Timeline Hub

RE: The Stranger Things Timeline...I am coming across a slight issue with a couple of the comics.

I have seen part of Season 4 -- and I am ASSUMING that "Six" is replacing the old "Six" seen in the "Six" comic book. If not, there's a massive continuity issue since the Six seen in Season 4 is a boy AND the old Six in the comics was a girl with long, red hair who was shot and killed to end the series.

Also, the "The Bully" comic basically just ignores things that happened in Season 2. For example, a bunch of kids scare the shit out of Will while he and his friends trick or treat and this triggers him into going to the Upside Down where he sees that huge cloud beast thing before he hides and his friends find him.

In the comic, after the kids scare Will, that "visit" never happens and the bullies that bullied the group try to jump Will instead until he threatens to unleash El on them again. Then they're interrupted by the mean masked kids and have to run off.

There's less of a problem with Six (since her story takes place before the new "Six) and more of an issue with the Bully timeline.

Also, the Suspicious Minds novel tells a different story about El's birth than the show does.

I am really debating on taking the comics and Suspicious Minds out of the overall timeline.

RE: The Stranger Things Timeline...I am coming across a slight issue with a couple of the comics.

I have seen part of Season 4 -- and I am ASSUMING that "Six" is replacing the old "Six" seen in the "Six" comic book. If not, there's a massive continuity issue since the Six seen in Season 4 is a boy AND the old Six in the comics was a girl with long, red hair who was shot and killed to end the series.

Also, the "The Bully" comic basically just ignores things that happened in Season 2. For example, a bunch of kids scare the shit out of Will while he and his friends trick or treat and this triggers him into going to the Upside Down where he sees that huge cloud beast thing before he hides and his friends find him.

In the comic, after the kids scare Will, that "visit" never happens and the bullies that bullied the group try to jump Will instead until he threatens to unleash El on them again. Then they're interrupted by the mean masked kids and have to run off.

There's less of a problem with Six (since her story takes place before the new "Six) and more of an issue with the Bully timeline.

Also, the Suspicious Minds novel tells a different story about El's birth than the show does.

I am really debating on taking the comics and Suspicious Minds out of the overall timeline.
There's another Six in the Far Cry 6: The Vanishing DLC, which is a crossover with Stranger Things set in the present day.

Either this is the Far Cry universe version of the Stranger Things franchise, this crossover is canon to both Far Cry and Stranger Things, or Far Cry and Stranger Things really do share a continuity, which is a little ridiculous. I'm not really a fan of merging Stranger Things and Far Cry canon because of how unrelated they are and being different mediums.
I think it's worth mentioning. I think because of the Six continuity, it is easier to say it is set in the Far Cry canon only.
Here is my DCAU (Timmverse) chronological viewing order.

I started this around late 2012/early 2013 and finished it up only about two years ago. After Star Wars, the DCAU is my personal favorite universe of all time. I spent many many many many long hours researching every minute detail (on-screen media only - not counting video games, books, comics, etc.), re-watching all of the shows multiple times through and trying to figure out every timeline detail possible to make it all mesh. I've read every forum, watched every YouTube video and scrolled through countless comment sections on the subject over the course of about eight years.

In short, this was a labor of love and through much blood, sweat and tears, I've finally come to what I believe is a consistent timeline watch-order. I'm sure it's not 100% perfect, but it's as darn-near close as it can be - at least I'm satisfied with it. This isn't the right order. It's just my order. But if you are someone who wants to binge watch this universe (all on HBOmax I believe), and you care about chronological order, give this a spin and let me know how it flows! As hard as this project was, it was worth it. I've been watching it with my wife - who's seeing it for the first time - and she has really enjoyed it. We started in 2016 and are finally about to start the last quarter of the saga.

Random notes:

- Batman: The Animated Series is pretty episodic/anthology-based so I took a ton of liberties with it. It's very much a custom order based on the idea that the series begins very grounded and slowly introduces more and more fantastical elements and characters as it progresses.

- The Adventures Of Batman And Robin was pretty straightforward. I have most of it taking place after BTAS. According to the original DVDs, there are only ten episodes of this series. Two of the episodes actually take place during and episode of BTAS, which is interesting.

- I have Superman: The Animated Series as a single season, picking up after BTAS and during Batman And Robin. It follows production order.

- The New Superman Adventures aired alongside The New Batman Adventures, so I count them as separate shows from anything previous. Superman plays out in production order with a few exceptions. TNBA seems to be another anthology format, as the series was def. not produced in chronological order. For example, the pilot features Tim Drake as Robin, but he's not introduced until the second episode. Clayface also appears in the pilot, but is re-introduced in a later episode that's supposed to be his first appearance since BTAS. So once again I took a few liberties with TNBA. I first grouped up the solo Batman episodes and placed them in production order as the first few episodes. Then I grouped the episodes featuring only Batgirl and Batman and did the same. Finally, when both Tim Drake and Dick Grayson are introduced in the second episode produced, I placed the Bat-family episodes in production order, with a couple exceptions. Luckily, the series is pretty episodic so it can be watched in pretty much any order. I saved the episode "Legends Of The Dark Knight" for last because it seems to be a fitting finale. The hardest part was figuring out how both series inter-twined with eachother. But I think I figured it out. Update: I recently decided that the Superman episode "The Demon Reborn" kind of un-officially serves as the series finale to the packaged show "The New Superman/Batman so I made sure to wrap up TNBA before that episode.

- Gotham Girls is simply in production order soon after TNBA.

- The single hardest show of this thing to figure out was Static Shock. Seriously, screw that series and it's lack of any sort of internal chronology (and I'm someone who enjoys it - especially the crossover episodes). Production order be damned for this show. I had to break production order, stretch, squeeze, pull, push, nip and tuck to make the series fit and work in context with it's surrounding shows. I think I did it, but again, no matter which way you choose to slice that one, it's a total mess. Figuring out what grade Virgil is in any given episode wasn't easy either. It seems like the creatives just had no clue how to fit the series into the larger DCAU, so they just guessed and let the fans fight over the details.

- Justice League and JLU are simply in production order for the most part. I moved the episodes set in the distance future where they chronologically end. Because of this, the final five episodes of the DCAU are some of the biggest stakes. Basically the Endgame for the franchise. You go from the time travelling fun and crossover of Once And Future Thing to the massive reveals in Epilogue and then cap off the franchise with the DCAU's Death Of Superman equivalent - Hereafter, which makes for an incredible journey's end. It all just works so well.

- Lastly, Batman: Beyond and The Zeta Project weren't easy to place without breaking production order, but I think I figured out the absolute best way and it still isn't entirely ideal. I believe there are at least two different ways to place The Zeta Project, but either way has it's problems, so I chose the one with the least amount of issues. Update: I actually amended this. The Batman/Zeta saga goes like this...

Batman: Beyond – 2.15: "Zeta" Introduces the character. Batman let's Zeta escape.

Batman: Beyond – 2.20: "Plague" - Features Agent Bennet, who Terry already met in "Zeta".

The Zeta Project – 1.01: "The Accomplice" - Follows up with Zeta an unspecified amount of time after it's first appearance in "Zeta".

The Zeta Project – 1.02: "His Maker's Name" - Officially begins Zee and Ro's quest to find Zeta's creator and must be set before "Countdown".

The Zeta Project – 1.08: "Shadows" - Batman recognizes Zeta's "Zee" identity and asks Bruce Wayne to verify it's him. This would seemingly place the episode after "Countdown". He then claims it's his own fault for Zeta running around loose because Zeta promised to not kill anymore (a callback to "Zeta") and that he let him go (another callback to "Zeta", but could be applied to "Countdown" as well). Ro does seem familiar with Batman in a general sense, which would again place this episode after "Countdown". Batman does seem more familiar with Zeta than he does Ro here. The major problem with this episode is that Wayne-Powers is referenced when it should be Wayne-Enterprises by this point due to the previous evidence. That would put this episode before "King's Ransom". Note that this episode aired before "Countdown". This episode does feel more like a direct follow up to "Zeta" than it does "Countdown". Batman is far more aggressive with Zeta in this episode and doesn't seem too friendly, where in "Countdown" he's far more of an ally to both Ro and Zeta. Update: I ended up placing this episode before "Countdown" as a follow up to "Zeta". If we can ignore Batman and Ro's general familiarity with one another, it works just fine.

Batman: Beyond – 3.02: "King's Ransom" - Paxton Power's arrest leaves a power vacuum at the top of Wayne-Powers, which allows Bruce Wayne to re-establish control of the company at some unspecified point in the future prior to the events of "Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker".

Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker - Bruce Wayne returns to his company as CEO and Chairman Of The Board whereupon it was recently renamed back to Wayne Enterprises.

Batman: Beyond – 3.12: "Countdown" - Zee and Ro continue their search for Eli Selig, placing this episode after "His Maker's Name". Ro seemingly meets Batman for the first time here. Zee refers to Batman as "an old friend". Ro seems surprised Zeta has been to Gotham City and has the connection with Batman. Batman sees Zeta's "Zee" hologram/identity by the end and helps him evade capture and escape Gotham City. Note that this episode aired after "Shadows", so it's possible it was always intended to take place after that episode. Also,

The Zeta Project – 1.10: "Taffy Time" - When Zeta saved her life from the bounty hunter Krick, Agent Lee's attitude towards him was shaken. The next time Zeta crossed paths with the NSA ("Ro's Reunion"), Lee was not seen among the agents trying to subdue him. This would place this episode after "Countdown", where Lee is still present with the NSA going after Zeta.

The Zeta Project – 1.13: "Absolute Zero" - A couple small details place this episode after "Countdown". When Agent Bennet runs down the locations where Eli Selig has been seen, he refers to the Gotham Symposium from "Countdown". Also, this the episode where NSA agent Lee resigns.

Most of the DCAU isn't clean. In fact, it's pretty messy and daunting from a chronological stand-point. Multiple series must overlap, which makes it super complicated to figure out since it's hundreds of hours of content spanned across so many different shows. Batman: Beyond is about 20+ hours alone. Visual continuity is something I personally care a lot about (looking at you Static Shock), and in order not to break that, I had to take a few liberties, but I think newcomers wouldn't even notice.

With all of that said, please enjoy my totally schway order! Oh and #keepepilogueasecret
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Bit of a curious enquiry, but has anyone tried to put together a timeline for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (more specifically media set in the original universe [Phantom Blood to Stone Ocean, plus spin-off manga/light novels like Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Purple Haze Feedback, Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak etc...]), because I was thinking of re-reading the manga at some point while I wait for Netflix to release the next batch of Stone Ocean's anime adaptation and the idea kinda just popped in my head.

EDIT: Have begun working on a timeline for JJBA. Thread can be found here for those curious.
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You only need to focus on the crossover stuff regarding Teen Titans Go!, really.
I actually started with only including the episodes that were explicitly referenced in the films (TTG To The Movies and TTG vs TT). But honestly, I think even those can be chalked up to "similar events happened". I'm about to just say screw it and remove all of the TTG episodes because it's kind of a continuity nightmare at this point. I think TTG can be chalked up as "each episode is it's own universe" type thing.
I actually started with only including the episodes that were explicitly referenced in the films (TTG To The Movies and TTG vs TT). But honestly, I think even those can be chalked up to "similar events happened". I'm about to just say screw it and remove all of the TTG episodes because it's kind of a continuity nightmare at this point. I think TTG can be chalked up as "each episode is it's own universe" type thing.
Probably for the best. TTG is set in a world so animated that logic and time has no meaning. Everything shifts constantly.
Apparently the Teen Titans Go! creatives don't consider Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans to be canon anyway, because of Raven's crystal I believe. The Watchtower Database multiverse video showed this message from Fandom.
Of course, I still believe it to be canonical to Teen Titans and the DC Animated Movie Universe. No reason it shouldn't be.
Apparently the Teen Titans Go! creatives don't consider Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans to be canon anyway, because of Raven's crystal I believe. The Watchtower Database multiverse video showed this message from Fandom.
View attachment 822
Of course, I still believe it to be canonical to Teen Titans and the DC Animated Movie Universe. No reason it shouldn't be.
Probably just a fake non-existent fanfic reality similar to Alfred's "Death of Batman" story in The Brave and the Bold cartoon.
I personally take it as there being many Teen Titans Go!-esque universes in the Animated Multiverse. We saw many versions of the Titans in the final battle of that film who had the same appearance and suits that the "prime" Teen Titans Go! universe Titans wore in certain episodes.

The way I see it, the animated multiverse, based on Brave and the Bold and Teen Titans Go!, includes:

Teen Titans Go! Universe if such a thing even exists
Teen Titans Go! (TTGvTT) Universe
Teen Titans (2003) Universe
DC Animated Universe Batman in TTGvTT
The Batman Universe Batman in TTGvTT
Beware the Batman Universe Batman in TTGvTT
Justice League Duology Universe Owlman in TTGvTT
Brave and the Bold Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Superfriends Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Scooby-Doo Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Power Puff Girls TTG crossover
DC Animated Movie Universe Teen Titans in TTGvTT
DC Superhero Girls Universe TTG crossover
-Likely everything else

Also, a version of George Clooney's Batman and Adam West's Batman exist. I guess you could try and connect the live-action and animated universes into the same multiverse but that gets incredibly complicated quickly because of multiversal characters. There's also a rumoured Crisis on Infinite Earths animated movie trilogy, but that's just rumours.
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I personally take it as there being many Teen Titans Go!-esque universes in the Animated Multiverse. We saw many versions of the Titans in the final battle of that film who had the same appearance and suits that the "prime" Teen Titans Go! universe Titans wore in certain episodes.

The way I see it, the animated multiverse, based on Brave and the Bold and Teen Titans Go!, includes:

Teen Titans Go! Universe if such a thing even exists
Teen Titans Go! (TTGvTT) Universe
Teen Titans (2003) Universe
DC Animated Universe Batman in TTGvTT
The Batman Universe Batman in TTGvTT
Beware the Batman Universe Batman in TTGvTT
Justice League Duology Universe Owlman in TTGvTT
Brave and the Bold Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Superfriends Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Scooby-Doo Universe Batmen of the Multiverse
Power Puff Girls TTG crossover
DC Animated Movie Universe Teen Titans in TTGvTT
DC Superhero Girls Universe TTG crossover
-Likely everything else

Also, a version of George Clooney's Batman and Adam West's Batman exist. I guess you could try and connect the live-action and animated universes into the same multiverse but that gets incredibly complicated quickly because of multiversal characters. There's also a rumoured Crisis on Infinite Earths animated movie trilogy, but that's just rumours.
If you are counting universes without dc elements like the Power Puff Girls, then O.K. K.O. let's be Heroes has the episode "Crossover Nexus" that has K.O., Raven from TTG and Garnet from Steven Universe pulled from their universes and pretty much every Cartoon Network Universe is insinuated to take place in the same multiverse
Edit: OK, I watched the watchtower database video and know that you also did because of the screeshot, forget about the above coment
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So here is my "The Batman" chronological viewing order. Just finished this up recently. The series covers about eight years of this Batman's career.

I'm now working on integrating both "Teen Titans" and "Legion Of Superheroes" to create a pretty sweet DC Animated Universe.

- 2000 -

- April -

02. The Batman - 1.01: "The Bat In The Belfry"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 1.02: "Traction"
02. The Batman - 1.03: "Call Of The Cobblepot"
02. The Batman - 1.04: "The Man Who Would Be Bat"
02. The Batman - 1.05: "The Big Chill"
02. The Batman - 1.06: "The Cat And The Bat"

Gotham PD Case Files

02. The Batman - 1.07: "The Big Heat"
02. The Batman - 1.08: "Q & A"
02. The Batman - 1.09: "The Big Dummy"
02. The Batman - 1.10: "Topsy Turvy"
02. The Batman - 1.11: "Bird Of Prey"

- October -

02. The Batman - 1.12: "The Rubberface Of Comedy"
02. The Batman - 1.13: "The Clayface Of Tragedy"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 2.01: "The Cat, The Bat And The Very Ugly"
02. The Batman - 2.02: "Riddled"
02. The Batman - 2.03: "JTV"

- 2001 -

02. The Batman - 2.04: "Swamped"
02. The Batman - 2.05: "Pets"

- February -

02. The Batman - 2.06: "Meltdown"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 2.07: "The Butler Did It"

- December -

02. The Batman - 2.08: "Fire & Ice"

- 2002 -

- July -

02. The Batman - 2.09: "Ragdolls To Riches"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 2.10: "Strange Minds"

- November -

02. The Batman - 2.11: "Grundy's Night" (October 31st – November 1st, 2002)
02. The Batman - 2.12: "The Laughing Bat"

01. The Batman VS Dracula

- 2003 -

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 2.13: "Night And The City"
02. The Batman - 3.01: "Batgirl Begins, Part 1"
02. The Batman - 3.02: "Batgirl Begins, Part 2"

- August -

02. The Batman - 3.03: "A Fistful Of Felt"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 3.04: "A Dark Knight To Remember"
02. The Batman - 3.05: "RPM"
02. The Batman - 3.06: "Cash For Toys"
02. The Batman - 3.07: "Brawn"
02. The Batman - 3.08: "The Laughing Cats"

- October -

02. The Batman - 3.09: "Fleurs du Mal (Flowers Of Evil)"
02. The Batman - 3.10: "The Apprentice"

- November -

02. The Batman - 3.11: "Thunder" (November 2nd – 8th, 2003)

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 3.12: "The Icy Depths"
02. The Batman - 3.13: "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind"

- 2004 -

02. The Batman - 4.01: "A Matter Of Family"
02. The Batman - 4.02: "Team Penguin"
02. The Batman - 4.03: "Clayfaces"
02. The Batman - 4.04: "The Everywhere Man"
02. The Batman - 4.05: "Strange New World"
02. The Batman - 4.06: "The Breakout"

- 2005 -

- February -

02. The Batman - 4.08: "Two Of A Kind" (February 13th – 14th, 2005)

- December -

02. The Batman - 4.09: "Seconds" (December 31st, 2005)

- 2006 -

02. The Batman - 4.10: "Riddler's Revenge"
02. The Batman - 4.11: "Rumors"
02. The Batman - 4.12: "The Joining, Part 1"

- 2007 -

02. The Batman - 4.13: "The Joining, Part 2" (2006 – 2007)
02. The Batman - 5.01: "The Batman/Superman Story Pt. 1"
02. The Batman - 5.02: "The Batman/Superman Story Pt. 2"
02. The Batman - 5.03: "Vertigo"

- August -

02. The Batman - 5.04: "White Heat"

- ???? -

02. The Batman - 5.05: "A Mirror Darkly"
02. The Batman - 5.06: "Joker Express"
02. The Batman - 5.07: "Ring Toss"
02. The Batman - 5.08: "The Metal Face Of Comedy"

- October -

02. The Batman - 5.09: "Attack Of The Terrible Trio" (August 15th – October, 2007)

- 2008 -

02. The Batman - 5.10: "The End Of The Batman"
02. The Batman - 5.11: "What Goes Up..."
02. The Batman - 5.12: "Lost Heroes, Part One"
02. The Batman - 5.13: "Lost Heroes, Part Two"

- 3027 -

- August -

02. The Batman - 4.07: "Artifacts" (August 8th, 3027)
Curious to ask, but any idea if anyone plans on doing a timeline for the American Horror Story franchise? Given the vast timeline that the series encompasses, I have a feeling it's worth considering.

Just to note, this isn't me saying that I plan to do one myself. Believe me, I'm not ready for the insanity that is the AHS franchise.
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Curious to ask, but any idea if anyone plans on doing a timeline for the American Horror Story franchise? Given the vast timeline that the series encompasses, I have a feeling it's worth considering.

Just to note, this isn't me saying that I plan to do one myself. Believe me, I'm not ready for the insanity that is the AHS franchise.
Ik I'm late but when adding American horror story would this include American horror stories too and crime stories?
Question. Would the lotr games games and middle earth games (Mordor and war) be included?
Yes. They're part of the cinematic canon.

People denounced them as non-canon because apparently they don't understand that the films are also a different continuity that contradict the books, and the games are set in the film continuity.
Ik I'm late but when adding American horror story would this include American horror stories too and crime stories?
American Horror Stories, yes, as from what I understand, there are some connections here and there.

American Crime Story and the other American Story series (American Love Story and American Sports Story, which, last I heard, are in the works), however, probably not due to the vastly different genres? But I mean, if nothing in those shows contradicts anything established in AHS, I'd say go for it.
Yes. They're part of the cinematic canon.

People denounced them as non-canon because apparently they don't understand that the films are also a different continuity that contradict the books, and the games are set in the film continuity.
(Though, The Rings of Power have the potential to contradict it I'll add)
Not sure if it's been done before, but considering the various amounts of universes and media (not just the animes but also the various spin-off mangas, light novels, video games etc...), that encompass it, perhaps someone here who knows a lot about the Gundam franchise could create a thread for the various continuities timelines and whatnot.

If it helps, I found a watch order for the Universal Century continuity (the primary timeline for the Gundam franchise) that I've been using to watch the UC animes in chronological order. And then there's also this graphic chart showing the best representation of a Gundam timeline.