Superman renounces his US citizenship

I'm never buying another Marvel comic again.
A local conservative newspaper writer did a huge Op Ed on this, and I quote; "I cannot let myself believe, that the company that made Captain America, would let a writer do this to Superman.".

But then again, this guy has a hard on for attacking Apple, because Tim Cook (who will most likely take over, when Steve leaves) is gay, and is pushing a pro-gay message. So, facts and this guy seem to be arch-nemeses.
It shouldn't matter, but it's also a stupid thing for them to have slipped in there... It's not like Superman has a paper with him registered as a citizen, and it's not like Clark Kent is renouncing his citizenship. It should have just been a line of "I belong to the world, not to America. I don't care what you think."
So Superman's decsion to renounce his US citizenship has offended you so much that you have decided not buy another Marvel comic again, eh? :wink:

An excellent summary of the events that have transpired.
I'm canceling my subscription to ALL the Deadpool books.

That's 700 dollars Marvel won't be getting from me every month!
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Zombipanda said:
I'm canceling my subscription to ALL the Deadpool books.

That's 700 dollars Marvel won't be getting from me every month!

Same for me, except Wolverine, not Deadpool, and $1200, not $700.
Fox News is mad about this, considering they have almost run out of things to be enraged at in the real world, it was only a matter of time before they got mad about things in fiction.

Their entire network is based around it.....

I will go no further into that joke, don't want infraction for religious bashing, but you all know what I mean
Fox News is mad about...
Those five words basically describes fox news no matter the subject.

As I said in the other thread this just really seem pointless because it's not like Superman actually had citizenship to begin with. Because he really doesn't need it, nor use it so it's just pointless. Superman is just the idyllic symbol Clark Kent uses to inspire the world as he uses his ability for good, it's just so pointless getting upset over the citizenship of what is, basically, a fictional character...




Heyyyy... wait a second...
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Do you guys know who wrote the story where Superman announced this? None other than David Goyer, the writer of the next Superman movie.

Uh oh.