Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

I'm curious to see what Disney + does with their timeline. If it's like Multiverse of Madness and they squeeze it into 2024, I'd probably be more open to it. For now though, I feel like 2025 fits better, even with the "6 years" line.
I'm pretty certain that Disney+ will just throw it at the end of the timeline
Where would it make sense to show EDITH's glasses? Even in the slight chance they were in the movie, I don't think Late 2024 really fits given the weather as well as how close in proximity T'Challa's return from the blip and his death would be. I feel like it would have been brought up by Ramonda, Shuri, or Nakia on how unfair/cruel that would be if it were the case. It's bad enough if his death fell in 2024.
In the Ironheart suit up scene, it could been seen the glasses briefly, now i'm not exactly sure they were there since the scene was pretty brief so i'm rewatching the film to be sure

Also, i think we could otherwise guide ourselves by Val's look in the film, even if the look of a person doesn't really can specify when does a film ocurrs i think this would nicely bit after Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow post credit scene
Question: Judging from BP2 and set photos for the Ironheart show, is it conclusive that the Ironheart show is set before or after BP2?
Just got back from Seeing Black Panther: WF omg such a great film tbh this might sound Sacraligious but I was and still am of the belief that Black Panther was very overrated movie (that's just my opinion compared to the other MCU films) but I honestly believe that Wakanda Forever beats the original and is the 2nd best movie of phase 4 only being beaten by Spider-Man No way home because of its nostalgia and multiverse plot points
Anyway I tried to find any dates that stood out to me on Monitors, set props,etc. Nothing.

Just reiterating the stuff people already have on here

Prologue takes place either late 2023 or sometime in 2024 (my guess is around May/June) judging by the short sleeved shirts

Majority of the film takes place an exact year later (again suggesting a May/June 2025 placement because of casual lighter clothing being worn in a large majority of different locations around the world especially in the Virginia and MIT scenes)

And the events in the film span around about a week

Monday - French attack on the Wakandan outreach centre
Tuesday - 1 year anniversary of T'Challa's passing,Queen Romonda talks at the UN meeting,Shuri & Romonda meet Namor
Wednesday - Okoye and Shuri recruit Riri…
Thursday - Okoye returns to Wakanda and is fired…….Namor Attacks Wakanda

Thursday/Friday? - Funeral, Shuri becoming black Panther
Saturday? - Building montage?

Sunday? - Ocean Battle,rescue Ross
Monday? - Shuri goes to Nakia and Mid credits scene

That's a very basic outline of the span of the movie
Just got back from Seeing Black Panther: WF omg such a great film tbh this might sound Sacraligious but I was and still am of the belief that Black Panther was very overrated movie (that's just my opinion compared to the other MCU films) but I honestly believe that Wakanda Forever beats the original and is the 2nd best movie of phase 4 only being beaten by Spider-Man No way home because of its nostalgia and multiverse plot points
I have to agree on your opinion of Black Panther, i actually think Wakanda Forever is better than the original and personally i think it is either my Top 1 or 2 in films from Phase Four
So, I've been narrowing down my personal timeline and thought I would share some personal insights I had regarding Age of Ultron, Civil War, Black Widow, and Black Panther. For the most part, it matches the site, it's just a little more specific and falls later in April causing a crossover into May.
(These are just for the main events of each movie)

Age of Ultron- April 15th-23rd 2015.
Civil War- April 24th, 2016, April 27th-May 1st 2016, May 15th, 2016.
Black Widow- April 30th-May 3rd 2016, May 15th, 2016.
Black Panther- May 4th-12th 2016.

I came up with these dates wanting to follow these points of evidence (some of these have been mentioned before, I'm just including all of my reasoning):
  1. In Civil War, Zemo mentions that he's been working on his plan for "over a year". So, Civil War should at least be over a year since Age of Ultron. Sokovia would fall on April 22nd, 2015, and Zemo's line would fall on April 29th, 2016.
  2. AoS shows us Peggy Carter's obituary. In it, her age is listed as 95 and she was born on April 9th, 1921. So, her death has to occur after April 9th, 2016. Here her death would fall on April 24th, 2016.
  3. As most here know, the beginning of Civil War shows a March dated paper in Lagos and the main events of the movie pick up the following month. The scene at the Avengers compound would be on April 24th.
  4. Civil War also tells us that Charlie Spencer wanted to spend his Summer in Sokovia, so the closer we can get Age of Ultron to Summer while still being April, the better.
  5. Ant-Man ends in October and mentions what seems to be references to Spider-Man. If Peter received his powers 6 months prior to Civil War, then him saying this on April 28th fits.
  6. Clint and Scott are both placed under house arrest for 2 years due to the events of Civil War. Scott's sentence ends in early May 2018 and Clint is shown to still be under it in Mid-May 2018. Once again fitting with April 2016 with them receiving their sentences in May 2016.
  7. Black Panther should begin a week after T'Chaka's death (April 27th, May 4th).
  8. I came up with days of the week from the movies themselves. For example, Age of Ultron should begin on a Wednesday as it's a few days before the party we're told is going to be on Saturday (April 18th). Counting the days after the party has the Sokovia battle fall on the 22nd and I have the scene of Clint returning to his farm on the 23rd. With Civil War, the airport battle should fall on a Friday (April 29th) as Peter then spends the rest of the weekend in Germany before Tony returns him home on Sunday. The Accords signing is a couple of days earlier on Wednesday (April 27th) and a few days prior is Ross at the compound (April 24th).
The reasoning behind Civil War having more of an early April placement in the past is due to the package Tony receives being dated April 14th. Black Widow shows us this scene happens 2 weeks after the events of that movie (her helping Steve in the Raft escape), and there's no way to squeeze the events of CW, BW, and BP before April 14th and still fit with Lagos being "last month" in March. Especially with Peggy's death needing to occur after April 9th. So, like certain dates, I feel like this should be ignored, which the site here has already decided to do.

These dates also account for AoS and for the most part fit well with where the site has the show. For example, 2x14 of AoS mentions a "Taco Tuesday" if you date the surrounding episodes, you get 2x11 ending on March 28th and 2x12 as beginning on April 3rd. The site currently has 2x11 as the last episode in March and 2x12 as the first in April, so it fits perfectly with Age of Ultron. Also, using the "Taco Tuesday" date allows 2x19 and Coulson having the Avengers go after the Scepter occur on a Wednesday, matching perfectly with the movie also needing to begin on that day of the week.
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Question: Judging from BP2 and set photos for the Ironheart show, is it conclusive that the Ironheart show is set before or after BP2?
A lot of the toys for BP list her armor as MK 1, so I assume that her show would be MK 2 or further.
So, I've been narrowing down my personal timeline and thought I would share some personal insights I had regarding Age of Ultron, Civil War, Black Widow, and Black Panther. For the most part, it matches the site, it's just a little more specific and falls later in April causing a crossover into May. (These are just for the main events of each movie)
Age of Ultron- April 15th-23rd 2015.
Civil War- April 24th, 2016, April 27th-May 1st 2016, May 15th, 2016.
Black Widow- April 30th-May 3rd 2016, May 15th, 2016.
Black Panther- May 4th-12th 2016.

I came up with these dates wanting to follow these points of evidence (some of these have been mentioned before, I'm just including all of my reasoning):
  1. In Civil War, Zemo mentions that he's been working on his plan for "over a year". So, Civil War should at least be over a year since Age of Ultron. Sokovia would fall on April 22nd, 2015, and Zemo's line would fall on April 29th, 2016.
  2. AoS shows us Peggy Carter's obituary. In it, her age is listed as 95 and she was born on April 9th, 1921. So, her death has to occur after April 9th, 2016. Here her death would fall on April 24th, 2016.
  3. As most here know, the beginning of Civil War shows a March dated paper in Lagos and the main events of the movie pick up the following month. The scene at the Avengers compound would be on April 24th.
  4. Civil War also tells us that Charlie Spencer wanted to spend his Summer in Sokovia, so the closer we can get Age of Ultron to Summer while still being April, the better.
  5. Ant-Man ends in October and mentions what seems to be references to Spider-Man. If Peter received his powers 6 months prior to Civil War, then him saying this on April 28th fits.
  6. Clint and Scott are both placed under house arrest for 2 years due to the events of Civil War. Scott's sentence ends in early May 2018 and Clint is shown to still be under it in Mid-May 2018. Once again fitting with April 2016 with them receiving their sentences in May 2016.
  7. Black Panther should begin a week after T'Chaka's death (April 27th, May 4th).
  8. I came up with days of the week from the movies themselves. For example, Age of Ultron should begin on a Wednesday as it's a few days before the party we're told is going to be on Saturday (April 18th). Counting the days after the party has the Sokovia battle fall on the 22nd and I have the scene of Clint returning to his farm on the 23rd. With Civil War, the airport battle should fall on a Friday (April 29th) as Peter then spends the rest of the weekend in Germany before Tony returns him home on Sunday. The Accords signing is a couple of days earlier on Wednesday (April 27th) and a few days prior is Ross at the compound (April 24th).
The reasoning behind Civil War having more of an early April placement in the past is due to the package Tony receives being dated April 14th. Black Widow shows us this scene happens 2 weeks after the events of that movie (her helping Steve in the Raft escape), and there's no way to squeeze the events of CW, BW, and BP before April 14th and still fit with Lagos being "last month" in March. Especially with Peggy's death needing to occur after April 9th. So, like certain dates, I feel like this should be ignored, which the site here has already decided to do.

These dates also account for AoS and for the most part fit well with where the site has the show. For example, 2x14 of AoS mentions a "Taco Tuesday" if you date the surrounding episodes, you get 2x11 ending on March 28th and 2x12 as beginning on April 3rd. The site currently has 2x11 as the last episode in March and 2x12 as the first in April, so it fits perfectly with Age of Ultron. Also, using the "Taco Tuesday" date allows 2x19 and Coulson having the Avengers go after the Scepter occur on a Wednesday, matching perfectly with the movie also needing to begin on that day of the week.
Just wanted to say thanks for putting in the hard work for the MCU Timeline stuff about your placement for Ultron to Black Panther, And even putting in the overlapping dates and your working out (you make it look so easy)

I'd love to have a look at your personal timeline document and see if we can collaborate on our placements because atm I feel like I have Phase One and a large Majority of Phase Two completed but am having trouble with a lot of the Netflix,ABC and Hulu Shows overlapping in Phase 3 and the vagueness and inconsistencies of phase 4

(I tried sending this as a conversation but it wouldn't let me)
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Has anyone else mentioned that
Namor calls himself a mutant?
I would assume the term 'mutant' has been recently referred to people who have simply superhuman abbilities, as for why does Namor reffers to himself textually as a mutant (he literally says "I'm a mutant"), we would need an explanation if the term already exists within the MCU and since this is the only time they have used the term 'mutant' in the whole franchise (appart from Bruno saying Kamala has a 'mutation') we would have to know how did the term originated in future projects

About my opinion of keeping Namor a mutant in the MCU, i'm pretty satisfied, after years of having the exclusion of mutants from the MCU due to the rights belonging to Fox, this year we've got introduced 3 of them, with the confirmation of Wolverine also returning in Deadpool 3 and the references he had in She-Hulk, i just hope Marvel treats them right and not just as some random superhumans
Just wanted to say thanks for putting in the hard work for the MCU Timeline stuff about your placement for Ultron to Black Panther, And even putting in the overlapping dates and your working out (you make it look so easy)

I'd love to have a look at your personal timeline document and see if we can collaborate on our placements because atm I feel like I have Phase One and a large Majority of Phase Two completed but am having trouble with a lot of the Netflix,ABC and Hulu Shows overlapping in Phase 3 and the vagueness and inconsistencies of phase 4

(I tried sending this as a conversation but it wouldn't let me)
I'll start a conversation and share some of my breakdowns with you.

EDIT: I'm having trouble starting a conversation too. So, I shared my thoughts here.


  • AoS S2- Black Panther Placements.pdf
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I'm sure people on here are familiar with A Bit of Everything's timeline videos on YouTube. He posted one for Wakanda Forever that
shows the newsticker during the Anderson Cooper scene discussing Ramonda's death is showing "Ritson Signed Trade Pact With New Asgard". While it's not related to the timeline, Ritson is the current U.S. president in the MCU played by Dermot Mulroney who will make his debut in Secret Invasion. I love little moments of world-building like this.
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Talking about Wakanda Forever connections to Secret Invasion, it also looks like the Everett Ross shot from the trailer could be related to him hiding from the CIA after being released by the Midnight Angels
Same I feel like a late May to mid June 2025 timeframe would be perfect not only in terms of continuity (granted that 6 year line isn't great) but also fits perfectly between the end of Moon knight and the Start of She Hulk but I'm still unsure if she hulk starts in late June or early July if someone could figure out how many days pass before the Gala scene on August 16th (with the late June Spider-Man NWH post credits scene it's starting to jumble up to close to other projects)