After Schism, X-Men: Regenesis.

Uncanny X-Men: Fear Itself spoiler:

It's Colossus on the Uncanny Cover, to Emma's left. He stays with the Cytorakk powers.

Newsarama with more on what's going on post-Schism. Also, spoilers for UXM: FI lie within as well.

Uncanny X-Men #1 (with Emma Frost) looks like Magneto, either Juggernaut or Rockslide(is that his name?), Danger, and I think probably Gambit.
Looking again, Gambit will still be in X-Men Legacy, it looks like. I'm sure that's him with his stick behind Rogue.
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X-Factor and New Mutants covers revealed.

you can see a bigger version here
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The cover/teaser to Wolverine & the X-Men #1:


Sam Guthrie to his right, it looks like. So it could be that Nate Grey replaces him in New Mutants.

Cover to issue #2:

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Gladiator from the Imperial Guard?

I love Bachalo's monsters.
So we're up to what 9 X-team books now if you include Astonishing? Even if you count out the dozen or so solo titles it's safe to say the 90s a back in full swing at Marvel (and DC jjudging by the new costumes).
Nate Grey?! As in, X-Man from Onslaught? He's alive? When/how/why did this happen?
Hmmm, still not sure how i feel about Juggercolossus, but I'm pleased that Piotr and Illyanna are on the same team now. Also, glad Alex is in X-Factor again.
Kitty's going to New York! Toad joins the team?! And no shocker that Gambit stays with Rogue.


Could that be Beast behind Wolverine & Kitty? Looks possible.
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Ultimate Houde said:
Of Course Kitty stays with Wolverine.

Still have no idea how she came back from a giant bullet though.
She's only going because she doesn't like what Colossus did. She'd never just choose Wolverine over the man she's in love with.

Also, she wasn't hurt from the bullet because
of her powers. But due to having stayed intangible for so long, she remained like that even after coming out of the bullet (pulled back to earth by Magneto). She's now back to normal because in the last arc in Uncanny X-Men, an alien killed her by slicing her throat using a sword that can cut anything, even with the state she was in. Afterwards, the alien revived her by sacrificing her life-force and "giving" it to Kitty.
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Kitty's going to New York! Toad joins the team?! And no shocker that Gambit stays with Rogue.


Could that be Beast behind Wolverine & Kitty? Looks possible.

Who's the girl behind Rogue and Shatterstar?