The All About Manga Thread

HSDK 401, the magnificentness still continues. the one thing alot of have been waiting for.....has Kenichi finally lost all self control?
The last few chapters have been great, I wonder if
is gone for good.

I think he is,
Because when Agaard falls he says "We Kill, they Bring down without Killing, and I think cuz Kenichi checked for pulse

I really can't forgive the first part of this arc with the naked chicks. That was annoying.

its the balance I guess, he gave the fans a little bit of eye candy,
goes and kills Appachai
I haven't read it for I don't know how long, but apparently Bleach is ending.

I'm kind of surprised it's leaving. I always thought Bleach was one of those mainstays in life. You'd wake up, the sun would shine, and One Piece, Naruto and Bleach would still running.

On the other hand, who cares? I used to love the series (particularly the early stuff before they got to Soul Society) but it's amazing just how badly it jumped the shark.

alright so what are some great manga sites?

onemanga shut themselves down.
mangafox doesn't get Naruto.
narutocentral is going through a site facelift but can't get their act together.

Scanlations have been seriously hurting the profits of Viz Media and the offical translators, so they threatened a lawsuit.
It's not ending.

The author said he has a six month arc and a two year long arc.

OK, my bad. Sorry.

I assumed (hence the "apparently") that Bleach was ending, because I honestly couldn't see a way for the series to continue based on the summaries I read.
this must be a week of return of the living dead for almost all manga or something.

HSDK: see above
Byakuran and his angle wings visit Yamamoto in the hospital
Kabuto raises his army of dead ninja

these are only mainstay manga i follow, anyone else read a manga this week where the dead raise again?
So Psyren has replaced the pretty boy, Sephiroth like main villain with...a meteor with boobs. Cool.

The 4th Ninja World War is about to begin! The return of the Yellow Flash is imminent.

I admit that I think the premise of "Blackest Night" works better in Naruto then in the DCU.

It's not really enough to make me care again, though.
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