Story was okay....but I brought this cuz the art was spectacular. :D
Bass said:
I found Hush to be absolute bollocks. It was a ****ing train crash of a story. Loeb just had a different Batvillain show up each issue so Lee could draw them continually saying "It's all connected" even though it wasn't at all. It was a mystery Loeb didn't seem to know the answer too as all the clues and motivations are explained in the last issue, because they're not set up.

Don't mean to put a downer on this thread - but I hate Hush.

Bass, I know you're not a Loeb fan, but have you read Dark Victory and Long Halloween??

I agree that Hush wasn't always that great (but also think it was a fun read, and Jim Lee on the title set the tone for all the bat titles out thes days), but Long Halloween and Dark Victory are actually intelligent, and the latter actually makes his making Dick Grayson his sidekick more understandable.
Just read both TPBs. I can't say that I'm impressed. I just really don't like Batman.

The art was good. I'm starting to like Lee more and more again.

The writing was ok....but overall....I just didn't like it. I figured out who was behind it all by the end of the 3rd issue. If I wasn't trapped in this room for 12 hours---I would've put this down long ago.

I'm taking these 2 books and DMZ TPB back to the bookstore for my money back.
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I didn't hate it, like Bass and moonmaster, but I wasn't as impressed as most people. It was an alright story, but it suffered from the same thing 90% of Loeb's stories suffer from... He just throws in a new villain every issue. Goddammit dude. Instead of using EVERY character from Bats' rogue's gallery, why don't you drop a few of them and try making more interesting characters? Bastard...

Lee's work was pretty sharp though. I dig the costume he made for Catwoman.

Dark Victory wasn't even that great either.
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Victor Von Doom said:
Just read both TPBs. I can't say that I'm impressed. I just really don't like Batman.

The art was good. I'm starting to like Lee more and more again.

The writing was ok....but overall....I just didn't like it. I figured out who was behind it all by the end of the 3rd issue. If I wasn't trapped in this room for 12 hours---I would've put this down long ago.

I'm taking these 2 books and DMZ TPB back to the bookstore for my money back.

You didn't figure out who the guy behind it all was at the end of the 3rd issue. You guessed. Just like the Fourth Man and the Traitor, there aren't enough clues to figure it out.
ProjectX2 said:
You didn't figure out who the guy behind it all was at the end of the 3rd issue. You guessed. Just like the Fourth Man and the Traitor, there aren't enough clues to figure it out. don't know my deduciary skills. I so knew it was gonna be Riddler as soon as Bats said he was no threat.

Such a hater....
Victor Von Doom said: don't know my deduciary skills. I so knew it was gonna be Riddler as soon as Bats said he was no threat.

Such a hater....

Well, go read Planetary. I'm sure you'll guess who The Fourth Man is in the first six pages.
ProjectX2 said:
Well, go read Planetary. I'm sure you'll guess who The Fourth Man is in the first six pages.

It's Rommel, the Desert Fox.

I've just read the first volume, but I knew it after the 2nd issue.
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I loved HUSH and could not put it down. I actually gasped out loud when it was revealed who Hush actually is. I admit it did get a bit needlessly convoluted towards the end, like when Scarecrow just rides up on a motorcycle out of no where. That was a bit much.

Also, in the scene where you actually find out that
was behind everything all along, did it make anyone else angry the way they arranged the pages? For the entire left leaf, you're not supposed to know who Batman's talking to, but the whole right leaf is just one huge picture of
the Riddler in his bright green suit
, which you see immeadiately, ruining the tension of the left leaf. That annoyed me.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Planet-man said:
I loved HUSH and could not put it down. I actually gasped out loud when it was revealed who Hush actually is. I admit it did get a bit needlessly convoluted towards the end, like when Scarecrow just rides up on a motorcycle out of no where. That was a bit much.

Also, in the scene where you actually find out that
was behind everything all along, did it make anyone else angry the way they arranged the pages? For the entire left leaf, you're not supposed to know who Batman's talking to, but the whole right leaf is just one huge picture of
the Riddler in his bright green suit
, which you see immeadiately, ruining the tension of the left leaf. That annoyed me.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I do. It would have been effective in an issue, where they would have been seperated by an ad or something, but in a trade, it's just WHAM, culprit revealed before you know why.
Zombipanda said:
It's Rommel, the Desert Fox.

I've just read the first volume, but I knew it after the 2nd issue.

It's actually
Jenny Sparks.
Nice tie-in by Mr. Ellis.
Everyone should read Hush Returns.

It doesn't matter if you loved or hated it. It was all awesome. With Green Arrow, Promethus, Joker, Ridder. It was great. I gave a rundown in the Batman thread.
I asked my comic book place today for Batman hush vol 1 and 2. He said that he didn't have the tpbs in stock however he did have batman 608-619 in stock and said that they were all the issues of it. So I bought them.

Was he correct or did I just get ripped off?

Also the last cover that has all the villains on it looks great.
If you bought Hush for anything less than a discount price, you were ripped off. It's just mindless Summer Blockbuster fun.
If you bought Hush for anything less than a discount price, you were ripped off. It's just mindless Summer Blockbuster fun.

I bought it as I like Poison Ivy stories and she's in it. Plus it was TOG's list of recommended batman books
I want to get this... But can't find the second half, so there is no use in buying the first.

Plus, I have a difficult time with flipping through the first one and noticing that Batman is punching Superman and drawing blood... Hmm...
I want to get this... But can't find the second half, so there is no use in buying the first.

Plus, I have a difficult time with flipping through the first one and noticing that Batman is punching Superman and drawing blood... Hmm...

I believe Batman is using his Kryptonite ring at the time.

No, I first read this in 2005. Since then, I've become less enthused with it as I've read other Batman stories. It's still good, just not as good as I thought it was.