapter 14 (0:38:25 - 0:39:56)

November 27
Chapter 14 (0:39:57 - 0:41:05)
Batman Chapter 15 (0:41:06 - 0:45:06)
Batman Chapter 16 (0:45:07 - 0:48:06)
Batman Chapter 17 (0:48:07 - 0:50:51)
Batman Chapter 18 (0:51:52 - 0:54:18)

November 28
Chapter 19 (0:54:19 - 0:57:53)

November 29
Chapter 20 (0:57:54 - 0:59:33)
Batman Chapter 21 (0:59:34 - 1:06:37)
Batman Chapter 22 (1:06:38 - 1:12:23)
Batman Chapter 23 (1:12:24 - 1:16:16)

November 30
Chapter 23 (1:16:17 - 1:16:28)
Batman Chapter 24 (1:16:29 - 1:18:18)
Batman Chapter 25 (1:18:19 - 1:21:10)
Batman Chapter 26 (1:21:11 - 1:25:29)
Batman Chapter 27 (1:25:30 - 1:27:24)
Batman Chapter 28 (1:27:25 - 1:29:32)
Batman Chapter 29 (1:29:33 - 1:30:14)
Batman Chapter 29 (1:32:11 - 1:33:57)
Batman Chapter 30 (1:33:58 - 1:35:49)

December 1
Chapter 31 (1:35:50 - 1:38:15)
Batman Chapter 32 (1:38:16 - 1:42:43)
Batman Chapter 33 (1:42:44 - 1:46:33)
Batman Chapter 34 (1:46:34 - 1:50:10)
Batman Chapter 35 (1:50:11 - 1:53:19)
Batman Chapter 36 (1:53:20 - 1:59:42)
Batman Chapter 37 (1:59:43 - 2:01:29)

Batman: Resurrection Prologue: So Much to Do... and So Little Time

Batman: Resurrection Act I: A Living Work of Art (Chapter 1-11)
Batman: Resurrection Act II: Art, until Someone Dies (Chapter 12-25)
Batman: Resurrection Act III: Those Wonderful Toys (Chapter 26-37)
Batman: Resurrection Act IV: Who Do You Trust? (Chapter 38-46)
Batman: Resurrection Act V: Time to Pay the Check (Chapter 47-52)

Batman: Revolution** (????, 2025)

Batman '89: Echoes #3, "Echoes: Chapter 3" (pg. 16)

December 20
Batman Returns
Chapter 3 (0:05:31 - 0:07:09)
Batman Returns Chapter 4 (0:07:10 - 0:09:22)
Batman Returns Chapter 5 (0:09:23 - 0:12:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 6 (0:12:48 - 0:17:12)
Batman Returns Chapter 7 (0:17:13 - 0:23:11)
Batman Returns Chapter 8 (0:23:12 - 0:25:18)
Batman Returns Chapter 9 (0:25:19 - 0:28:29)
Batman Returns Chapter 10 (0:28:30 - 0:33:50)

December 21
Batman Returns
Chapter 11 (0:33:51 - 0:40:26)
Batman Returns Chapter 12 (0:40:27 - 0:43:03)
Batman Returns Chapter 13 (0:43:04 - 0:44:11)

December 22
Batman Returns
Chapter 14 (0:44:12 - 0:48:30)
Batman Returns Chapter 15 (0:48:31 - 0:54:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 16 (0:54:09 - 0:55:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 17 (0:55:48 - 0:57:59)
Batman Returns Chapter 18 (0:58:00 - 0:59:43)
Batman Returns Chapter 19 (0:59:44 - 1:02:15)
Batman Returns Chapter 20 (1:02:16 - 1:07:47)

December 23
Batman Returns
Chapter 21 (1:07:48 - 1:10:01)
Batman Returns Chapter 22 (1:10:02 - 1:13:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 23 (1:13:09 - 1:17:58)
Batman Returns Chapter 24 (1:17:59 - 1:20:42)
Batman Returns Chapter 25 (1:20:43 - 1:22:29)
Batman Returns Chapter 26 (1:22:30 - 1:26:43)

December 24
Batman Returns
Chapter 27 (1:26:44 - 1:31:44)
Batman Returns Chapter 28 (1:31:45 - 1:33:47)
Batman Returns Chapter 29 (1:33:48 - 1:38:13)
Batman Returns Chapter 30 (1:38:14 - 1:40:38)
Batman Returns Chapter 31 (1:40:39 - 1:42:43)
Batman Returns Chapter 32 (1:42:44 - 1:44:08)
Batman Returns Chapter 33 (1:44:09 - 1:48:42)
Batman Returns Chapter 34 (1:48:43 - 1:50:45)
Batman Returns Chapter 35 (1:50:46 - 1:53:55)
Batman Returns Chapter 36 (1:54:56 - 1:55:46)
Batman Returns Chapter 37 (1:55:47 - 1:58:21)

December 25
Batman Returns
Chapter 38 (1:58:22 - 2:00:50)

Batman '89: Echoes #1, "Echoes: Chapter 1" (pg. 7)

October 31
Batman '89 #1, "Shadows: Chapter One" (pg. 1-10)

November 1
Batman '89 #1, "Shadows: Chapter One" (pg. 10-20)
Batman '89 #2, "Shadows: Chapter Two" (pg. 1-3)

November 2
Batman '89 #2, "Shadows: Chapter Two" (pg. 4-20)
Batman '89 #3, "Shadows: Chapter Three" (pg. 1-10)

November 3
Batman '89 #3, "Shadows: Chapter Three" (pg. 11-20)
Batman '89 #4, "Shadows: Chapter Four" (pg. 1-8)

November 4
Batman '89 #4, "Shadows: Chapter Four" (pg. 9-20)

Batman '89 #5, "Shadows: Chapter Five"
Batman '89 #6, "Shadows: Finale"

Batman '89: Echoes #3, "Echoes: Chapter 3" (pg. 5-8, 16)
Batman '89: Echoes #1, "Echoes: Chapter 1"

Batman '89: Echoes #2, "Echoes: Chapter 2"

November 4
Batman '89: Echoes #3, "Echoes: Chapter 3" (pg. 1-5, 8-9)

November 5
Batman '89: Echoes #3, "Echoes: Chapter 3" (pg. 10-20)
Batman '89: Echoes #4, "Echoes: Chapter 4" (pg. 1-4)

November 6
Batman '89: Echoes #4, "Echoes: Chapter 4" (pg. 5-20)

Batman '89: Echoes #5, "Echoes: Chapter 5"**
Batman '89: Echoes #6, "Echoes: Chapter 6"**


Batman vol. 3 #135, "The Bat-Man of Gotham: Conclusion" (pg. 27-28)
Dark Crisis: Big Bang (pg. 13)


Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 19)
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 6-7)

Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 10, 13-15)
Superman Returns: Strange Visitor (Prologue)

Superman Returns: Strange Visitor (Chapter 1-14 pg. 130-133)
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 25-26)
Superman Returns: Strange Visitor (Chapter 14, pg. 134-139)
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 16-18)

Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 13, 15, 19-21)
Superman Returns: Strange Visitor (Epilogue)
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 21)

December 25
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 22-23)

Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 24)

Human Target
2x02, "The Wife's Tale" (0:00:00 - 0:01:20)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:00:58 - 0:02:54)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:05:10 - 0:06:16)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:07:54 - 0:14:21)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:14:34 - 0:19:36)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:20:09 - 0:31:15)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:31:32 - 0:36:19)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:38:07 - 0:38:20)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:38:32 - 0:38:46)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:40:36 - 0:42:23)

February 11

Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 1-5, 7)

February 12
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 8, 25-27)

February 13
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane" (pg. 28-30)

Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 21-22)
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor" (pg. 1-3, 8-9, 14-20, 23-29)

September 26
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 1-7, 10, 12-13, 18-19)
Superman Returns Chapter 2 (0:05:04 - 0:07:33)
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 22)
Superman Returns Chapter 3 (0:07:34 - 0:09:49)
Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent" (pg. 27-30)
Superman Returns Chapter 3 (0:09:50 - 0:10:46)
Superman Returns Chapter 4 (0:10:47 - 0:16:31)

September 27
Superman Returns Chapter 5 (0:16:32 - 0:17:46)
Superman Returns Chapter 5 (0:19:18 - 0:19:46)
Superman Returns Chapter 6 (0:19:47 - 0:21:28)
Superman Returns Chapter 7 (0:21:29 - 0:25:22)
Superman Returns Chapter 8 (0:25:23 - 0:27:25)
Superman Returns Chapter 9 (0:27:26 - 0:31:10)
Superman Returns Chapter 10 (0:31:11 - 0:35:08)
Superman Returns Chapter 11 (0:35:09 - 0:38:48)
Superman Returns Chapter 12 (0:38:49 - 0:41:54)
Superman Returns Chapter 13 (0:41:55 - 0:46:48)
Superman Returns Chapter 14 (0:46:49 - 0:49:24)
Superman Returns Chapter 15 (0:49:25 - 0:53:49)
Superman Returns Chapter 16 (0:53:50 - 0:56:48)
Superman Returns Chapter 17 (0:56:49 - 1:01:13)
Superman Returns Chapter 18 (1:01:14 - 1:01:22)

September 28
Superman Returns Chapter 18 (1:01:23 - 1:06:39)
Superman Returns Chapter 19 (1:06:40 - 1:11:48)
Superman Returns Chapter 20 (1:11:49 - 1:17:12)
Superman Returns Chapter 21 (1:17:13 - 1:17:53)

September 29
Superman Returns Chapter 21 (1:17:54 - 1:19:41)
Superman Returns Chapter 22 (1:19:42 - 1:22:58)
Superman Returns Chapter 23 (1:22:59 - 1:28:52)
Superman Returns Chapter 24 (1:28:53 - 1:32:58)
Superman Returns Chapter 25 (1:32:59 - 1:35:48)
Superman Returns Chapter 26 (1:36:49 - 1:40:08)
Superman Returns Chapter 27 (1:40:09 - 1:44:30)
Superman Returns Chapter 28 (1:44:31 - 1:49:27)
Superman Returns Chapter 29 (1:49:28 - 1:51:51)
Superman Returns Chapter 30 (1:51:52 - 1:56:15)
Superman Returns Chapter 31 (1:56:16 - 1:58:33)
Superman Returns Chapter 32 (1:58:34 - 2:01:53)
Superman Returns Chapter 33 (2:01:54 - 2:04:36)
Superman Returns Chapter 34 (2:04:37 - 2:07:42)
Superman Returns Chapter 35 (2:07:43 - 2:11:40)
Superman Returns Chapter 36 (2:11:41 - 2:15:46)
Superman Returns Chapter 37 (2:15:47 - 2:19:37)
Superman Returns Chapter 38 (2:19:38 - 2:20:28)
Superman Returns Chapter 39 (2:20:29 - 2:24:05)
Superman Returns Chapter 40 (2:24:06 - 2:26:32)

Human Target vol. 3 #1, "Scars, Chapter 1: Free Fall" (pg. 2-6)

Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:01:13 - 0:01:28)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:00:58 - 0:01:12)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:01:29 - 0:01:51)
Human Target vol. 3 #1, "Scars, Chapter 1: Friendly Face" (pg. 2-6)

Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:01:52 - 0:02:36)
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "Scars, Chapter 3: Coming to Grips" (pg. 2-6)
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "Scars, Chapter 4: Don't Say It" (pg. 2-6)
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "Scars, Chapter 5: Not Really" (pg. 2-6)

July 28
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:00:00 - 0:04:15)

August 18
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:04:16 - 0:09:02)

August 19
Human Target
1x01, "Pilot" (0:09:03 - 0:40:14)

August 20
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:40:15 - 0:41:19)
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:41:20 - 0:41:25)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:41:26 - 0:41:33)

September 20
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:41:20 - 0:41:25)
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot" (0:41:34 - 0:42:32)

Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:01:03 - 0:01:05) (Audio Only)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:01:06 - 0:03:51)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:03:52 - 0:04:03)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:04:04 - 0:04:11)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:04:12 - 0:04:14)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:04:15 - 0:04:23)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:03:52 - 0:04:03)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:04:12 - 0:04:14)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:04:24 - 0:05:03)

Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:09:30 - 0:17:01)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:18:59 - 0:26:22)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:00:00 - 0:01:05)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:05:04 - 0:09:29)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:17:02 - 0:18:58)
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind" (0:26:23 - 0:43:25)

Human Target 1x03, "Embassy Row"
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:02:37 - 0:04:30)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:04:31 - 0:04:53)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:04:31 - 0:04:40)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:00:00 - 0:00:57)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:04:41 - 0:40:37)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:00:00 - 0:02:36)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:40:30 - 0:40:37) (Audio Only)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:40:38 - 0:40:42)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:40:43 - 0:41:50)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary" (0:40:43 - 0:41:59)

Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:00:00 - 0:06:35)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:07:11 - 0:07:24)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:07:25 - 0:07:35)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:07:36 - 0:07:49)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:06:36 - 0:07:24)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:07:36 - 0:41:48)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:41:52 - 0:41:54)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:41:55 - 0:42:00)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:42:01 - 0:42:18)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:41:49 - 0:41:51)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:41:55 - 0:42:00)
Human Target 1x05, "Run" (0:42:19 - 0:42:48)

Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:00:27 - 0:01:32)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:01:46 - 0:03:09)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:03:44 - 0:03:54)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:03:55 - 0:04:25)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:04:26 - 0:04:49)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:03:55 - 0:04:25)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:00:00 - 0:00:26)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:01:33 - 0:01:45)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:03:10 - 0:03:43)
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown" (0:04:50 - 0:43:03)

Human Target 1x07, "Salvage & Reclamation"

Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:00:00 - 0:00:42)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:00:58 - 0:01:43)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:02:08 - 0:02:26)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:02:31 - 0:03:37)

February 11
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:00:00 - 0:00:42) (Audio Only)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:00:43 - 0:00:57)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:01:42 - 0:01:43)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:01:44 - 0:02:07)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:02:27 - 0:02:30)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:02:31 - 0:02:36)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:03:38 - 0:05:56)

February 12
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:05:57 - 0:39:28)

Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak" (0:39:29 - 0:42:28)

March 10
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:11 - 0:06:18)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:24 - 0:06:27)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:51 - 0:06:55)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:59 - 0:07:03)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:07:09 - 0:07:12)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:02:28 - 0:06:10)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:11 - 0:06:18)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:19 - 0:06:23)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:24 - 0:06:27)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:28 - 0:06:50)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:51 - 0:06:55)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:56 - 0:06:58)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:06:59 - 0:07:03)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:07:04 - 0:07:08)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:07:09 - 0:07:12)
(Audio Only)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:07:13 - 0:07:27)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:09:16 - 0:17:00)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:18:26 - 0:24:53)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:26:21 - 0:32:20)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:33:31 - 0:38:35)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:00:00 - 0:02:27)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:07:28 - 0:09:15)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:17:01 - 0:18:25)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:24:54 - 0:26:20)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:32:21 - 0:33:30)
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste" (0:38:36 - 0:43:01)

Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:00:43 - 0:10:19)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:15:36 - 0:15:45)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:15:54 - 0:16:09)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:16:21 - 0:16:31)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:10:30 - 0:15:36)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:15:45 - 0:15:54)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:16:09 - 0:16:21)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:16:31 - 0:17:02)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:00:00 - 0:00:43)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:10:19 - 0:10:30)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:17:02 - 0:35:51)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:39:37 - 0:40:03)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:33:51 - 0:35:53)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:37:41 - 0:37:48)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:37:54 - 0:38:06)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:38:13 - 0:38:23)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:35:53 - 0:37:41)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:37:48 - 0:37:54)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:38:06 - 0:38:13)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:38:23 - 0:39:37)
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man" (0:40:03 - 0:43:45)

Human Target 1x11, "Victoria" (0:04:01 - 0:04:08)
Human Target 1x11, "Victoria" (0:00:00 - 0:04:01)
Human Target 1x11, "Victoria" (0:04:09 - 0:42:27)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:00:00 - 0:00:58)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:02:54 - 0:05:10)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:06:16 - 0:07:54)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:14:21 - 0:14:34)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:19:36 - 0:20:09)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:31:15 - 0:31:32)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:36:19 - 0:38:07)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:38:20 - 0:38:32)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:38:46 - 0:40:36)
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance" (0:42:23 - 0:43:16)
Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:00:00 - 0:00:51)
Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:00:53 - 0:01:02)
Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:01:05 - 0:01:09)
Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:00:51 - 0:00:53)
Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:01:02 - 0:01:05)

Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:01:09 - 0:06:20)

Human Target vol. 3 #1, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause One: Paris, When It Sizzles!" (pg. 3-13)
Human Target vol. 3 #1, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause One: Paris, When It Sizzles!" (pg. 1-2, 14-16)
Human Target vol. 3 #2, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Two: The Vatican Rag!"
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Three: Death in Venice!"
(pg. 4-12)
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Three: Death in Venice!" (pg. 1-3, 13-16)
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Four: Alpine Panic!" (pg. 4-9)
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Four: Alpine Panic!" (pg. 1-3, 10-16)
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Five: Havoc in Hong Kong!" (pg. 4-7)
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Five: Havoc in Hong Kong!" (pg. 1-3, 8-16)

Human Target vol. 3 #6, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Six: The Long Road Home!"
Human Target vol. 3 #1, "Scars, Chapter 1: Free Fall"
(pg. 1)
Human Target vol. 3 #2, "Scars, Chapter 2: Friendly Face" (pg. 1)
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "Scars, Chapter 3: Coming to Grips" (pg. 1)
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "Scars, Chapter 4: Don't Say It" (pg. 1)
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "Scars, Chapter 5: Not Really" (pg. 1)
Human Target vol. 3 #6, "Scars, Chapter 6: Thin Lines"

Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci" (0:06:20 - 0:42:57)
Human Target 2x02, "The Wife's Tale" (0:01:20 - 0:42:33)
Human Target 2x03, "Taking Ames"

Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:00:00 - 0:04:25)
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:04:46 - 0:05:11)
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:05:28 - 0:05:30)
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:04:25 - 0:04:46)
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:05:11 - 0:05:28)
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste" (0:05:30 - 0:44:01)
Human Target 2x05, "Dead Head"

December 15
Human Target 2x06, "The Other Side of the Mall" (0:00:00 - 0:01:39)

December 16
Human Target 2x06, "The Other Side of the Mall" (0:01:39 - 0:05:09)

December 17
Human Target 2x06, "The Other Side of the Mall" (0:05:09 - 0:25:31)

December 18
Human Target 2x06, "The Other Side of the Mall" (0:25:31 - 0:42:34)


Human Target 2x07, "A Problem Like Maria (Part 1)" (0:00:00 - 0:42:54)
Human Target 2x08, "Communication Breakdown (Part 2)" (0:00:00 - 0:00:57)
Human Target 2x07, "A Problem Like Maria (Part 1)" (0:42:54 - 0:44:01)
Human Target 2x08, "Communication Breakdown (Part 2)" (0:00:57 - 0:39:40)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:00:14 - 0:00:20)
Human Target 2x08, "Communication Breakdown (Part 2)" (0:39:40 - 0:41:48)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:00:24 - 0:00:41)

Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:07:37 - 0:07:54)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:00:00 - 0:00:14)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:00:20 - 0:00:24)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:00:41 - 0:07:37)
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio" (0:07:54 - 0:43:18)

Human Target 2x10, "Cool Hand Guerrero"
Human Target 2x11, "Kill Bob"
Human Target 2x12, "The Trouble with Harry"
Human Target 2x13, "Marshall Pucci"

December 10
Batwoman 1x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2" (0:23:22 - 0:24:12) [Pre-Crisis]
Batwoman 1x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2" (0:25:09 - 0:30:02) [Pre-Crisis]

January 16

DC's Legends of Tomorrow 5x00, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 5" (0:37:32 - 0:37:40)

September 24
The Flash
Chapter 15 (2:02:36 - 2:02:51)
The Flash Chapter 15 (2:03:46 - 2:03:51)

Viewing Order
Superman Returns: Prequel #1, "Krypton to Earth"
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

Superman II
Superman '78 #1, "Brainiac: Chapter One"
Superman '78 #2, "Brainiac: Chapter Two"
Superman '78 #3, "Brainiac: Chapter Three"
Superman '78 #4, "Brainiac: Chapter Four"
Superman '78 #5, "Brainiac: Chapter Five"
Superman '78 #6, "Brainiac: Conclusion"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #1, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter One"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #2, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Two"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #3, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Three"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #4, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Four"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #5, "The Metal Curtain: Chapter Five"
Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #6, "The Metal Curtain: Conclusion"

Superman III

Supergirl: Director's Cut
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Batman: Resurrection
Batman: Revolution
** (????, 2025)
Batman Returns
Batman '89 #1, "Shadows: Chapter One"
Batman '89 #2, "Shadows: Chapter Two"
Batman '89 #3, "Shadows: Chapter Three"
Batman '89 #4, "Shadows: Chapter Four"
Batman '89 #5, "Shadows: Chapter Five"
Batman '89 #6, "Shadows: Finale"

Batman '89: Echoes #1, "Echoes: Chapter 1"
Batman '89: Echoes #2, "Echoes: Chapter 2"
Batman '89: Echoes #3, "Echoes: Chapter 3"
Batman '89: Echoes #4, "Echoes: Chapter 4"
Batman '89: Echoes #5, "Echoes: Chapter 5"
Batman '89: Echoes #6, "Echoes: Finale"**

Batman vol. 3 #135, "The Bat-Man of Gotham: Conclusion"
Dark Crisis: Big Bang

Superman Returns: Strange Visitor
Superman Returns: Prequel #4, "Lois Lane"
Superman Returns: Prequel #3, "Lex Luthor"

Superman Returns: Prequel #2, "Ma Kent"
Superman Returns
Human Target 1x01, "Pilot"
Human Target 1x02, "Rewind"
Human Target 1x03, "Embassy Row"
Human Target 1x04, "Sanctuary"
Human Target 1x05, "Run"
Human Target 1x06, "Lockdown"
Human Target 1x07, "Salvage & Reclamation"
Human Target 1x10, "Tanarak"
Human Target 1x08, "Baptiste"
Human Target 1x09, "Corner Man"
Human Target 1x11, "Victoria"
Human Target 1x12, "Christopher Chance"

Human Target vol. 3 #1, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause One: Paris, When It Sizzles!"
Human Target vol. 3 #2, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Two: The Vatican Rag!"
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Three: Death in Venice!"
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Four: Alpine Panic!"
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Five: Havoc in Hong Kong!"

Human Target vol. 3 #6, "The Wanted: Extremely Dead Contact!, Clause Six: The Long Road Home!"
Human Target vol. 3 #1, "Scars, Chapter 1: Free Fall"

Human Target vol. 3 #2, "Scars, Chapter 2: Friendly Face"
Human Target vol. 3 #3, "Scars, Chapter 3: Coming to Grips"
Human Target vol. 3 #4, "Scars, Chapter 4: Don't Say It"
Human Target vol. 3 #5, "Scars, Chapter 5: Not Really"
Human Target vol. 3 #6, "Scars, Chapter 6: Thin Lines"

Human Target 2x01, "Ilsa Pucci"
Human Target 2x02, "The Wife's Tale"
Human Target 2x03, "Taking Ames"
Human Target 2x04, "The Return of Baptiste"
Human Target 2x05, "Dead Head"
Human Target 2x06, "The Other Side of the Mall"
Human Target 2x07, "A Problem Like Maria (Part 1)"
Human Target 2x08, "Communication Breakdown (Part 2)"
Human Target 2x09, "Imbroglio"
Human Target 2x10, "Cool Hand Guerrero"
Human Target 2x11, "Kill Bob"
Human Target 2x12, "The Trouble with Harry"
Human Target 2x13, "Marshall Pucci"

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Paragons Rising: The Deluxe Edition, "Infinite Luthors"
Batwoman 1x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2"
The Flash 6x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 3"
DC's Legends of Tomorrow 5x00, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 5"
The Flash
Last edited:
honestly, I would explain all the retcons with the Crisis Events. It makes everything more simple and logical. Anyway this is what I think Happened to the Burtonverse and Donnerverse during their Years.



Batman: Returns

Catwoman 80th Annyversary
Supergirl 05X09


Superman: Returns: Prequel #1
Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Superman II

Superman: Returns: Prequel #4
Superman: Returns: Prequel #3
Superman: Returns: Prequel #2

Superman: Returns
Superman III

Supergirl: Director's Cut
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Batwoman 01X09
The Flash 06X09

Batman: Forever
Batman & Robin: Robin: Facing the Enemy
Batman & Robin
Batman & Robin: Batgirl: To Dare the Darkness



Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Superman II
Superman III

Supergirl: Director's Cut
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman '78 #1
Superman '78 #2
Superman '78 #3
Superman '78 #4
Superman '78 #5

Superman '78 #6
Batman: Returns

Batman '89 #1
Batman '89 #2
Batman '89 #3
Batman '89 #4
Batman '89 #5
Batman '89 #6
Batman VOL. 3 #135
Dark Crisis: Big Bang

Superman: Returns: Prequel #1
Superman: Returns: Prequel #4
Superman: Returns: Prequel #3
Superman: Returns: Prequel #2
Superman: Returns
DC's Legends of Tomorrow 08X00



Batman: Returns
The Flash


Superman: The Movie: Extended Cut
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

The Flash



Batman: Returns
Batman: Forever
Batman & Robin: Robin: Facing the Enemy
Batman & Robin
Batman & Robin: Batgirl: To Dare the Darkness

Catwoman 80th Annyversary
The Flash

That's how I personally view it. Also didn't do a Superman Earth in the New 52, since we don't know if Reeves's Superman or Ruth's Superman (or both if they are the same again) survived the flashpoint event).
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I love the fact that now if someone says Pre-Flashpoint Earth-1 you can't know for sure if they are talking about the Arrowverse or the DCEU :p
Batman: Returns
Batman: Forever
Batman & Robin: Robin: Facing the Enemy
Batman & Robin
Batman & Robin: Batgirl: To Dare the Darkness

Catwoman 80th Annyversary
The Flash

That's how I personally view it. Also didn't do a Superman Earth in the New 52, since we don't know if Reeves's Superman or Ruth's Superman (or both if they are the same again) survived the flashpoint event).
Well, there is a mention of a Superman in one of the Batman Schumacher films (I don't remember which one), tough just as a joke, but that would indicate Reeve's or Cage or a version of Routh set in the past.
Well, there is a mention of a Superman in one of the Batman Schumacher films (I don't remember which one), tough just as a joke, but that would indicate Reeve's or Cage or a version of Routh set in the past.
I know about that I (unfourtunally) saw Batman & Robin. But even with that mention, it could be Reeve, Cage or Ruth, but could also be a new actor playing earth-97's Superman. As per now we don't have a lot of informations on the matter.
I have no idea what to designate the Post-Flashpoint Timeline to be honest, lol. I don't exactly know what they're trying to imply with it in regards to what Earth it is.
I would call the post-flashpoint universe "The New 52" like the comics, for leaving it simple, since we had another flashpoint during the pre-crisis era.

for the earths I would say, Earth-89 during flashpoint to call it Earth-89F [89 Flashpoint] or Earth-F, and for the new 52 multiverse, for now I would say that the DCU is the new EARTH-PRIME and Cloney's earth is EARTH-97 for the moment.

P.S. If we have to do a timeline, it's impossible to make one for both the burtonverse and donnerverse. For me DC is going along the crisis events for doing changes and retcon, so in other words for making it simple I would devide the timelines in Multiverse Eras, since these 2 series have a history in changin events and media that take place in the timeline. For how I see it, it's impossible to do and think that we had a "true" timeline, that was always that way from the pre-crisis era to the new 52 era. But anyway, good luck to you mr. pro bot, hope that you could find the solution.
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I would call the post-flashpoint universe "The New 52" like the comics, for leaving it simple, since we had another flashpoint during the pre-crisis era.

for the earths I would say, Earth-89 during flashpoint to call it Earth-89F [89 Flashpoint] or Earth-F, and for the new 52 multiverse, for now I would say that the DCU is the new EARTH-PRIME and Cloney's earth is EARTH-97 for the moment.

P.S. If we have to do a timeline, it's impossible to make one for both the burtonverse and donnerverse. For me DC is going along the crisis events for doing changes and retcon, so in other words for making it simple I would devide the timelines in Multiverse Eras, since these 2 series have a history in changin events and media that take place in the timeline. For how I see it, it's impossible to do and think that we had a "true" timeline, that was always that way from the pre-crisis era to the new 52 era. But anyway, good luck to you mr. pro bot, hope that you could find the solution.
Earth-F is already taken, but yeah, Earth-Flashpoint works for me
Earth-F is already taken, but yeah, Earth-Flashpoint works for me
We don't know if Pre-crisis Earth-F exist during the Flashpoint multiverse, but anyway that's why I left 2 choises to pick.
Arguably, Batman '89 could be canon to the Earth-89 Flashpoint timeline. Not something I personally agree with to be honest, but an interesting idea.
Arguably, Batman '89 could be canon to the Earth-89 Flashpoint timeline. Not something I personally agree with to be honest, but an interesting idea.
leave it to the post-crisis multiverse. It's better this way.

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