Urban Legends...

the watcher

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
Everyone has at least heard one tale of Uban Myth. So which one have you heard? In this thread type out one or more of you favorite Urban Legends. They can be funny, scary, sad, twisted (but not too twisted),true, fake and/or inspiring.

here's a few scary ones for you...

A teen couple is making out in his car with the radio on when the boy suggests they have sex. The girl agrees at first, but before things get going, she starts to get a strange feeling. Just then, a report comes over the radio about a madman who has escaped from a nearby asylum, and is armed with a hook. The girl pressures the boy into leaving, as she's now scared out of her wit's end. The boy reluctantly takes her home, but when he gets out to let the girl out of her side, he sees a hook jammed in the side of the door.

Variations on this one include a version where the teenage boy isn't so lucky:

A girl someone at college knew was travelling in her boyfriend's car late at night through the local woods when their car suddenly started spluttering and stalled. They'd run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. At first she thought it might be a ruse by her boyfriend to attempt to get sex from her, but the concern on his face soon squelched that. It was pitch black, and the only light they could see was coming from what looked like a mansion or hospital some miles away. The boyfriend told her to lock the doors and wait while he went for help.
Hours passed, and still no sign of him. She was beginning to get very nervous. Still more time went by, when she was startled by a horrendous banging on the back, then the top of the car. Before she could scream, the car was surrounded by police cars with lights flashing and sirens wailing.

A voice over a loud-hailer told her: "Get out of the car slowly, walk steadily towards the police line, and don't, repeat don't, look around." She did as she was told, but as she neared the police line, she couldn't stop herself looking round at the car to see what was making the awful thumping noise . . . only to see an escaped psychopath banging her boyfriend's severed head on the car roof.

In a college town at the local college, a girl who has a really promiscous roommate would often walk in on her. The roommate would get angry and insist that she not distrub her and her boyfriend while they were messing around. Well, one night, the girl came home and heard suspicous sounds coming from her room. So she wouldn't disturb her roommate, she quietly opened the door and simply crawled into bed. When she woke the next morning, she found her roommate dead, and the chilling message 'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?' written in blood on the wall.

In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed.
She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale.

And what was in the envelope? "This is the last one I am sending you today."

Driving home alone one evening, a young woman notices an old lady with a large shopping bag trying to hitch a lift in her direction. Feeling charitable, and in spite of her vow never to pick up hitch-hikers when alone, the girl stops and offers the hitch-hiker a ride. With much gratitude the old lady accepts and gets into the car. The young woman is about to drive away when she notices that her "female" passenger has large hairy arms and wrists.
Guessing instantly that the old lady is in fact a man, she pretends to be having trouble with the car and asks him to get out and check if the rear lights are working. As soon as the "old lady" is round the back of the car, the young woman immediately locks the doors and drives away.

In fear she goes straight to the police station where she is questioned and the car is searched. In the shopping bag the hairy-handed hitch-hiker has left behind, the police find a large and very sharp blood-stained axe -- all ready for the next victim.

It was a dark and foggy night. Cathy was having trouble staying awake and the road was slick. Her anxiety level was not helped by the fact that she was running low on gas and didn't know where the next town was. Finally, just as she thought she would have to pull over and sleep till morning on the side of the road, a tiny gas station appeared -- very rundown, but a gas station nonetheless. She pulled in. The attendant made his way around the car and seemed to be very distracted as she asked him to fill it up, and even seemed to be making faces at her. He finally agreed to get the gas, but then asked her to pop the hood of the car because it "smelled like trouble." Her anxiety from being on the road was starting to flare up again, she was all alone in a creepy gas station out in the middle of nowhere and an attendant was finding reasons to keep her there. He asked her to come look at the engine, he had to "show her something". Not knowing what else to do, almost as if in a daze, she did as he asked, all the while wondering why she didn't scream. As she rounded the front of the car he grabbed her arm and said, "This car needs a tow, you'll have to come with me into the office." Then he put his hand over her mouth and forced her into the office. She began to bite his hand once they were inside and he let her go and said, "I'm sorry, but there is a man crouched down in the backseat of your car and I didn't want him to know that I'd seen him."

A young couple living in a large isolated house had gone out to a dinner party one evening and left the baby-sitter in charge of their two children. The children had been put to bed and the baby-sitter was watching the television when the phone rang. She answered but all she heard was a man laughing hysterically and then a voice saying, "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up." Thinking it was "one of those phone calls" or a practical joke she slammed down the receiver and turned the television sound up. A short time later the phone rang again and, as she picked it up, the unmistakable hysterical laughter came down the line and the voice once again said "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up."
Getting rather frightened she called the operator and was advised they would notify the police and, should he phone again, could she keep him talking in order to give them time to trace the call and have him arrested. Minutes after she replaced the receiver the phone rang again and, when the voice said, "I'm upstairs with the children, you'd better come up," she tried to keep him talking. However, he must have guessed what she was trying to do and he put the phone down.

Only seconds later the phone rang again, this time it was the operator who said, "Get out of the house straight away, the man is on the extension line!" The baby-sitter put down the phone and just then heard someone coming down the stairs. She fled from the house and ran straight into the arms of the police. They burst into the house and found a man brandishing a large butcher's knife. He had entered the house through an upstairs window, murdered both the children and was just about to do the same to the poor baby-sitter.

Supposedly if you go into your bathroom and turn out the lights, look into the mirror and chant 'Bloody Mary' 13 times, a vengeful spirit will appear and claw at your face.

Here's how I always heard the story. You go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off (this works well in a bathroom). You begin, in a whisper, to chant "bloody mary. bloody mary, Bloody Mary", as you continue to chant your voice should grow louder and louder into a near scream. While you are chanting you should be spinning around at a medium rate and taking a glimpse in the mirror at each pass. Near the 13th repetition of the words..."she" should appear and...?

A frend of mine said that her roommate tried this and ran out screaming from the bathroom. She was shaking and appeared genuinely terrified and refused to talk about the incident, but those who were around her when she came out noticed that her clenched fingers were covered in blood.

I have have heard rumors of some haunted railroad tracks. I have heard this in my own home town, and variants nationwide. This is a popular one!
The story goes, a school bus full of children had stalled on these tracks with a train coming. The train was going too fast for there to be time to get the children off. They were all killed horribly when the train it them. The rumor has it that if you put your call in Neutral and wait a while, the spirits of the dead children will push your car off the tracks. Proof of this is in the fact that little handprints will appear in the dust on the back of the car.
Another variation of this one is children who were somehow killed at the base of a hill; putting your car in neutral will result in it being pushed uphill, with the same handprints as proof.

A marble gravestone in an old deserted cemetery in the local town was the legendary site for a the local frats and sororities. In this cememtary is a marble statue of a seated lady, her hands outstretched to all that pass by the resting place. The legend stated that the woman in the grave had died of a broken heart when jilted by her fiancé. The reason for the trip was an initiation rite: new members had to spend the night sitting in the statue's lap. But the last time anyone tried this, the young woman who sat in the statue's lap met with a tragedy. The difference, you see, was that the young woman was a direct descendant of the fiancé!
The next morning the young girl was discovered, still sitting in the statue's lap. She was dead. On her body were found marks as though she had been held in a superhuman clutch. Perhaps the seated lady had gained revenge.

Once there was a a beautiful young girl who lived in a small town just south of Farmersburg. Her parents had to go to town for a while, so they left their daughter home alone, but protected by her dog, which was a very large collie. The parents told the girl to lock all the windows and doors after they had left. And at about 8:00pm the parents went to town. So doing what she was told the girl shut and locked evey window and every door. But there was one window in the basement that would not close completely.

Trying as best as she could she finally got the window shut, but it would not lock. So she left the window, and went back upstairs. But just to make sure that no one could get in, she put the dead-bolt lock on the basment door.

Then she sat down had some dinner and decided to go to sleep for the night. Settling down to sleep at about 12:00 she snuggled up with the dog and fell asleep.

But at one point, she suddenly woke up. She turned and looked at the clock...it was 2:30. She snuggled down again wondering what had woken her.....when she heard a noise. It was a dripping sound. She thought that she had left the water running, and now it was dripping into the drain of her sink. So thinking it was no big deal she decided to go back to sleep.

But she felt nervous so she reached her hand over the edge of her bed, and let the dog lick her hand for reasurance that he would protect her. Again at about 3:45 she woke up hearing drippping. She was slightly angry now but went back to sleep anyway. Again she reached down and let the dog lick her hand. Then she fell back to sleep.

At 6:52 the girl decided that she had had enough...she got up just in time to see her parents were pulling up to the house. "Good,"she thought. "Now somebody can fix the sink...'cause I know I didn't leave it running." She walked to the bathroom and there was the collie dog, skinned and hung up on the curtain rod. The noise she heard was its blood dripping into a puddle on the floor. The girl screamed and ran to her bedroom to get a weapon, incase someone was still in the house.....and there on the floor, next to her bed she saw a small note, written in blood, saying: HUMANS CAN LICK TOO MY BEAUTIFUL.

Its just like from an alien movie be very careful when u get caught with dust...as following pics will show effects of bad dust to a person.

While he was walking he felt an eye irritation, thinking that it was just regualr dust, he started to rub his eye, in an effort to remove the dust.... then his eyes got really red, and he went and bought some eye drops from a pharmacy....few days passed n his eyes were still red and seems a little swollen.

Again he dismissed it as the constant rubbing and that it will go away. The days go by the swelling of his eye got worse, redder and bigger.... till he decided to go and see a doctor for a check up.

The doctor immediately wanted an operation, being afraid of a tumor growth or cyst. At the operation, what was thought to be a growth or cyst, actually turned out to be a live worm..... what was thought initially to be just mere dust actually was an insect's egg......because of that, my friends, if you do get caught in dust, and the pain persists, please go see a doctor immediately...... thank you....

The Truck

Once a semi famous television actress was walking alone in Canada. She foolishly wandered into the street and was about to be hit by a truck, but she was saved by a fat comic geek. The geek asked her if she was okay and the stunned celebutant was too shocked to answer. So the nerd took her to his home, fed her, and bathed her until she got better. But when she did regain her senses he refused to let her leave. He held her against her will and told his internet friends they were dating. She screamed for help, but there is no help in Canada. Days passed and every day he took her out of her cage to stroke her hair, but one day he stroked her hair so hard that he snapped her neck. Then he got on the interweb and told everyone about it... but he left out the part where he killed her and pretended they had teh secks!!!
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It's so gross but I can't look away. Seriously though I love Urban Legends
The Truck

Once a semi famous television actress was walking alone in Canada. She foolishly wandered into the street and was about to be hit by a truck, but she was saved by a fat comic geek. The geek asked her if she was okay and the stunned celebutant was too shocked to answer. So the nerd took her to his home, fed her, and bathed her until she got better. But when she did regain her senses he refused to let her leave. He held her against her will and told his internet friends they were dating. She screamed for help, but there is no help in Canada. Days passed and every day he took her out of her cage to stroke her hair, but one day he stroked her hair so hard that he snapped her neck. Then he got on the interweb and told everyone about it... but he left out the part where he killed her and pretended they had teh secks!!!
:lol: And McCheese fulfills the obligatory requirements for any Watcher thread.
Poor Optimus Prime.
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Flick says he saw some grizzly bears near Pulaski's candy store!
The Truck

Once a semi famous television actress was walking alone in Canada. She foolishly wandered into the street and was about to be hit by a truck, but she was saved by a fat comic geek. The geek asked her if she was okay and the stunned celebutant was too shocked to answer. So the nerd took her to his home, fed her, and bathed her until she got better. But when she did regain her senses he refused to let her leave. He held her against her will and told his internet friends they were dating. She screamed for help, but there is no help in Canada. Days passed and every day he took her out of her cage to stroke her hair, but one day he stroked her hair so hard that he snapped her neck. Then he got on the interweb and told everyone about it... but he left out the part where he killed her and pretended they had teh secks!!!

The Death of the McCheese

Once their a little geek (with a small problem, that this person won't go into because it would be mean, even though the geek was being a total jerk.) named McCheese that thought he was cool. He thought he could get away with anything. That he could say anything he wanted and nothing bad could ever happen to him.

One day he though he'd impress everyone by constantly making fun of the person that everyone made fun of, cause he thought thats what it takes to be cool. But little did he know that the person that everyone constantly made fun of, was on the edge of having psychotic break. I mean who could of know a person could have a limit to how many times a person could be made a fool of, right? It's not like anyone ever went on a killing spree over this type of stuff or anything, right. And amazingly the person that everyone made fun of decided that he would go off on the very next person that made fun of him. (suspenseful righ? didn't see that one coming...) The person tha everyone made fun of waited for a time that all the people that make fun of him we're in one place.

And thought to himself, Could he kill a person? Is he willing to give up his life for the death of a creep. He paused for a second and thought yes, it would be woth it just see the look on the face of the creep that made fun of him as he finally realized (when it was to late) that, it's not a good idea to constantly make fun of someone cause other people thought it was funny. The guy that everyone had a second thought that he shouldn't do this. But the geek decide that he'd go for one more joke, just to make sure his level of coolness was set. And with that little tiny joke it pushed the guy so far over the edge there was nothing anyone could have said or done to stop him for puting an end to the geek once and for all. the guy got everything ready, his plan was set.

The day of the comic convention came. As they walked in they notest a big section of the sidewalk was painted but they couldn't make out what it was. But they decide to go on and not think of it. Everyone was having fun, even the little geek. All of a sudden someone came out of the shadows and grabbed the little geek. The guy ran with the little geek over his sholder, he ran to the hightest point of the building and tossed the little geek over ledge. The frends of the geek ran after the guy but it was to late. They looked over and saw their friend dead and as they looked at him the notest the painting on the sidewalk and it read like this.

Who's Laughing Now, McCheese.

And as they look at it. They couldn't help but notest that the bloody little smear that use to be their friend just happened to dot the i, in laughing. And they could help but think if only they hadn't made fun of the guy so often. If only they'd had listen to his pleades for them to stop. Their little geeky friend might still be alive.
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I am never going to a comic convention if the watcher is attending.
The Death of the McCheese

Once their a little geek (with a small problem, that this person won't go into because it would be mean, even though the geek was being a total jerk.) named McCheese that thought he was cool. He thought he could get away with anything. That he could say anything he wanted and nothing bad could ever happen to him.

One day he though he'd impress everyone by constantly making fun of the person that everyone made fun of, cause he thought thats what it takes to be cool. But little did he know that the person that everyone constantly made fun of, was on the edge of having psychotic break. I mean who could of know a person could have a limit to how many times a person could be made a fool of, right? It's not like anyone ever went on a killing spree over this type of stuff or anything, right. And amazingly the person that everyone made fun of decided that he would go off on the very next person that made fun of him. (suspenseful righ? didn't see that one coming...) The person tha everyone made fun of waited for a time that all the people that make fun of him we're in one place.

And thought to himself, Could he kill a person? Is he willing to give up his life for the death of a creep. He paused for a second and thought yes, it would be woth it just see the look on the face of the creep that made fun of him as he finally realized (when it was to late) that, it's not a good idea to constantly make fun of someone cause other people thought it was funny. The guy that everyone had a second thought that he shouldn't do this. But the geek decide that he'd go for one more joke, just to make sure his level of coolness was set. And with that little tiny joke it pushed the guy so far over the edge there was nothing anyone could have said or done to stop him for puting an end to the geek once and for all. the guy got everything ready, his plan was set.

The day of the comic convention came. As they walked in they notest a big section of the sidewalk was painted but they couldn't make out what it was. But they decide to go on and not think of it. Everyone was having fun, even the little geek. All of a sudden someone came out of the shadows and grabbed the little geek. The guy ran with the little geek over his sholder, he ran to the hightest point of the building and tossed the little geek over ledge. The frends of the geek ran after the guy but it was to late. They looked over and saw their friend dead and as they looked at him the notest the painting on the sidewalk and it read like this.

Who's Laughing Now, McCheese.

And as they look at it. They couldn't help but notest that the bloody little smear that use to be their friend just happened to dot the i, in laughing. And they could help but think if only they hadn't made fun of the guy so often. If only they'd had listen to his pleades for them to stop. Their little geeky friend might still be alive.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, I can't wait to meet you at the con.
My favorite Urban Legend is that Fred Rogers (sic Mr Rogers) was a Marine Corps sniper in Vietnam, and the reason why he always wore long sleeved sweaters are to cover the tattoos.

Truth: Fred never served in the military, (in which he'd been 35 at the start) in fact he was on television in regional and Canadian programming through the entirety of the war. The long sleeved sweater thing, was just a comfort thing.

Interesting Fact: Fred's older foster brother George, was a flight instructor and Tuskegee Airman.
My favorite Urban Legend is that Fred Rogers (sic Mr Rogers) was a Marine Corps sniper in Vietnam, and the reason why he always wore long sleeved sweaters are to cover the tattoos.

Truth: Fred never served in the military, (in which he'd been 35 at the start) in fact he was on television in regional and Canadian programming through the entirety of the war. The long sleeved sweater thing, was just a comfort thing.

Hahaha, forgot about that one. His IMDb board was littered with topics asking about that last year.
The Death of the McCheese

Once their a little geek (with a small problem, that this person won't go into because it would be mean, even though the geek was being a total jerk.) named McCheese that thought he was cool. He thought he could get away with anything. That he could say anything he wanted and nothing bad could ever happen to him.

One day he though he'd impress everyone by constantly making fun of the person that everyone made fun of, cause he thought thats what it takes to be cool. But little did he know that the person that everyone constantly made fun of, was on the edge of having psychotic break. I mean who could of know a person could have a limit to how many times a person could be made a fool of, right? It's not like anyone ever went on a killing spree over this type of stuff or anything, right. And amazingly the person that everyone made fun of decided that he would go off on the very next person that made fun of him. (suspenseful righ? didn't see that one coming...) The person tha everyone made fun of waited for a time that all the people that make fun of him we're in one place.

And thought to himself, Could he kill a person? Is he willing to give up his life for the death of a creep. He paused for a second and thought yes, it would be woth it just see the look on the face of the creep that made fun of him as he finally realized (when it was to late) that, it's not a good idea to constantly make fun of someone cause other people thought it was funny. The guy that everyone had a second thought that he shouldn't do this. But the geek decide that he'd go for one more joke, just to make sure his level of coolness was set. And with that little tiny joke it pushed the guy so far over the edge there was nothing anyone could have said or done to stop him for puting an end to the geek once and for all. the guy got everything ready, his plan was set.

The day of the comic convention came. As they walked in they notest a big section of the sidewalk was painted but they couldn't make out what it was. But they decide to go on and not think of it. Everyone was having fun, even the little geek. All of a sudden someone came out of the shadows and grabbed the little geek. The guy ran with the little geek over his sholder, he ran to the hightest point of the building and tossed the little geek over ledge. The frends of the geek ran after the guy but it was to late. They looked over and saw their friend dead and as they looked at him the notest the painting on the sidewalk and it read like this.

Who's Laughing Now, McCheese.

And as they look at it. They couldn't help but notest that the bloody little smear that use to be their friend just happened to dot the i, in laughing. And they could help but think if only they hadn't made fun of the guy so often. If only they'd had listen to his pleades for them to stop. Their little geeky friend might still be alive.
So you're saying you're so over-sensitive and mentally off-balance that someone ribbing you on the internet will cause you to go into an insane murderous anger?

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